Active Users:167 Time:02/06/2024 08:39:53 AM
Oh dear, who ever let you two get into a subthread together? Legolas Send a noteboard - 15/03/2010 10:31:24 PM
So in other words you were at wotmania far longer than I. I'm sorry you missed the CMB when it was still an awesome place. For all that CERTAIN PEOPLE think I get all my news from DailyKos (I think I've been there MAYBE a half dozen times in as many years) my main news outlet used to be the wotmania CMB, because I knew that ANY news story would show up there hours, sometimes days, before it appeared anywhere else, and the breadth, depth and civility of discussion would outstrip all or most other sources. I'm actually at something of a loss these days, because there are few other places I know to get timely news accounts that don't favor one perspective over others, when they don't just gloss over the issue in a blurb.

I have to say, I think you have a bit rose-coloured glasses here. Wotmania being better than most of the rest of the net is a fact, but regrettably that's not saying much. There's always been drama and harsh words. The only real difference is that there were more people and so political posts weren't quite as repetitive with the same people clashing in almost every thread - and people weren't quite as clique-ish about the politics as a result. Plus, there was the incomparable aerocontrols and his talent for annihilating shoddy arguments from any side without getting harsh or insulting about it. Having "critiques" from him on my posts certainly helped me.

... okay, maybe I do agree with you after all, then. But it did go into shouting matches at times, trust me.

TX does at least have open primaries, but at the core I think people should be able to vote in all primaries for the same reason I'm offended by comments on "Real America. " If any party seeks to represent the nation, or claims to, then the whole nation should have a say in its leadership, and we'd probably have less extremist nominees were that the case. The spectacle that, IMHO, doomed McCain by forcing him to shed his moderate image to win a primary with the base then try to shed a RIGHT WING image to win the general election is one very familiar to Democrats. For decades national candidates couldn't get nominated without appeals to most far left elements of the base, which then came back to haunt them during the general campaign. Letting everyone vote in every primary would go along way toward ending the factionalism Washington rightly rejected as harmful to the nation.

I agree with this, but only as an inferior alternative for tackling the problem at the base and getting rid of the 100% FPTP system Congress now has - like Isaac suggests. Since that's likely never going to happen, the inferior alternative is probably best.

Healthcare needs to be split into separate bills, but tort reform needs to be included because that's how massive bills enact things that can't stand on their own merit? Surely if we can justify tort reform as part of one massive healthcare bill, we can justify HEALTHCARES inclusion on the same basis. Personally, I'm a little sick of the political calculus in which BOTH sides are evaluating healthcare legislation solely in terms of how it will impact the midterms. LBJ took his lumps on Medicare and the Civil Rights Act despite having to run a re-election campaign along the way, because they were the right thing to do. But Obama is no LBJ or FDR, as becomes more apparent daily.

It's very odd with Obama. Like Isaac says, you have to wonder who's advising him - I don't even think his unfulfilled promises during the election campaign were insincere at the time he made them, yet you really can't say he looks like he's trying very hard to fulfill them.

Congress is less puzzling - there it's just a matter of perverse incentives that need to be dealt with one way or another if government in the US is to improve substantially (can you tell I'm an economist? ).
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Palin reads Cheat Notes. - 08/02/2010 12:43:02 AM 1320 Views
Is it really worse than reading answers on a teleprompter? sorry, I see no big deal here. *NM* - 08/02/2010 01:02:49 AM 211 Views
yes yes it is. a teleprompter is subtle - 08/02/2010 01:22:17 AM 501 Views
a teleprompter is not subtle - 08/02/2010 02:25:46 PM 441 Views
staring openly and blatantly at your hand is? *NM* - 08/02/2010 03:09:25 PM 285 Views
I think if anyone else had done the dame thing we wouldn't even had heard about - 08/02/2010 06:13:44 PM 438 Views
you're right, we probably would not have heard about it - 08/02/2010 07:56:09 PM 475 Views
Yes for what the notes were - 08/02/2010 12:44:35 PM 466 Views
no biggie *NM* - 08/02/2010 02:00:12 AM 234 Views
Isn't her 15 minutes over yet? *NM* - 08/02/2010 02:45:58 AM 315 Views
This only obscures the rational reasons for duly decrying her political popularity. Moooooooo. *NM* - 08/02/2010 03:19:45 AM 287 Views
I disagree, I think it underscores it. - 08/02/2010 03:39:57 AM 435 Views
Or they might believe that a far left liberal - 08/02/2010 04:16:51 AM 451 Views
Calling someone who needs a cheat sheet for their talking points stupid isn't an ad hominem, IMHO. - 08/02/2010 12:13:36 PM 452 Views
soory but your wrong, again - 08/02/2010 02:23:31 PM 411 Views
You shouldn't need reminders of your major themes after two years pushing them. - 08/02/2010 02:55:22 PM 439 Views
That's a bit silly - 08/02/2010 08:40:25 PM 603 Views
I'm perfectly happy to discuss her positions; I just think Huckabee does a better job of it. - 09/02/2010 10:26:54 AM 616 Views
Well, let's discuss some of these points - 09/02/2010 07:13:33 PM 625 Views
Re: Well, let's discuss some of these points - 10/02/2010 09:15:04 AM 648 Views
Re: Well, let's discuss some of these points - 10/02/2010 06:49:51 PM 696 Views
Ironically, Palin seems to agree this is different than using a teleprompter for a speech. - 11/02/2010 09:05:19 AM 592 Views
Again, two seperate things - 11/02/2010 09:51:15 PM 431 Views
Agreed, but Palin and other Republicans, not I, drew the comparison. - 15/02/2010 01:02:25 PM 558 Views
Just to get the obligatory Feinstein comment out of the way... - 15/02/2010 11:43:42 PM 627 Views
Hadn't heard, actually. - 19/02/2010 06:58:50 AM 561 Views
Re: Hadn't heard, actually. - 19/02/2010 08:32:11 AM 551 Views
Ah. - 23/02/2010 09:55:45 PM 633 Views
Re: Ah. - 24/02/2010 01:32:34 AM 585 Views
Yeah, I think we've reached an understanding if not agreement. - 01/03/2010 03:51:49 AM 577 Views
Re: Yeah, I think we've reached an understanding if not agreement. - 01/03/2010 11:46:24 PM 766 Views
Re: Yeah, I think we've reached an understanding if not agreement. - 05/03/2010 12:11:48 AM 662 Views
Random Title - 05/03/2010 02:49:59 AM 575 Views
Re: Random Title - 15/03/2010 05:37:22 AM 510 Views
Re: Random Title - 15/03/2010 09:17:53 PM 823 Views
Re: Random Rejoinder - 29/03/2010 03:45:08 PM 553 Views
Re: Random Rejoinder - 30/03/2010 12:34:23 AM 1191 Views
Oh dear, who ever let you two get into a subthread together? - 15/03/2010 10:31:24 PM 637 Views
Ben was asleep at the switch, clearly. - 29/03/2010 02:48:46 PM 595 Views
oh yes, and the right never uses ad hominem - 08/02/2010 03:56:42 PM 405 Views
This is petty and also rather ignorant - 08/02/2010 03:59:40 AM 585 Views
There had to be better ways, though - 08/02/2010 08:36:50 AM 356 Views
so you're saying you're as dumb as sarah palin? - 08/02/2010 10:55:00 AM 409 Views
Basically yes - 08/02/2010 06:57:16 PM 471 Views
a couple of points... - 09/02/2010 01:53:29 AM 432 Views
Let me get this straight. - 08/02/2010 03:59:40 AM 505 Views
Okay, folks, it's not that she had a cheat sheet. - 08/02/2010 04:39:06 AM 469 Views
Style is EVERYTHING, dammit! *NM* - 08/02/2010 05:34:14 AM 246 Views
As Cheat Sheet was raised as an objection, so it clearly was - 08/02/2010 06:16:57 AM 564 Views
It's completely unprofessional - 08/02/2010 08:27:47 AM 428 Views
why? - 08/02/2010 02:29:44 PM 456 Views
well it's all she's got going for her. *NM* - 08/02/2010 03:10:37 PM 195 Views
You know that's a good question - 08/02/2010 05:19:10 PM 420 Views
maybe you are just projecting - 08/02/2010 06:15:57 PM 428 Views
well what is the association we have with notes on hands? - 08/02/2010 07:58:41 PM 445 Views
or people on the far left are being grossly disingenuous - 08/02/2010 08:18:06 PM 557 Views
dude, only posted it because it was funny - 08/02/2010 08:43:55 PM 417 Views
I agree on your title - 09/02/2010 11:30:11 AM 492 Views
Who cares? She's hot. *NM* - 08/02/2010 03:06:58 PM 211 Views
I agree with your first sentence. *NM* - 08/02/2010 03:07:31 PM 271 Views
I also totally agree with that first sentence. *NM* - 08/02/2010 03:48:24 PM 236 Views
Much ado about nothing. She was just making sure she didn't forget anything. - 09/02/2010 02:00:56 AM 404 Views
No, humble would have been note cards. *NM* - 09/02/2010 05:55:27 AM 212 Views
Nah, note cards can be dropped or lost. - 09/02/2010 03:03:25 PM 417 Views
She's such a retard. *NM* - 09/02/2010 02:46:51 AM 236 Views
Maybe - 09/02/2010 09:29:45 AM 458 Views
No offense, girlie. - 09/02/2010 11:36:55 AM 555 Views
She should have left herself a note... - 09/02/2010 11:04:34 PM 423 Views

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