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Bringing AfD into the government is another option Tom Send a noteboard - 22/11/2017 06:57:37 PM

However, the simple fact is that the AfD remains a single-issue party, regardless of what anyone says to the contrary. They're not a reincarnation of the Nazi Party, they aren't a developed party with a program that draws people for its coherence. They just want the illegals out - now. I have no means of proving it conclusively, but everything I've seen and heard from actual Germans and polls of actual Germans conducted by others leads me to believe that the overwhelming majority of CDU-CSU voters are with the AfD on immigration to one degree or another (not everyone wants to use them as alternative fuel sources to light town streets at night, but they want them gone).

New elections in which the CDU-CSU coalition jettisons Merkel and adopts a much tougher position on immigration, accelerating forced deportations, cutting benefits, extending a ban on bringing family members for 10 years, demanding integration in a linguistic and cultural sense, zero tolerance on people who try to impose barbaric ideas on Germans or fellow "migrants", etc., would completely destroy the AfD as a party and lead to most of those voters returning to the CDU-CSU. It would also allow a CDU-CSU/FDP/AfD coalition because getting rid of Merkel makes that possible.

Alternatively, jettisoning Merkel and letting Seehofer form the CDU-CSU/FDP/AfD coalition now would avoid new elections. The hubris and arrogance of one fat, sad old woman who should be running a dairy in Saxony rather than a country, is derailing everything else that Germany could accomplish, all because she can't admit to a mistake of colossal and potentially nation-destroying import.

And that, honestly, is the first time I think we can legitimately compare her to Hitler.

Political correctness is the pettiest form of casuistry.

ἡ δὲ κἀκ τριῶν τρυπημάτων ἐργαζομένη ἐνεκάλει τῇ φύσει, δυσφορουμένη, ὅτι δὴ μὴ καὶ τοὺς τιτθοὺς αὐτῇ εὐρύτερον ἢ νῦν εἰσι τρυπώη, ὅπως καὶ ἄλλην ἐνταῦθα μίξιν ἐπιτεχνᾶσθαι δυνατὴ εἴη. – Procopius

Ummaka qinnassa nīk!

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Germany is in CHAOS! - 21/11/2017 01:41:14 AM 916 Views
hyperbole? *NM* - 21/11/2017 01:47:45 AM 177 Views
Isn't that one of the rules of the internet? - 21/11/2017 01:53:07 AM 302 Views
Only if you're a NY Post or Daily News headline writer. *NM* - 21/11/2017 01:58:27 AM 191 Views
Or WaPo, or HuffPo, or NYT - you know, partisan rags *NM* - 21/11/2017 08:41:05 PM 196 Views
Amongst those whose agendas are to create confusion and chaos. - 21/11/2017 01:23:49 PM 282 Views
I think it is your agenda when mookie is around - 21/11/2017 08:47:03 PM 270 Views
To what do you refer? - 22/11/2017 12:55:55 AM 334 Views
Mookie are you having any memory problems? Anonymous2000 has been doing hyperbole for decades! *NM* - 21/11/2017 02:59:31 AM 180 Views
His subject line was a particularly egregious example. *NM* - 21/11/2017 03:11:14 AM 179 Views
Egregious is a funny word both to say and to spell *NM* - 21/11/2017 03:35:39 AM 194 Views
But not as well as Cannolli. He needs to step up his game. *NM* - 21/11/2017 01:24:24 PM 144 Views
Damn Straight! - 21/11/2017 08:59:26 PM 355 Views
Didn't Nekro eat it? *NM* - 21/11/2017 09:13:30 PM 163 Views
The fact that the dancing banana is gone... - 21/11/2017 09:17:59 PM 313 Views
People abused the use and power of the dancing banana - 21/11/2017 09:32:10 PM 308 Views
Germany is becoming more normal. - 21/11/2017 01:20:35 PM 277 Views
Do you know who else wanted to restore order in Germany? *NM* - 21/11/2017 02:29:34 PM 217 Views
Bismarck, Bethmann-Hollweg, Stresemann, Brüning, von Papen, Schleicher, Hitler, Adenauer, Brandt... - 21/11/2017 08:40:31 PM 359 Views
*CLAPS* BRAVO! - 22/11/2017 12:57:12 AM 360 Views
Oh please. Call me when they pass one year without a coalition, and we'll talk. - 21/11/2017 05:47:36 PM 441 Views
To be fair - 21/11/2017 06:05:12 PM 310 Views
Details. - 21/11/2017 06:24:15 PM 297 Views
Maybe it's not Lindner who needs to "get over it"? Maybe it's Merkel? - 21/11/2017 08:44:37 PM 303 Views
Wait, so your idea is to have new elections without Merkel in which the Union will greatly improve? - 21/11/2017 11:12:49 PM 328 Views
The only reason the AfD won 94 seats is because of Merkel - 22/11/2017 06:02:31 AM 538 Views
But are we talking what might have been here, or predictions for new elections? - 22/11/2017 06:46:39 PM 293 Views
Bringing AfD into the government is another option - 22/11/2017 06:57:37 PM 601 Views
This is a good point. - 22/11/2017 01:02:51 AM 306 Views
What happens in Belgium stays in Belgium - 21/11/2017 08:42:03 PM 304 Views
They eat french fries with mayonnaise *NM* - 21/11/2017 08:45:58 PM 165 Views
No, see, the puking face is because you don't know real mayonnaise. - 21/11/2017 10:50:29 PM 313 Views
I have made my own mayonnaise from scratch. - 22/11/2017 03:42:19 AM 244 Views
So delicious. - 22/11/2017 01:04:07 AM 478 Views
That is actually an excellent question. *NM* - 21/11/2017 10:48:38 PM 163 Views

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