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It is indeed Floffe Send a noteboard - 14/08/2018 08:25:00 PM

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Damn, that's comforting to know.

I came back here when my ex broke up with me.
--- signature starts here ---

I am the Demon of Delightfulness and Sinister Smirkings!

identity named after the Terry Pratchett of 18th century mathematics
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A new board awakens... - 03/05/2017 02:06:44 PM 18401 Views
Thank you so much! - 03/05/2017 08:03:43 PM 1986 Views
*points and giggles* - 03/05/2017 08:58:17 PM 2050 Views
BIG THANKS! Very nice job. - 04/05/2017 02:04:42 AM 2095 Views
And I like the new topic options. *NM* - 04/05/2017 02:06:19 AM 1326 Views
And we live again *NM* - 08/05/2017 04:01:58 AM 1285 Views
All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again. *NM* - 18/01/2018 04:16:27 AM 1166 Views
Holy hell, this site still lives. - 14/08/2018 03:52:06 AM 1746 Views
It is indeed - 14/08/2018 08:25:00 PM 1689 Views
It's hanging in there, yeah. *NM* - 15/08/2018 05:10:35 PM 1141 Views

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