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not exactly damookster Send a noteboard - 27/08/2018 07:44:51 PM

He offered condolences on Twitter. There was no Office of the President official release. Also the flag at the White House is back at full staff today when typically it remains at half staff until interment.



"Bustin' makes me feel good!"

Ghostbusters, by Ray Parker Jr.
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Ben Shapiro totally nails it with today's column about John McCain - 27/08/2018 07:03:51 PM 759 Views
Re: Ben Shapiro totally nails it with today's column about John McCain - 27/08/2018 07:40:34 PM 446 Views
not exactly - 27/08/2018 07:44:51 PM 393 Views
Re: not exactly - 31/08/2018 06:00:23 PM 406 Views
- 27/08/2018 11:12:37 PM 393 Views
You are so amazingly, hilariously lacking in self-awareness - 28/08/2018 08:13:46 AM 414 Views
So I've got to ask. - 27/08/2018 11:36:07 PM 350 Views
when you say "every other American conservative," do you mean literally every second one? - 27/08/2018 11:51:32 PM 421 Views
I didn't exactly count them. But it sometimes sure seems like it. - 28/08/2018 12:08:12 AM 392 Views
Fox and the mainstream... - 28/08/2018 12:31:30 AM 415 Views
Re: So I've got to ask. - 28/08/2018 08:05:45 AM 409 Views
And who is 'no one', exactly? - 28/08/2018 06:51:10 PM 344 Views
That would be true, if historical context was not a thing - 28/08/2018 03:36:56 PM 359 Views
Yes - 28/08/2018 04:17:24 PM 308 Views
It may not have been true several decades ago, but it certainly is now. - 28/08/2018 07:12:47 PM 357 Views
Liberal Media / The Media is a mental shortcut - 28/08/2018 07:42:32 PM 454 Views
~displays Reactance to being called out for employing rhetorical heuristics~ - 28/08/2018 08:05:44 PM 358 Views
Toby / West Wing: Fartoost. Don't bring the Yiddish unless you know what you're doing. - 28/08/2018 08:37:57 PM 526 Views
Farshteyn is the Yiddesh equivalent of the Italian, Capice. - 28/08/2018 08:55:44 PM 371 Views
Capicola and Gabagool - 28/08/2018 09:09:35 PM 305 Views
Bah! - 28/08/2018 09:17:17 PM 318 Views
She was 16 or 17 in that tv scene - 28/08/2018 09:32:50 PM 432 Views
Mookie if you were a Chris - 28/08/2018 08:43:10 PM 447 Views
I'm Chris Pratt? Or I'm Peter Quinn? *NM* - 28/08/2018 08:51:31 PM 241 Views
You are Chris Pratt *NM* - 28/08/2018 08:53:25 PM 165 Views
I heard 240 papers endorsed Clinton - 28/08/2018 11:43:05 PM 305 Views
Context Collapse - 28/08/2018 11:52:57 PM 331 Views
McCain was definitely a Thor - 28/08/2018 08:58:02 PM 334 Views
I hesitate to ask this - 29/08/2018 12:07:00 AM 339 Views
Gives Mookie the Look *NM* - 29/08/2018 12:10:04 AM 174 Views
couldn't do it, huh? *NM* - 29/08/2018 12:21:11 AM 424 Views

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