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And who is 'no one', exactly? Legolas Send a noteboard - 28/08/2018 06:51:10 PM

If you're complaining so much about the liberal establishment, why is it that you keep accepting the liberal establishment's definitions of which media is good and which is not?

Looking at national American newspapers, conservative ones like the WSJ or NY Post rank near the top just like the NYT, WaPo and LA Times, plus some comparatively neutral ones like USA Today. Among cable news networks, Fox News has consistently had the highest viewership for more than 15 years. And, as you might have noticed, Republicans currently hold the presidency and both houses of Congress despite the best efforts of the NYT and WaPo to achieve the opposite - while the president at times seems to base all his policies on what he sees on Fox News on any given day.

So if you want to complain about unfair prejudice in liberal circles against the WSJ or Fox, or the arrogance of the NYT or WaPo, fine. But when the WSJ, Fox and other conservative news sources clearly have the readership/viewership numbers and clearly have the influence over the party in power today, then how does it make sense to keep pretending that 'the media' in general is anti-conservative?

View original postBecause no one treats them as such. Fox has always been treated as partisan, and the Journal is also seen as such. Even conservatives are more willing to admit to those than liberals are to admit the NY Times or Washington Post or the major network news shows are liberal. It's not like Republicans vs Democrats, or BLM vs the KKK, it's the police vs BLM, except the police are explicitly anti-black as a matter of policy, and 90% of them admit to being members of the Klan.

View original postYou, yourself, have repeatedly demonstrated ignorance of American idioms & generally accepted perceptions. You hear the names of a few major sources, and disingenuously act as if there is some sort of parity there, when Shapiro had to prove himself with alternative media sources before moving into the ranks, whereas until the internet came along, he would never have got a job at a major television network or other widely available media outlet. For decades the left had a monopoly with the network news and major newspapers, which has only increased with the consolidation of media companies. And beyond the newsmedia is the entertainment media. What is the conservative equivalent of Disney, which can buy up intellectual properties created by left wingers decades ago and say "No, not liberal enough for us, let's make them full bore SJW!"

Nice try, but 'you're not American, go away' is not a very impressive argument, nor is 'oh, look at how things were twenty years ago'. Perhaps you could try bringing factual arguments about the strength in numbers and in influence of today's news media?

Your point about the entertainment media is a much better one, though I don't think it's particularly relevant to this column on how 'the media' wrote about John McCain. One of the main factors there, I would say, is that most of the American entertainment industry has long been targeting not only the American market but also the European one and to varying extents those of other continents. If I recall correctly, for Disney in particular, 60 percent of their average box office is made outside of the US, and most of that would be in markets that are more liberal by American standards. Hence it makes commercial sense for them to be more liberal than the American average - especially considering how absurdly difficult it would be for any would-be conservative-inspired challenger to reach a scale where they can seriously compete with Disney. Though now you're beginning to see more and more the influence of the Chinese market, which is more conservative in at least some regards though perhaps not in others.

View original postIt's exactly the power dynamic leftists describe when trying to get around the fact that every minority group out there has legal equality.

Sure, except that in that case the numbers make pretty clear that in reality the minority groups are still far worse off. I haven't seen any numbers from you on this particular power dynamic, or at least not current ones, only complaints that liberals look down on conservative news media - sure they do, but that doesn't mean that those conservative channels or newspapers don't have plenty of readers/viewers or influence.

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Ben Shapiro totally nails it with today's column about John McCain - 27/08/2018 07:03:51 PM 759 Views
Re: Ben Shapiro totally nails it with today's column about John McCain - 27/08/2018 07:40:34 PM 446 Views
not exactly - 27/08/2018 07:44:51 PM 393 Views
Re: not exactly - 31/08/2018 06:00:23 PM 406 Views
- 27/08/2018 11:12:37 PM 393 Views
You are so amazingly, hilariously lacking in self-awareness - 28/08/2018 08:13:46 AM 414 Views
So I've got to ask. - 27/08/2018 11:36:07 PM 350 Views
when you say "every other American conservative," do you mean literally every second one? - 27/08/2018 11:51:32 PM 421 Views
I didn't exactly count them. But it sometimes sure seems like it. - 28/08/2018 12:08:12 AM 392 Views
Fox and the mainstream... - 28/08/2018 12:31:30 AM 415 Views
Re: So I've got to ask. - 28/08/2018 08:05:45 AM 409 Views
And who is 'no one', exactly? - 28/08/2018 06:51:10 PM 345 Views
That would be true, if historical context was not a thing - 28/08/2018 03:36:56 PM 360 Views
Yes - 28/08/2018 04:17:24 PM 308 Views
It may not have been true several decades ago, but it certainly is now. - 28/08/2018 07:12:47 PM 357 Views
Liberal Media / The Media is a mental shortcut - 28/08/2018 07:42:32 PM 455 Views
~displays Reactance to being called out for employing rhetorical heuristics~ - 28/08/2018 08:05:44 PM 358 Views
Toby / West Wing: Fartoost. Don't bring the Yiddish unless you know what you're doing. - 28/08/2018 08:37:57 PM 526 Views
Farshteyn is the Yiddesh equivalent of the Italian, Capice. - 28/08/2018 08:55:44 PM 371 Views
Capicola and Gabagool - 28/08/2018 09:09:35 PM 305 Views
Bah! - 28/08/2018 09:17:17 PM 318 Views
She was 16 or 17 in that tv scene - 28/08/2018 09:32:50 PM 432 Views
Mookie if you were a Chris - 28/08/2018 08:43:10 PM 447 Views
I'm Chris Pratt? Or I'm Peter Quinn? *NM* - 28/08/2018 08:51:31 PM 241 Views
You are Chris Pratt *NM* - 28/08/2018 08:53:25 PM 165 Views
I heard 240 papers endorsed Clinton - 28/08/2018 11:43:05 PM 305 Views
Context Collapse - 28/08/2018 11:52:57 PM 331 Views
McCain was definitely a Thor - 28/08/2018 08:58:02 PM 334 Views
I hesitate to ask this - 29/08/2018 12:07:00 AM 339 Views
Gives Mookie the Look *NM* - 29/08/2018 12:10:04 AM 174 Views
couldn't do it, huh? *NM* - 29/08/2018 12:21:11 AM 424 Views

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