Active Users:192 Time:08/05/2024 04:29:46 AM
I'd expect something inbetween, I guess. Legolas Send a noteboard - 15/03/2019 08:03:57 AM

View original postWould you prefer the WoT TV series keep the comparatively innocent tone of RJ's books such as fake WoT swearing (blood and ashes, flaming, mother's milk in a cup etc.), sex kept mostly behind the scenes, and somewhat conservative sexual attitudes (at least initially) of the 2 rivers folks? Or do you hope they chase the success of the Game of Thrones and have profanity, sex, and extreme gore take front and center? I realize that WoT includes plenty of violence and it could be as gory as one wants to depict it.

It seems likely that they would make various things that RJ merely suggests somewhat more explicit, like for instance showing various Aes Sedai in romantic/sexual relationships with other Aes Sedai or with their Warders. Mat's womanizing might more explicitly involve sex as well.

By the way, I never saw the WoT swearing as 'fake' or 'comparatively innocent', just as good immersion in a fantasy world - RJ makes clear enough from the reactions of other characters how offensive they find the various expressions. In real life, too, other languages may have swearwords that are quite offensive but seem harmless if translated literally into English, and the other way around (the Spanish in particular seem to have a remarkably high social tolerance for swear words and expressions that sound really vile to any outsider).

Anyway, but on the other hand, I'd expect them to remain faithful enough to the books that it would still be a far cry from Game of Thrones. The sex and gore are part of that difference, but a more important one is the much slower start of WoT's story. At later stages the story may become fast and spectacular enough that you could try to emulate GoT, but even if they do compress the story somewhat, it seems inevitable that they'd have to get their viewers to appreciate a slower and less controversial plot in the first season or two.

View original postIf they follow the events of EotW, there wouldn't be any sexual content or real cursing at all, unless I am forgetting something. Maybe a better way to ask it is if you would rather the TV series keep the mostly PG to PG-13 tone of WoT books or the R to NC-17 tone of Game of Thrones?

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WoT TV series - 14/03/2019 10:40:03 PM 523 Views
I'd expect something inbetween, I guess. - 15/03/2019 08:03:57 AM 358 Views
It's going to be on Amazon. - 20/03/2019 02:43:06 PM 286 Views
if they make is will be all romance all the time - 21/03/2019 01:20:58 PM 309 Views

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