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Stop being a Fachidiot Mookie Roland00 Send a noteboard - 09/05/2019 11:36:51 PM

By which I mean a subject idiot / subject compartmentalizer in the original German. Someone who is "(slang, derogatory) an expert in a certain field who is ignorant of other fields, or only looks at problems through the lens of their own field."

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Does anyone ever use a dictionary anymore?

I am wondering if I should delete this teasing remark, but I decided against it for you invoked the dictionary, and thus I think all is permissible. Including calling you a German word that sounds like it has English fuck in it


Seriously now. Socialism does not have a single word definition much like the concept of health does not have a single diagnostic criteria like you need to be between X and Y height to be healthy, have cholestral between A and B, and so on. It is an amorphous concept by its very nature, a concept without form.

Socialism is a theory, the applied nature of the theory has different ideas of how to implement this in a praxis / practical form. The definition you are quoting is defining something based off the praxis implementation that someone in the past had, but the nature of praxis is ideas change due to changing circumstances and we have both history and theory to act as guiding lights above the diving line, stars in the heavens to act as lodestones but they will never ever be reached for the stars are amorphous things and you can't touch them.


You are ignorant about the theory and history Mookie and that is okay. You have lived a far more practical life than I have.

But here is a point about language told in a comic.

Sidenote Mookie have you read the Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson? Stuff in the news plus this thread made me think of it and it is kind of relevant to the topic at hand.

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Get your ass the hell off of my goddam lawn. - 09/05/2019 03:02:49 AM 770 Views
What is it with the obsession about that word? - 09/05/2019 06:35:49 PM 371 Views
yah - 10/05/2019 02:45:46 PM 339 Views
I hope not on this site / wotmania? - 10/05/2019 07:23:02 PM 621 Views
No, not there - 10/05/2019 08:36:07 PM 316 Views
Re: No, not there - 10/05/2019 09:55:45 PM 325 Views
Stop being a Fachidiot Mookie - 09/05/2019 11:36:51 PM 334 Views
He is far from ignorant about the theory and history of the word. - 10/05/2019 02:19:17 PM 333 Views
Release the hounds! - 10/05/2019 02:46:21 PM 289 Views
Do Platonic Ideal Dogs need to read? - 10/05/2019 04:11:17 PM 314 Views
thank you - 10/05/2019 04:23:58 PM 348 Views
Define the color Green. - 10/05/2019 05:21:10 PM 311 Views
Wavelength: 495–570 nm; Frequency: ~575–525 THz - 10/05/2019 08:44:56 PM 334 Views
Now define Green for a person that does not have a Spectrometer. - 10/05/2019 08:50:44 PM 364 Views
Admit your defeat and move on. - 10/05/2019 09:40:53 PM 329 Views
*NM* - 12/05/2019 05:47:57 AM 150 Views
In what medium? - 12/05/2019 10:33:45 AM 387 Views
huh? - 12/05/2019 02:25:10 PM 327 Views
Remember that God Dammed Dress? - 12/05/2019 07:46:39 PM 303 Views
Yeah, I do. *NM* - 12/05/2019 10:41:29 PM 151 Views
Light propagates differently in different mediums, though... - 12/05/2019 08:10:19 PM 624 Views
Do you think that's what Jonte meant? I don't. - 12/05/2019 10:54:40 PM 333 Views
Optical refraction is caused by different speeds of light in different media - 14/05/2019 02:15:19 PM 329 Views
Ok then. - 14/05/2019 02:33:48 PM 323 Views
if you look at light with a wavelength of 550 nm in water - 19/05/2019 04:49:04 PM 406 Views
Well, - 19/05/2019 04:43:57 PM 389 Views
Sick your dogs onto me? - 10/05/2019 04:24:00 PM 446 Views
I wasn't expecting such a prescriptivist approach from you. - 10/05/2019 10:06:08 PM 310 Views
We have a mixed economy with elements of both capitalism and socialism. - 10/05/2019 02:17:36 PM 344 Views

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