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Re: Game of Thrones 2.04 Garden of Bones: OF COURSE SHE HAS TO HAVE A JOB! dacole Send a noteboard - 01/05/2012 01:25:44 AM
As I said in my earlier post we have philosophical differences which is not to surprising (given your posts and thoughts elsewhere and your tag line) so I won't go into that again. Though over on the community form I would love to debate whether a republic is always better than a monarchy or not. I do agree that the changes to make strong female characters was a little to much, but then I've always laughed at people who said Tolkein wrote books that were anti-woman.

I don't think the show or the books are painting Danny in a good light. The only people the books paint in a good light is Rob and the other Stark men and women. And we all know what happens to them.

Oh and I don't agree the show is objectifying women simply by showing them nude *shrug* is some of it unnecessary sure but it hasn't been used gratuitously yet.

And I still don't agree that Martian's writing is somehow not subtle...but I seem to like the books more than you do anyway.


Ok onto Arya. In the books it was a little miffed about why Arya didn't ask to have Lord Father Lannister killed or some other figure of importance but it was somewhat understandable because of where she was, where they were, and such (I did get annoyed that she didn't have the leader of the castle killed but again that was somewhat understandable given age). Now that HE IS THE ONE SHE IS SERVING, it would make ZERO sense ZERO either in a character sense or a world sense for her not to ask for him to be killed. As well though we know the Lannisters and the Starks never liked each other all that much even before all this started I am going to find it REALLY hard to believe he would not recognize Arya for who she is. She doesn't look THAT different from how she did in the capitol and if anyone should be able to get a good explanation for how she looks it would be daddy Lannister. So she should be captured and returned to the capitol.

Now in the last books where she was being trained and learning to become no one...I thought that was the isle of the faceless men. Was it not? It is getting her to this temple and across the sea that I am having a hard time understanding how they are going to get to.
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Game of Thrones 2.04 Garden of Bones: OF COURSE SHE HAS TO HAVE A JOB! - 23/04/2012 04:14:01 PM 1019 Views
Yeah, don't know where they're going with the Robb Stark love interest - 23/04/2012 06:14:16 PM 736 Views
Fairly sure they cast Oona Chaplin as Jeyne EDIT - 23/04/2012 07:17:18 PM 586 Views
Or they dropped the character all together, as they seem wont to do *NM* - 23/04/2012 09:21:08 PM 240 Views
There's some confusion here. - 23/04/2012 10:37:56 PM 632 Views
Nice theory with number 2 - 24/04/2012 12:02:17 AM 681 Views
Re: Nice theory with number 2 - 24/04/2012 05:16:49 AM 515 Views
I didn't remember much about the specifics... - 24/04/2012 07:43:19 PM 541 Views
I've actually got a better thought now. - 24/04/2012 11:30:45 PM 665 Views
I'm guessing no. - 23/04/2012 07:50:57 PM 606 Views
Very astute. I concur with everything you said *NM* - 23/04/2012 09:19:53 PM 270 Views
Re: Game of Thrones 2.04 Garden of Bones: OF COURSE SHE HAS TO HAVE A JOB! - 24/04/2012 05:13:02 AM 590 Views
Arya - 24/04/2012 08:58:30 AM 653 Views
Re: Game of Thrones 2.04 Garden of Bones: OF COURSE SHE HAS TO HAVE A JOB! - 24/04/2012 01:19:40 PM 762 Views
+1 - 29/04/2012 07:52:24 PM 490 Views
Re: Game of Thrones 2.04 Garden of Bones: OF COURSE SHE HAS TO HAVE A JOB! - 01/05/2012 01:25:44 AM 490 Views
We've covered this to death on Westeros - 01/05/2012 02:00:49 PM 523 Views
Re: We've covered this to death on Westeros - 09/05/2012 11:40:03 AM 551 Views
Yeah I dunno what to make of that either - 24/04/2012 09:28:48 AM 621 Views
To be fair, non-readers come away with a different experience. - 24/04/2012 02:19:01 PM 586 Views
Re: To be fair, non-readers come away with a different experience. - 01/05/2012 01:27:09 AM 448 Views
Sorry, I thought I had posted a link here last week... - 08/05/2012 07:28:57 AM 644 Views
Re: Sorry, I thought I had posted a link here last week... - 18/05/2012 06:10:02 AM 676 Views

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