Active Users:200 Time:17/06/2024 08:26:38 AM
I liked it even better the 2nd time. *Spoilers* MonCul Send a noteboard - 16/01/2010 12:23:50 AM
Some quick thoughts...

The music is really good. There's a tune they use when they blow up the home tree, and afterwards when the tide of the battle turns and the Na'vi are falling back and dying...french horns maybe...very similar to a tune from Star Trek The Wrath of Khan that would play when Khan had the upper hand. Good stuff.

The CGI in 3D is so good you feel like you're there. You can easily get emotionally involved with the Na'vi characters.

A unique experience.
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"Avatar" discussion thread - 17/12/2009 08:10:04 AM 2274 Views
Innovative world-building sci-fi, dull cliched story - 17/12/2009 01:13:47 PM 952 Views
Agreed for the most part... - 17/12/2009 11:05:27 PM 944 Views
Doesn't that last paragraph describe Star Wars? *NM* - 18/12/2009 03:33:58 AM 513 Views
*snorts* *NM* - 18/12/2009 09:03:05 AM 393 Views
Re: Doesn't that last paragraph describe Star Wars? - 18/12/2009 09:49:23 AM 873 Views
Star Wars had many things. Good characters was not one of them. *NM* - 18/12/2009 09:06:18 PM 401 Views
Re: Star Wars had many things. Good characters was not one of them. - 19/12/2009 02:57:43 AM 841 Views
Avatar is basically Return of the Jedi, at least the part on Endor. But less militarily plausible - 19/12/2009 02:22:35 AM 1063 Views
Watch the movie again. - 19/12/2009 03:08:05 AM 1061 Views
It's a watered-down Dune. *NM* - 21/12/2009 08:41:39 AM 607 Views
What struck me the most about this movie... - 22/12/2009 01:25:00 AM 912 Views
Predictable with a tired & preachy plot. (spoilers) Also, the ending was completely ludicrous. - 19/12/2009 03:02:21 AM 1331 Views
You need help *NM* - 19/12/2009 07:33:52 AM 636 Views
A rebuttal! For the points I disagree with, anyway. - 20/12/2009 05:07:59 AM 914 Views
Re: A rebuttal! For the points I disagree with, anyway. - 21/12/2009 08:48:55 PM 993 Views
It would help if you'd leave my quotes by the arguments, but whatever. - 22/12/2009 10:36:42 AM 892 Views
Heh... - 29/12/2009 11:01:41 PM 863 Views
wow, you really do need help - 21/12/2009 07:23:12 AM 1085 Views
If the bad guy has all the stones and still loses, how heroic were the heroes? - 21/12/2009 08:53:00 PM 922 Views're serious? Really?? - 22/12/2009 04:56:20 PM 855 Views
lol - 22/12/2009 04:59:47 PM 811 Views
That's uncalled for IMO - 25/12/2009 09:04:01 PM 1019 Views
I am pretty sure she refered to the fact that he sheered for the bad guys and wished the Na'vi ill. - 25/12/2009 09:19:32 PM 865 Views
He didn't cheer for them - 26/12/2009 01:05:40 AM 852 Views attitude I always found a bit worrisome, too *NM* - 26/12/2009 11:48:40 AM 511 Views
I tend to agree - 21/12/2009 03:23:54 PM 820 Views
I thought the same things, but... - 25/12/2009 08:29:09 PM 846 Views
A fun time. Predictable, but not in a bad way. Minor Spoilers. - 19/12/2009 03:05:19 AM 825 Views
you said Fern Gully ^_^ - 19/12/2009 09:01:58 PM 850 Views
Spectacular - 19/12/2009 02:54:53 PM 905 Views
A wonder of a movie experience *minor spoilers* - 19/12/2009 08:47:06 PM 944 Views
Very good and fun, but not world-shattering. - 19/12/2009 11:19:26 PM 1146 Views
Has anyone seen this in 3D and not enjoyed it?? - 20/12/2009 06:11:52 PM 936 Views
Cannoli, presumably. *NM* - 20/12/2009 10:41:48 PM 614 Views
Sure make fun of the visually impaired, asshole. - 21/12/2009 08:57:33 PM 902 Views
Yeah, that's totally what I was doing. - 21/12/2009 11:59:26 PM 957 Views
Do you buy them from antique shops? *NM* - 22/12/2009 01:10:12 AM 531 Views
Does this include the new 3D? - 22/12/2009 01:17:07 AM 1042 Views
same here - 22/12/2009 02:59:32 PM 741 Views
I'm tempted to make a joke about the depth of your posts. *NM* - 22/12/2009 04:31:04 AM 417 Views
is that what we are calling tunnel vision these days? *NM* - 24/12/2009 07:04:08 PM 521 Views
Dammit! So much better than mine. *NM* - 26/12/2009 05:19:19 AM 473 Views
Saw it with my family. - 20/12/2009 09:10:56 PM 795 Views
Sci-fi Pocahontas - 21/12/2009 01:12:02 AM 936 Views
My friend and I spent the whole movie - 07/01/2010 12:50:56 AM 756 Views
Oh so you're the kind of movie-goer in the seat behind me... - 07/01/2010 11:20:56 AM 745 Views
No way! - 07/01/2010 03:48:48 PM 666 Views
that you mock at all is incredibly disrespectful - 07/01/2010 05:31:55 PM 842 Views
You're overreacting. - 07/01/2010 06:20:06 PM 803 Views
You said you do it quietly - 07/01/2010 08:18:07 PM 819 Views
Fair enough, fair enough. *NM* - 07/01/2010 08:57:23 PM 535 Views
Except maybe the purist who really needs to be kept in a total sensory deprivation chamber. *NM* - 08/01/2010 10:51:58 PM 434 Views
Nothing's more satisfying that seeing and hearing the crowd around you react like you do - 09/01/2010 01:36:36 PM 729 Views
*NM* - 09/01/2010 03:59:28 PM 480 Views
You should never watch a movie with me. - 10/01/2010 01:23:30 AM 833 Views
There's a gentlebot to see you, says his name is Tom Servo. - 08/01/2010 03:59:34 AM 833 Views
3D IMAX is worth the extra money... - 21/12/2009 08:40:57 AM 891 Views
The only thing I am upset about - 21/12/2009 09:38:17 AM 1057 Views
Oh yeah, that puppy's been selling out like crazy. - 22/12/2009 12:01:18 AM 732 Views
Visually stunning. - 24/12/2009 02:12:42 PM 751 Views
As usual, Hollywood shoves an ideology down peoples' throats. *NM* - 26/12/2009 04:30:20 AM 390 Views
Once they've paid their ten bucks to get in. *NM* - 27/12/2009 04:31:59 AM 472 Views
A good ideology assault doesn't come cheap! *NM* - 28/12/2009 10:03:08 AM 480 Views
$14 evening show with 3D glasses. *NM* - 29/12/2009 07:15:03 AM 585 Views
one point i haven't seen discussed yet.... - 26/12/2009 05:43:05 AM 1022 Views
It stinks!! *NM* - 26/12/2009 05:51:30 AM 611 Views
So, a silly thing I found distracting... - 29/12/2009 07:26:02 AM 892 Views
that caught my eye too - 29/12/2009 07:36:46 AM 797 Views
A silly thing I found distracting was that the aliens were humanoid. *NM* - 29/12/2009 09:48:46 AM 558 Views
Umm you would rather watch non-humanoid aliens? Yeah thats fun *NM* - 29/12/2009 03:29:26 PM 449 Views
*sigh* - 30/12/2009 11:09:16 AM 766 Views
Yes. Yes. - 01/01/2010 08:19:58 AM 824 Views
I have missed you so much on this site. *NM* - 02/01/2010 04:13:56 AM 417 Views
well. it's not necessarily erroneous either. - 30/12/2009 06:28:57 AM 750 Views
See my response to Dark Knight above. *NM* - 30/12/2009 11:11:27 AM 471 Views
ah okay. carry on then *NM* - 30/12/2009 04:44:12 PM 542 Views
Yes. - 03/01/2010 05:08:17 PM 861 Views
I believe she was speaking about their tails. - 07/01/2010 07:37:46 AM 738 Views
If I remember it was the "USB Plug" in their hair. *NM* - 08/01/2010 08:29:38 AM 577 Views
Yep - 08/01/2010 09:33:08 AM 841 Views
*facepalm* yah, that's what i was talking about - 08/01/2010 05:31:33 PM 786 Views
I figured - 08/01/2010 05:50:22 PM 808 Views
Yes, the plot is simple, predictable and ideological - 29/12/2009 07:41:36 AM 782 Views
It was the best movie I've seen in ages. I'm seriously thinking of going to see it again. *NM* - 29/12/2009 12:20:11 PM 624 Views
We definitely will. - 29/12/2009 03:30:07 PM 808 Views
Going again tomorrow. *NM* - 02/01/2010 05:14:53 PM 619 Views
Project 880: The Avatar that might have been - 31/12/2009 10:30:21 AM 1079 Views
That is very interesting. - 31/12/2009 01:25:19 PM 747 Views
yeah - 02/01/2010 01:56:15 PM 861 Views
i think that would be interesting to see - 31/12/2009 04:29:19 PM 875 Views
Avatar is/was gonna make a pile of money anyways. - 31/12/2009 08:30:34 PM 1026 Views
Re: I hated the 3-D effect. It was horrible. - 10/01/2010 09:39:25 AM 799 Views
Stephen Colbert on Avatar - 15/01/2010 03:18:29 AM 645 Views
I liked it even better the 2nd time. *Spoilers* - 16/01/2010 12:23:50 AM 758 Views
Yeah, I really liked the music. *NM* - 16/01/2010 06:04:55 AM 588 Views
It just took the double at the Golden Globes. - 18/01/2010 04:04:08 AM 881 Views
Ok, wow, I didn't expect that to happen. *NM* - 18/01/2010 08:59:51 AM 398 Views
I can't say I'm surprised it did. Not that I agree with it. *NM* - 18/01/2010 07:37:08 PM 352 Views
Okay I bit the bullet and went to see it - 18/01/2010 11:56:28 PM 778 Views
I always forget that I saw movies in 3D. - 19/01/2010 01:11:05 AM 861 Views

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