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Ironically, the actor who plays Jacob plays the devil on Supernatural. Cannoli Send a noteboard - 25/03/2010 05:31:10 AM
I had been so looking forward to this episode, but in the Nestor Carbonnell acted his role well enough, and he's pleasant to look at when clean-shaven, but honestly? The 'big' reveal wasn't so big. The Island is Hell. The Island is not Hell. Jacob is the Devil. Jacob is not the Devil and speaks with 20th century American accent. MIB is the Devil. MIB isn't the Devil, although he is the essence of evil. And he wants to get out. Except that he talks about wanting to go home, not 'get out and spread'. So, is he the Devil's son? Trapped outside Hell by Jacob? Tricked by his mother? Whom we learned nothing new about? Not even a brief mention?

I'm not keen on either Jacob or MIB. MIB is more obviously deceptive, manipulative, and selfish in his goals, but Jacob? He 'brings' people to the Island and then abandons them (both in the case of letting Ricardo nearly die of thirst and starvation until tended by MIB--what was Jacob expecting, exactly?--and in the case of Danielle Rousseau--she's left to go insane, although it would seem MIB never bothered with her--and in the case of Oceanic 815ers, who are left to fend for themselves while Jacob's 'Others' terrorize them and kidnap their children.

Jacob's people--who would have us believe that they are really 'the good guys', as they constantly self-refer--are, as Cannoli points out above in more colorful language, horrible, self-righteous elitists.

MIB's people--Claire, Sayid--are murderous crazies.

What's the other option? Is there one? Could we have been given a clue?
I'm hoping it's Sawyer's with him taking Lapidus & the Orientals off to sail into the sunset, and maybe the nutjobs if they can be cured (everyone else can go jump off a cliff or rot on the island forever as far as I am concerned - Hurley strikes me as a likely "surprise" choice to take over for Jacob if that plotline actually works out)... But this is Lost and how many of the castaways' plans ever survive intact through six or more episodes? I would like to believe there was some sort of point to Sawyer's sudden emergence of a responsibility trait while living with Locke's group at the barracks, and that the ex-con/con man is going to be the one to lead his friends to safety and outwit the demi-gods playing their games with people's lives.

What we learned in this episode was very unsatisfying:
Richard's origin story (okay, so I did enjoy that, I will admit. As I said, the actor is easy on the eyes, when not in a crazy beard)
The first time a Hanso becomes associated with the Island (although we already learned that in the episode 'The Constant' ) . And by the way, Hanso's slaver guy, who goes around killing the slaves...was his last name Widmore? Did I hear correctly? That would be an interesting ray of sunshine in this lackluster episode. EDIT: wishful thinking. The name was Whitfield.
Jacob's request of Ilana (we learned only an ounce more, and half of it was already shown last season)
We learned that some dead people are MIB manifestations, and some are something else. I'm unconviced it's Jacob and unsatisfied we don't know more.
We didn't learn who/what Jacob is, or how it is he is capable of granting Agelessness and anti-suicide powers. We did learn that both Jacob and MIB like to connive people into stabbing each other with daggers, and think of each other as having a Magic Voice.
Actually, that was about trying to trick Sayid into getting killed by Smokelocke. IIRC, Jacob had nothing to do with that, and it was simply a bit of irony to eliminate one of Smokelocke's potential tools in the exact same way he tried to instruct another to eliminate Jacob.

Also, we learn that Jacob stole MIB's body (although he certainly appears to have one for special occasions), and now that he is in Locke's body, he is stuck (according to Ilana). We still don't know who the boy with bloody hands is, why Ben could ever have gotten it into his head that the Smoke Monster was an Island judge, why MIB is repelled by a sonic fence or ash circles.
Well, Ben never had contact with Jacob, so maybe he was tricked by Smokeguy into thinking that. Maybe it was some sort of underground heresy among the Others which never reached Jacob's ears because they were too leery of the obviously preternatural Richard to repeat it to him.

And despite his propensity to tell the truth about things we already know, Smokeguy could be lying about Jacob stealing his humanity and all the rest. It could simply be something he wrongly attributes to Jacob, either by mistake or to trick Richard.
EDIT: AND, final I'm-annoyed-rant is this. We are left with the statement that the reason why Jacob brings people to the Island is so that he can prove a point to his fellow demigod, MIB. Are you kidding me? That's the grand purpose? To convince The Essence of Evil that he's wrong about humanity? What happens then? He throws off the black clothes and starts weaving tapestries? What is the big 'ending' towards which Jacob is aiming? I was hoping for more from his conversation with Richard, but was left with...are you kidding?

Bah. I won't be so bothered if I weren't so 'invested' in the show I'm going to be travelling for the next two weeks, so I'll miss the next two weeks of discussion and will need to play catch up.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Lost 6.9: Ab aeterno *spoilers* - 24/03/2010 09:26:05 AM 602 Views
Also, the remaining episode titles, for those who wanna know: - 24/03/2010 10:17:31 AM 297 Views
Very comprehensive podcast covering the episode with the actors - 24/03/2010 11:23:15 AM 368 Views
I felt it was huge waste - 24/03/2010 02:33:26 PM 319 Views
Re: I felt it was huge waste - 24/03/2010 09:07:40 PM 300 Views
Re: I felt it was huge waste - 24/03/2010 09:32:57 PM 278 Views
And, BTW, why were the Alperts learning English? - 24/03/2010 10:52:09 PM 297 Views
something of a letdown - 25/03/2010 12:54:36 AM 6181 Views
Ironically, the actor who plays Jacob plays the devil on Supernatural. - 25/03/2010 05:31:10 AM 345 Views

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