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Re: Egwene... hmm... no. RAAM Send a noteboard - 20/11/2010 10:29:35 AM
ToM (Wounds) - 'This is not about me. Egwene al'Vere is a child. But the Amyrlin is not. I may be young, but the Seat in ancient... This place is what a person is. The Amyrlin is the White Tower, and the White Tower will not bend. It defies you, Mesaana, and your lies.'

This is absolute nonsense IMO. It's fair enough to say that what a person is determines their power in TAR, but the comparison is hugely flawed. The Amyrlin Seat is not more ancient or greater than the Forsaken (except for moral superiority, which TAR does not care about from the evidence we have). The Forsaken are much older than the Amyrlin Seat and are, even if falsely, legendary. Their legendary status is actually what gives them power here, and it is obvious as Egwene flees as soon as she senses Mesaana is in the room. She is afraid to face anything that is called 'Forsaken' because of the implications. Even the Wise Ones look pensive and restrained when Egwene says that she is facing one of the 'Shadowsouled'. Egwene actually defeats Mesaana by convincing her subconscious that Mesaana is not as great as she is, but the underlying theory that she puts forward is untrue. The Amyrlin Seat cannot match the Forsaken in terms of presence - indeed, the Forsaken are some of the oldest legends of the third Age, no matter how erroneously they were made.

I agree, it's kinda bullshit. Sorry, a year more or less of using TAR and now she's fucking better than Lanfear/Moghedien. Just stupid. I dont see how any of these freakin Forsaken survived, they are all huge losers who just luckily luckily lasted. I usually like Egwene but I thought this was a lame, lame way of offing Mesaana. Maybe in 100 years of experience she should out TAR her, but she's like an infant boxing Mike Tyson from all the stories of LTT about how 'badass' the Forsaken were

i had always thought that this scene was crap, it wasnt even a battle, it was egwene saying bullshit and then messana losing to twenty year old
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Egwene... hmm... no. - 20/11/2010 07:02:24 AM 1975 Views
Just to nitpick - 20/11/2010 07:37:50 AM 1240 Views
Re: Egwene... hmm... no. - 20/11/2010 08:17:52 AM 1065 Views
Re: Egwene... hmm... no. - 20/11/2010 10:29:35 AM 1125 Views
Agreed - 20/11/2010 10:58:33 AM 946 Views
Re: Agreed - it also has the worst line in the whole book - 20/11/2010 11:03:14 PM 900 Views
Re: Agreed - it also has the worst line in the whole book - 20/11/2010 11:13:54 PM 940 Views
The important thing is it is T'A'R. Her victory was not implausible at all. - 22/11/2010 02:11:08 PM 1023 Views
precisely. - 23/11/2010 03:07:09 AM 803 Views
It's BS - 02/12/2010 03:43:55 AM 974 Views
I disagree with Egwene being a Mary Sue - 02/12/2010 11:42:52 AM 1513 Views
Factually incorrect en masse - 02/12/2010 03:38:13 PM 887 Views
Re: Factually incorrect en masse - 02/12/2010 03:58:43 PM 850 Views
That. Is. Not. An. Accomplishment. Your perverse twisting of details for her sake is totally absurd. - 02/12/2010 08:54:12 PM 894 Views
No no no - 04/12/2010 07:14:21 AM 927 Views
Well, technically, that quote doesn't deny Mesaanas stature. - 20/11/2010 12:57:31 PM 994 Views
I think you are misinterpreting - 20/11/2010 04:20:49 PM 986 Views
That's a possibility. - 22/11/2010 02:02:20 PM 904 Views
Re: That's a possibility. - 04/12/2010 06:48:19 AM 807 Views
I agree. - 22/11/2010 07:46:43 PM 829 Views
Re: Egwene... hmm... no. - 20/11/2010 11:19:53 PM 927 Views
Re: Egwene... hmm... no. - 25/11/2010 10:11:56 PM 939 Views

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