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Let me confirm what you are suggesting, to avoid attacking any strawmen... Shannow Send a noteboard - 10/09/2015 07:17:01 PM

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The OP strength entry makes it clear that the scale is linear, since age is proportional to strength level, and we see a steady decline in age as we go from level 1 to level 2 and so on. If you have a strength of x, Age is clearly proportional to some constant c times x. Since we have a linear reduction in age from level to level, that means each level has a proportionally linear reduction.
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Ah, I just love how the puzzle is coming together. This excerpt has given us yet more ammunition showing that the Strength list has major flaws in it, or else that the distribution is most certainly not uniform from one level to the next.

This evidence comes from the Siuan entry in the Amyrlin list. It gives us both Siuan's pre and post stilling strength. Before stilling, she was a level 13, and after stilling, a level 35.

Now, if you plot that on a uniformly distributed 72 point list, then it means her post stilling strength was 64% of her former strength. Quite simply, this directly contradicts Siuan's own comments on the matter.

Firstly, those comments were Leane's. Secondly, since this is the direct source, and the books more prone to error, your interpretation of the books must be based on what evidence we have on the guide, not the other way around.

In the books, Siuan wishes that she could get back to at least half her former strength. Clearly, Siuan is currently well below half her former strength, which makes it impossible for her to be at level 35 on a uniformly distributed strength list.

It is entirely possible Leane meant things somewhat differently:
“If Nynaeve couldn’t Heal us all the way the first time, maybe she’ll only take us to two-thirds what we were, or half.”

If you remember Aes Sedai strength bottoms out at level 45... so this makes sense. Leane is perfectly capable of ignoring all those lower strength levels, and if you look at this purely from strength LEVELS (which is what Aes Sedai use, after all), Level 35 is closer to 45 than it is to 13.

This is just another nail in the coffin of those who try to argue that the list somehow gives us an indication of the comparative strength of various characters.

It does since that is exactly what the list was intended for! This list is how RJ decided how Aes Sedai compared in strength so he could write their interactions properly. So OF COURSE it indicates their comparative strength!

Unless you believe the Aes Sedai decided their ranks based on some complex linear scale and gave us no indication of it in 14 books, and unless the age scale is following some as yet uninvented mathematical logic, the strength scale is linear. Heck, Maria even said they were in an interview.

As if we needed any more convincing other than the absurdity of Elaida supposedly being at 83% of Lanfear's strength, which would be the implication if she was indeed 60/72 as strong as Lanfear.

Absurd how? WHY is this absurd?

The strength entry has this to say:

While there were six additional levels for men above those for women, the disparity was not as great as it seemed, measuring the bulk quantity of the One Power that a person could handle.

Right there you have it. 6 levels of difference isn't all that great in terms of bulk quantity of the Power than can be handled. Why should 13 levels, which is just a shade more than twice this, suddenly be significantly weaker?

We know that the strengths of women like Siuan, Elaida and Moiraine is rare, and definitely far from mean strength, which will show most representation in the population. What would be bizarre is if their strength was somehow minuscule compared to Lanfear.


So regarding the Siuan/Leanne situation. Are you actually proposing that Leane was referring to the numerical strength level she is now at, rather than to the amount of Power she can now channel?

In other words, when she says she is less than half as "strong" as she was before, are you trying to suggest she was not referring to absolute strength, but instead to her numerical position on a scale which only includes Aes Sedai?

It is important that you clarify this, because if this is seriously your contention then it is a position that is easily refuted. But first I want to clarify if that is indeed your argument.

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When Elaida was made to feel like a Novice and other stories of Amyrlin Seats (SPOILERS) - 10/09/2015 03:42:07 AM 986 Views
And here we have more proof that the Strength list is either flawed, or not a linear distributition - 10/09/2015 09:22:07 AM 736 Views
Did you not read the strength in the OP article? - 10/09/2015 02:52:33 PM 777 Views
Let me confirm what you are suggesting, to avoid attacking any strawmen... - 10/09/2015 07:17:01 PM 933 Views
Re: Let me confirm what you are suggesting, to avoid attacking any strawmen... - 10/09/2015 07:54:06 PM 597 Views
Re: Let me confirm what you are suggesting, to avoid attacking any strawmen... - 10/09/2015 09:45:40 PM 762 Views
Wasn't female linking supposed to be the equalizing factor ? - 13/09/2015 08:47:36 AM 847 Views
Re: Wasn't female linking supposed to be the equalizing factor ? - 13/09/2015 03:55:21 PM 773 Views
DP - 10/09/2015 09:22:22 AM 566 Views

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