I'm surprised you're just now noticing this. I've heard other people comment on this, and I agree: heaven forbid we make fun of men, but as soon as someone makes a harmless joke about a woman, it's sexism of the highest order. This reaction is nowhere near the standard among women--most don't mind at all, and know that it's just kidding. There are feminists, though (Dworkin, if she's still alive, and I think she is, although I'm not up on militant feminism so I actually have no real idea, but I can't remember hearing about her dying and it seems like it would be news), that go beyond all bounds of rationality and well into the realm of reverse discrimination--which is okay, to them, since men are simple pigs and can be discriminated against as much as they please. My, that was a lot of words about a topic I know almost nothing about.
I was reading an article recently (like I'd remember where? pfft) and they were mentioning that tv execs are trying to come up with shows that don't portray the father-figure as a blithering idiot who can't tie his own shoes let alone run a household. Personally, I think its time we had shows like that. *shrugs*
BucketBaby, The Blue-Eyed Blusherâ„¢
Proud Bonder of Obsidian Ashaman
Alric seVinta's long lost sister
Mama of The Sweetness