Active Users:201 Time:02/06/2024 06:55:22 AM
Re: I should have mentioned... Camilla Send a noteboard - 04/01/2010 08:30:50 AM
The parenthesis is the text between the () symbols, not the symbols themselves. But subtle distinctions (monkey/ape, tortoise/turtle, story/storey) are, sadly, often lost on our transatlantic brethren.

I will amend my style accordingly.

...that since a parenthesis is text that's "set apart" from the rest of the sentence, it can also be between dashes or commas.

So when my supervisor said he was considering banning me from using parantheses...

oh dear.
structured procrastinator
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50-book challenge complete! - 31/12/2009 10:02:42 PM 1841 Views
Good job, Tim! - 01/01/2010 01:09:20 AM 635 Views
Not only that: my current read is Matter, the last Culture novel. - 01/01/2010 11:16:34 AM 681 Views
Nice. - 01/01/2010 11:45:27 PM 643 Views
Servant of a Dark God is Out - 02/01/2010 12:02:58 AM 748 Views
Re: Nice. - 02/01/2010 12:22:37 AM 735 Views
Re: Nice. - 02/01/2010 08:15:10 PM 759 Views
I should correct myself... - 02/01/2010 08:49:21 PM 651 Views
I also completed the 50 Book Challenge, in a nick of time. - 01/01/2010 11:07:42 AM 668 Views
another nice list - 01/01/2010 07:19:46 PM 636 Views
Me too. - 01/01/2010 11:53:57 AM 753 Views
did you read "Gone-Away World" twice?? - 01/01/2010 07:23:16 PM 654 Views
Yes. It is that good. - 01/01/2010 10:18:34 PM 542 Views
My 50 and a half books - 01/01/2010 01:00:17 PM 766 Views
so, how you liking Pandora's Star? - 01/01/2010 07:25:24 PM 580 Views
You counted a book about contract law??? - 01/01/2010 04:16:53 PM 650 Views
fnords!!!!! - 01/01/2010 07:29:09 PM 574 Views
by the way - 01/01/2010 07:30:04 PM 578 Views
Three. If they were originally published separately, the fact that someone collected them into... - 01/01/2010 11:55:22 PM 705 Views
thats what I was doing too - 02/01/2010 07:13:47 PM 705 Views
Ha! When you first said "mastering"- - 01/01/2010 11:51:16 PM 543 Views
Re: You counted a book about contract law??? - 04/01/2010 10:30:24 AM 588 Views
We both speak Spanish already. - 04/01/2010 02:00:06 PM 594 Views
Do you really figure... - 05/01/2010 01:57:54 AM 697 Views
I don't think it would take less time than for Portuguese or French, but... - 05/01/2010 04:53:27 AM 706 Views
Right, fair enough. - 06/01/2010 05:21:09 AM 614 Views
I spent 8 months of those 2 years in Russia. - 07/01/2010 06:08:14 AM 570 Views
I think you should teach her Koine before French - 05/01/2010 04:01:44 AM 597 Views
If I could convince my wife, I would - 05/01/2010 04:57:05 AM 645 Views
There's always Amharic, I suppose - 05/01/2010 07:32:50 AM 771 Views
You languageist! - 05/01/2010 03:09:59 PM 520 Views
Don't misunderestimate me or my verbology *NM* - 07/01/2010 06:10:02 AM 256 Views
Congratulations, that is twice my total - 01/01/2010 04:18:06 PM 557 Views
I think I managed, too. However, after that, my reading just... ceased. - 01/01/2010 06:02:16 PM 670 Views
There's a lot of those I have not heard of. - 01/01/2010 11:57:04 PM 675 Views
Oh. - 02/01/2010 11:19:25 AM 653 Views
Re: 50-book challenge complete! - 01/01/2010 07:11:32 PM 615 Views
I failed my challenge. - 01/01/2010 11:13:59 PM 680 Views
What did you think of Foucault's Pendulum? - 02/01/2010 08:42:02 PM 588 Views
Because I'm not American. - 03/01/2010 05:50:36 AM 541 Views
Yes, but you lot have lost so much more... - 03/01/2010 06:03:38 AM 577 Views
Is the subjunctive any more alive in America than in Britain? - 03/01/2010 06:23:09 AM 586 Views
It is where I live - 03/01/2010 07:46:15 AM 709 Views
Not in any meaningful sense. I suppose there are some irregularities which could be subjunctive... - 03/01/2010 09:54:46 AM 634 Views
Are you talking about African-American English? - 03/01/2010 11:34:30 PM 744 Views
I think he is - 03/01/2010 11:43:24 PM 677 Views
The example I used was AAVE, yes. - 04/01/2010 02:10:23 AM 655 Views
Would y'all ( ) say it's the same situation as with French (and I think Spanish)? - 05/01/2010 02:05:59 AM 570 Views
Not exactly - 05/01/2010 04:00:04 AM 581 Views
Isn't that just a gerund? - 06/01/2010 08:20:00 AM 581 Views
Close, but not exactly - 06/01/2010 10:17:34 AM 672 Views
All I know about French is what's in Louisiana, and it's just completely incomprehensible. - 06/01/2010 08:20:53 AM 551 Views
I was referring to Quebecois. - 06/01/2010 05:49:43 PM 623 Views
Aaah. - 03/01/2010 09:04:45 AM 599 Views
I should have mentioned... - 03/01/2010 11:39:27 PM 609 Views
Re: I should have mentioned... - 04/01/2010 08:30:50 AM 536 Views
Possibly. It'd probably be worth checking what he meant. *NM* - 05/01/2010 10:59:32 AM 250 Views
I finished as well. - 08/01/2010 03:51:25 AM 671 Views
I finished with 90 books. - 09/01/2010 09:45:29 PM 658 Views
You should read Niffenegger's new book. - 10/01/2010 07:52:37 PM 544 Views
I have. - 11/01/2010 01:59:45 AM 645 Views
Excellent. (spoilers) - 11/01/2010 04:31:17 PM 545 Views

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