Active Users:178 Time:17/06/2024 07:03:53 AM
Because college is only about what YOU think it should be about? random thoughts Send a noteboard - 09/04/2011 04:14:03 PM
For million of people sports are a vital part of their college experience but that doesn't mater because it isn't what you think college should be about? I guess we should get rid of music and performing arts since those really are not that much different. Hell lets get rid of hands on art all together.

I don't think colleges should have a damn about giving students some outdated ideal of a "well rounded" education and should just teach them what they need to know.
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Hey college sports guys.. - 06/04/2011 06:17:34 PM 1032 Views
speaking as a former student athlete... - 06/04/2011 06:43:13 PM 622 Views
I agree with this. *NM* - 06/04/2011 09:16:43 PM 224 Views
Not a college sports guy, but I agree with LadyLorraine. - 06/04/2011 07:17:07 PM 606 Views
I don't think that exact scenario would come up... - 06/04/2011 07:33:03 PM 555 Views
Generally, I don't think they should get paid. - 06/04/2011 07:29:29 PM 512 Views
If they're in college, fuck no. But should they be in college in the first place? - 06/04/2011 07:57:03 PM 670 Views
I say keep the sports and get wrid of all the worthless arts and lit programs - 07/04/2011 02:07:36 PM 575 Views
Except that "football" is not a major. - 07/04/2011 07:35:37 PM 639 Views
I do believe they recieve college credit for playing - 08/04/2011 02:14:31 PM 521 Views
Yah, in the same manner I got PE credit for doing Marching Band... - 08/04/2011 09:05:55 PM 455 Views
RIt would be no harder to make football a degree program - 09/04/2011 05:11:13 PM 502 Views
2/10; would not recommend this trolling. - 09/04/2011 09:35:28 PM 508 Views
pointing out the unpopular is not trolling *NM* - 10/04/2011 03:38:35 AM 209 Views
Posting purposefully incorrect statements to get a rise out of people is. *NM* - 10/04/2011 08:48:02 AM 271 Views
what was the incorrect statement? *NM* - 11/04/2011 07:18:52 PM 219 Views
Playing ignorant doesn't really suit you. - 11/04/2011 11:48:15 PM 525 Views
that may be, but the fact of the matter is that it isn't. *NM* - 10/04/2011 12:19:14 AM 249 Views
Do you speak from experience or is it simply a matter of faith? *NM* - 10/04/2011 03:37:31 AM 232 Views
so you do know of a school with a football major? - 10/04/2011 04:50:17 PM 523 Views
Havn't we been playing them under the table all this time? *NM* - 06/04/2011 08:52:09 PM 343 Views
I'm already pissed they get scholarships for being able to play football. They can join the NFL - 07/04/2011 12:50:15 AM 626 Views
Sports bring in such a huge amount of money to schools though. - 07/04/2011 04:32:37 AM 516 Views
It does help schools raise money, AND it does help the players - 07/04/2011 07:38:31 PM 586 Views
That's why there are need and merit-based scholarships - 09/04/2011 03:22:09 PM 530 Views
I get the rationale, it just annoys me. *NM* - 09/04/2011 03:20:05 PM 221 Views
No. Sports brings in huge amounts of money to popular schools. *NM* - 09/04/2011 03:27:33 PM 212 Views
So no one should profit if everyone can't? - 10/04/2011 06:25:44 PM 513 Views
Really? - 07/04/2011 02:03:32 PM 546 Views
well...if anything that just means there should be MORE emphasis on academics... - 07/04/2011 07:26:49 PM 664 Views
That is a personal decsion they made - 08/04/2011 02:16:17 PM 536 Views
I'm...not really sure what that means. - 08/04/2011 09:10:17 PM 490 Views
The graduation rate for athletes overall is higher than the general undergrad student body, it seems - 09/04/2011 02:57:43 PM 638 Views
How is that statistic presented? - 09/04/2011 03:13:54 PM 481 Views
schools are full of fluff classes and it isn't just because of sports - 09/04/2011 05:21:57 PM 456 Views
I did not say it was. - 10/04/2011 12:20:54 AM 533 Views
so we should just rely on your unbiased judgment and ignore facts? *NM* - 10/04/2011 03:39:40 AM 227 Views
Yes that is precisely what I am asking. YOU CAUGHT ME *NM* - 10/04/2011 05:25:52 PM 226 Views
well since you seem unable to support your arguments that must be the case *NM* - 11/04/2011 07:22:33 PM 217 Views
If that is what helps you sleep at night *NM* - 11/04/2011 07:51:50 PM 201 Views
You seem to be the one who needs to think football are less intelligent *NM* - 13/04/2011 12:06:29 AM 200 Views
I said nothing about intelligence at any point - 13/04/2011 03:58:18 AM 488 Views
That's because you risk your tenure if you fail the sports darlings. - 09/04/2011 03:24:19 PM 474 Views
your facts counter your argument not support it - 09/04/2011 05:18:02 PM 612 Views
I'm repeating what professors have told me firsthand. - 09/04/2011 09:33:10 PM 792 Views
Most profeesors are weak kneed liberals who are still mad that they were shoved in lockers - 10/04/2011 03:45:36 AM 709 Views
I laughed out loud. That was grand. - 10/04/2011 08:46:29 AM 460 Views
Sorry dude but "somone told me" really isn't a fact - 11/04/2011 07:21:48 PM 479 Views
All right, man. Whatever makes you happy. *NM* - 11/04/2011 11:49:12 PM 197 Views
That funny coming from you *NM* - 13/04/2011 12:05:30 AM 189 Views
Err... I don't care? My point was that colleges shouldn't give a damn about athletics - 09/04/2011 03:25:24 PM 591 Views
Because college is only about what YOU think it should be about? - 09/04/2011 04:14:03 PM 489 Views
And yet we seem to agree that college is about education - 09/04/2011 07:29:31 PM 617 Views
you said you are pissed that they recieve scholarships - 09/04/2011 07:45:02 PM 523 Views
Or girls? - 08/04/2011 03:03:55 PM 478 Views
I can agree with this - 08/04/2011 09:12:54 PM 471 Views
How about yes salary, no scholarship? They're getting paid with a full college scholarship. - 09/04/2011 03:30:06 PM 583 Views
you would have the issues brought up by the article - 10/04/2011 05:15:12 PM 424 Views
Oh, I agree. Terrible idea. - 11/04/2011 02:57:37 AM 454 Views
Re: Oh, I agree. Terrible idea. - 11/04/2011 03:18:47 AM 460 Views
if you have a full-ride... - 11/04/2011 03:29:42 AM 584 Views

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