Active Users:167 Time:14/06/2024 08:38:24 PM
I'm amazed that one person could cause this level of death. Tom Send a noteboard - 25/07/2011 05:35:33 AM
It's sick that one person could intentionally kill so many others. And why? Okay, so you don't like immigration into Norway - you have a voice, you can try to change laws or whatever. Okay, so you don't like the largely socialist system that Norway has (and I can personally appreciate that) - so work to change it. But any change must be done peacefully. Don't these people who kill others see that they are no better than the people they claim to be their "enemies"??? This is a universal truth, whether we're talking about this guy, Hamas, al Qaeda, Timothy McVey, or anyone else.

When has killing people ever helped one's argument or position??? The best you can hope for is to kill everyone and go down as a butcher.
Political correctness is the pettiest form of casuistry.

ἡ δὲ κἀκ τριῶν τρυπημάτων ἐργαζομένη ἐνεκάλει τῇ φύσει, δυσφορουμένη, ὅτι δὴ μὴ καὶ τοὺς τιτθοὺς αὐτῇ εὐρύτερον ἢ νῦν εἰσι τρυπώη, ὅπως καὶ ἄλλην ἐνταῦθα μίξιν ἐπιτεχνᾶσθαι δυνατὴ εἴη. – Procopius

Ummaka qinnassa nīk!

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Large explosion in Oslo and nearby shootings - 22/07/2011 03:52:56 PM 1856 Views
A bit too convenient for an accident, I'd say. - 22/07/2011 03:54:38 PM 584 Views
I agree - 22/07/2011 03:59:16 PM 585 Views
Why do you care about making a claim? You're not a reporter. - 22/07/2011 04:53:06 PM 586 Views
Because I was making the post to tell people what was happening - 22/07/2011 05:26:11 PM 573 Views
He IS reporting - 22/07/2011 11:46:30 PM 494 Views
Let's not get ridiculous. - 23/07/2011 02:10:26 AM 520 Views
Police in Oslo have confirmed it was a bomb. *NM* - 22/07/2011 04:15:04 PM 480 Views
Not good - two reported dead so far - 22/07/2011 04:23:03 PM 591 Views
Re: Not good - two reported dead so far - 22/07/2011 04:26:15 PM 557 Views
I've long assumed this was the case. - 22/07/2011 04:28:40 PM 521 Views
Ah, I has suspected so - 22/07/2011 04:32:14 PM 477 Views
I thought everyone loved Norway! - 22/07/2011 04:26:25 PM 567 Views
'cept Whales - 22/07/2011 04:31:01 PM 590 Views
Hey, I wouldn't put something like this past Green Peace. - 22/07/2011 04:37:40 PM 525 Views
I would. *NM* - 22/07/2011 06:52:38 PM 493 Views
Your faith is greater than mine then. - 22/07/2011 10:26:54 PM 519 Views
Sounds like you're confusing Greenpeace with PETA. *NM* - 22/07/2011 10:53:18 PM 483 Views
Earth First is more likely. - 22/07/2011 11:14:33 PM 591 Views
And 8-11th century Irish and Brits - 22/07/2011 05:20:07 PM 548 Views
This ain't cool. *NM* - 22/07/2011 04:55:21 PM 539 Views
It is terrible. - 22/07/2011 05:13:24 PM 489 Views
There are allegedly also people firing at the youth camp of the Labour party at an island - 22/07/2011 05:26:29 PM 594 Views
Are Labour the ruling party? - 22/07/2011 05:28:51 PM 534 Views
Yes. One of three. - 22/07/2011 05:33:42 PM 609 Views
That's horrible. - 22/07/2011 05:42:07 PM 533 Views
I hope the perpetrators are made to suffer - 22/07/2011 05:53:38 PM 539 Views
7 confirmed dead, 2 severly injured, several with minor injuries. - 22/07/2011 06:45:32 PM 551 Views
and at least 9 additional dead on Utøya... *NM* - 22/07/2011 09:23:25 PM 500 Views
Utøya was just.... terrible. - 22/07/2011 09:58:18 PM 526 Views
Norwegian papers article, in English: - 22/07/2011 10:51:32 PM 696 Views
so "Youth camp" doesnt mean little kids right? - 22/07/2011 11:05:42 PM 539 Views
I gather 14-18 years old *NM* - 22/07/2011 11:07:37 PM 452 Views
wow.... *NM* - 22/07/2011 11:11:34 PM 471 Views
HS kids, from what I can gather. - 22/07/2011 11:45:30 PM 519 Views
The person arrested is Anders Behring Breivik - 23/07/2011 01:14:58 AM 522 Views
At least 80 dead so far. - 23/07/2011 03:09:38 AM 646 Views
Oh I feel sick - 23/07/2011 03:55:04 AM 569 Views
Yes. *NM* - 23/07/2011 07:25:46 AM 503 Views
Wow, that's horrible *NM* - 23/07/2011 05:55:11 AM 512 Views
“It seems kind of unreal, especially in Norway. This is not something that could happen here.” - 23/07/2011 10:23:48 AM 536 Views
Yeah, but it is quite shocking in such a normally placid country. - 23/07/2011 04:04:04 PM 610 Views
Norwegians cops dont carry guns? - 23/07/2011 08:05:07 PM 535 Views
Re: Norwegians cops dont carry guns? - 23/07/2011 09:01:28 PM 561 Views
It's Europe; guns are a lot more heavily regulated. - 23/07/2011 09:32:15 PM 556 Views
Holy crap - 23/07/2011 11:06:32 AM 543 Views
Sounds like an anarchist, i.e., left-wing nut..... *NM* - 23/07/2011 03:10:55 PM 471 Views
Try Christian fundamentalist - 23/07/2011 04:12:55 PM 528 Views
Eerm, yeah...What Joel said - 23/07/2011 04:40:21 PM 587 Views
There's very few facts for anyone to be working with - 23/07/2011 05:52:26 PM 504 Views
Just having switched off the latest news... - 23/07/2011 06:21:09 PM 501 Views
Re: Just having switched off the latest news... - 23/07/2011 09:01:36 PM 456 Views
Why can't we just call him a wing-nut and agree? - 23/07/2011 07:27:33 PM 620 Views
why cant we call him a terrorist? - 23/07/2011 08:01:33 PM 512 Views
Because terrorist attacks only happens to the US. - 23/07/2011 08:21:05 PM 512 Views
Poes Law, man, Poes Law. - 23/07/2011 10:02:45 PM 481 Views
I'm fine with that; the media here's certainly calling him a terrorist. - 23/07/2011 09:59:15 PM 477 Views
i noticed the Norwegians are calling it a terror attack - 24/07/2011 03:17:53 AM 508 Views
Christian media bias, eh? - 24/07/2011 03:48:22 AM 513 Views
Sorry, new laptop. - 23/07/2011 09:59:15 PM 462 Views
oh, please. *NM* - 23/07/2011 09:09:40 PM 473 Views
My thoughts echo yours. - 23/07/2011 03:54:22 PM 504 Views
The people of Norway are in everyones thoughts and prayers. *NM* - 23/07/2011 12:51:38 PM 491 Views
This is awful, *NM* - 23/07/2011 03:43:37 PM 491 Views
Absolutely tragic. Sick sick person. *NM* - 23/07/2011 03:58:15 PM 434 Views
A victim's account - 23/07/2011 05:40:01 PM 615 Views
By the way - too bad Norway doesn't have the death penalty.....very justified in this case. *NM* - 23/07/2011 08:44:32 PM 452 Views
Very much true - 23/07/2011 09:31:14 PM 516 Views
Actually, it's more like "too bad the maximum Norwegian prison sentence is 21 years". - 23/07/2011 09:33:52 PM 583 Views
21 years? Wow, what a stupid system..... *NM* - 23/07/2011 09:41:18 PM 469 Views
Re: Actually, it's more like "too bad the maximum Norwegian prison sentence is 21 years". - 23/07/2011 09:43:12 PM 619 Views
Anything less than execution is wrong..... - 23/07/2011 09:52:07 PM 547 Views
By the Grace of God, that's not your call to make. - 23/07/2011 10:06:05 PM 507 Views
92 murders = execution - 23/07/2011 10:09:33 PM 530 Views
I don't think that the Norwegian criminal system is based on that ideal. - 24/07/2011 03:03:42 PM 458 Views
Which almost without exception makes a lot more sense. - 23/07/2011 10:04:48 PM 504 Views
I have a feeling - 24/07/2011 04:08:34 AM 517 Views
Not at all. Luckily, we don't have death penalty - 24/07/2011 09:16:28 AM 579 Views
Right wing terrorism always confused me. - 24/07/2011 04:44:34 AM 547 Views
I don't understand how anyone can be a fascist. *NM* - 24/07/2011 07:15:16 AM 462 Views
I don't understand how any Italian can not be. *NM* - 24/07/2011 01:51:34 PM 531 Views
Cause fascism didn't do much good for Italy? *NM* - 24/07/2011 05:06:34 PM 446 Views
Bahaha yeah except 20 years of peace, prosperity and effective government. - 25/07/2011 12:06:35 AM 494 Views
It's important to distinguish between Roman and modern fascism. - 25/07/2011 03:48:24 AM 526 Views
The problem with that is simple. - 25/07/2011 02:15:38 PM 462 Views
I can't speak to Italian civil liberties under Mussolini, but the little I've heard contradicts you. - 25/07/2011 04:27:54 PM 467 Views
Wikipedia, really? - 25/07/2011 05:07:28 PM 537 Views
Merely for convenience; the things I linked (e.g. blackshirt murder campaigns) are common knowledge. - 25/07/2011 07:00:22 PM 453 Views
Actually yes, he does. - 26/07/2011 03:23:20 AM 477 Views
Actually, I know quite a bit about fascism in Italy - 25/07/2011 08:29:04 AM 578 Views
If you did... - 25/07/2011 02:05:31 PM 379 Views
You're full of it... and apparently you don't know it. *NM* - 25/07/2011 06:40:14 PM 463 Views
Again, use facts... - 26/07/2011 03:24:02 AM 553 Views
I'm too amused by your unfounded accusations of ignorance - 26/07/2011 06:13:42 AM 433 Views
I don't debate with the ignorant. - 26/07/2011 01:43:07 PM 476 Views
My guess is they're viewed as "collaborators". - 24/07/2011 12:05:00 PM 514 Views
Even so. - 24/07/2011 01:55:08 PM 509 Views
Yeah, I can't really explain it; it's insane behavior. - 24/07/2011 04:57:27 PM 486 Views
/ignoring the ridiculous fascism stuff... on the subject of killing your own - 25/07/2011 04:36:01 PM 528 Views
Regardless. - 25/07/2011 05:17:36 PM 491 Views
That's tempting, saying he isn't a "real" or "true" nationalist. - 25/07/2011 09:20:38 PM 578 Views
Well I just don't comptrehend how he could be a "true" or "real" nationalist... - 26/07/2011 03:25:35 AM 513 Views
That's clearly not true - 26/07/2011 10:35:05 AM 477 Views
I'm pretty sure it's against nationalism as anyone defines it. - 26/07/2011 01:43:56 PM 518 Views
See? - 26/07/2011 02:05:09 PM 458 Views
Right, but... - 26/07/2011 10:47:29 PM 539 Views
Yes he is on the far right - 26/07/2011 10:54:06 PM 502 Views
I'm hardly a fanatic. - 27/07/2011 12:23:09 AM 378 Views
You do come across that way here. - 27/07/2011 11:05:26 AM 501 Views
Maybe to you, then again if you want to talk about how people come across on the internet... - 27/07/2011 10:05:39 PM 537 Views
That makes sense - 27/07/2011 11:27:29 PM 488 Views
How would a Nazi killing ONLY aryans be a Nazi? - 28/07/2011 06:27:03 AM 519 Views
Remember how the Nazis killled socialists and other people who disagreed with them? That is how. *NM* - 28/07/2011 07:40:24 AM 445 Views
and don't forget it was how the far left killed the people they did like as well - 28/07/2011 11:47:26 AM 460 Views
Sorry but when was the USSR nationalistic? - 28/07/2011 12:40:46 PM 454 Views
Great Patriotic War ring a bell? - 28/07/2011 06:04:02 PM 465 Views
And how was that nationalistic? - 28/07/2011 08:05:01 PM 464 Views
Can you read? - 28/07/2011 06:02:13 PM 469 Views
The rather famous Night of the Long Knives not ring a bell? - 28/07/2011 10:34:47 AM 454 Views
Again, I said a Nazi who kills ONLY aryans. - 28/07/2011 06:03:00 PM 513 Views
I have no idea why I want to jump into this but I would just point out two things - 28/07/2011 12:46:56 AM 519 Views
Okay that's fair. - 28/07/2011 06:28:57 AM 506 Views
So horrible. *NM* - 24/07/2011 06:24:28 AM 478 Views
Apparently, he plagiarised tehe UNA-bomber in his manifesto - 24/07/2011 02:52:36 PM 524 Views
Wow, that's impressive, in all the worst senses of the word. - 24/07/2011 05:05:24 PM 463 Views
Having read his manifesto and watched his youtube video... - 25/07/2011 01:50:07 AM 494 Views
Oh, so killing people who are NOT HIS OWN would have been ok? *NM* - 25/07/2011 10:38:50 AM 429 Views
Would have been understandable. - 25/07/2011 02:03:31 PM 499 Views
Much as it pains me to say, most of his victims were almost certainly not Christian. - 25/07/2011 07:04:21 PM 504 Views
Again. - 26/07/2011 03:26:51 AM 480 Views
I'm amazed that one person could cause this level of death. - 25/07/2011 05:35:33 AM 502 Views
I really wish they would stop mentioning he was a fan of True Blood *NM* - 25/07/2011 05:47:16 AM 420 Views
In the middle of all this, why is that important to you? *NM* - 25/07/2011 09:04:54 AM 496 Views
its important to me to know why its important enough to mention - 25/07/2011 09:15:11 PM 462 Views
And ego shooter games, as if they were the final trigger *NM* - 25/07/2011 10:40:33 AM 442 Views
And the fact that he was a Eurovision fan - 25/07/2011 11:23:48 AM 493 Views
are political party sponsored youth camps common in Europe? - 25/07/2011 07:13:00 PM 509 Views
It is the labour youth organisation's summer camp - 25/07/2011 09:11:57 PM 494 Views
sorry but that just seems very odd to me - 25/07/2011 10:08:07 PM 482 Views
Re: sorry but that just seems very odd to me - 25/07/2011 10:20:27 PM 487 Views
that would make a big difference - 25/07/2011 10:32:52 PM 490 Views
I think most such organizations have a somewhat older membership - 16-25 or so. - 25/07/2011 10:30:04 PM 476 Views
having children who are passed their teens I still considered teenagers kids - 25/07/2011 10:57:50 PM 485 Views
Yeah, I guess that'd depend on your perspective. - 25/07/2011 11:17:17 PM 467 Views
Re:I know that - 27/07/2011 03:39:47 AM 537 Views
Re: Re:I know that - 27/07/2011 09:04:24 AM 492 Views
Re: He took lives. - 28/07/2011 12:23:43 AM 358 Views
are we really so bored and entrenched that we are debating the motives of a mad man? *NM* - 26/07/2011 02:13:38 PM 465 Views
Quite. *NM* - 26/07/2011 06:03:30 PM 450 Views