Active Users:179 Time:02/06/2024 07:21:06 AM
so you are choosing to ignore the actual evidience and eye witnesses testimony? random thoughts Send a noteboard - 13/08/2013 09:04:09 PM

If Martin had not been shot there was more than enough evidience to convict him assault but still some people just need to believe certain things to prop up their world view.

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Okay, how can you use the Trayvon Martin case AGAINST the stand-your-ground laws? - 17/07/2013 10:15:55 PM 953 Views
You forgot to mention that Zimmerman didn't actaully use a stand your ground defense *NM* - 18/07/2013 02:03:51 AM 312 Views
the judge included it in the instructions to the jury - 19/07/2013 04:37:43 AM 511 Views
I love the let me say my piece then end the convesation tactic - 19/07/2013 11:50:02 AM 496 Views
Sources - 19/07/2013 12:35:39 PM 624 Views
so she did - 19/07/2013 01:08:08 PM 484 Views
um, when did the collegiate sports organization get involved in politics? - 18/07/2013 08:17:24 PM 854 Views
I imagine he meant to type NAACP. *NM* - 18/07/2013 08:25:26 PM 255 Views
It's a combination of even more guns in circulation and no duty to retreat if you feel threatened - 18/07/2013 09:13:47 PM 477 Views
blacks are incarcerated at a higher rate because they commit crime at a higher rate - 19/07/2013 04:31:06 AM 505 Views
[citation needed] - 19/07/2013 06:12:04 PM 449 Views
Don't be tedious, such a claim is unprovable but also the most logical inference - 19/07/2013 07:10:22 PM 504 Views
If logic says so, then obviously that must be the only course of action possible.... - 19/07/2013 07:44:44 PM 579 Views
Um, how'd you get that out of my remarks? - 19/07/2013 08:48:09 PM 471 Views
Honestly, I feel like we are getting into some dangerous territory here - 24/07/2013 06:25:15 PM 552 Views
I wonder what we can call the racism version of Godwinning. - 24/07/2013 07:01:20 PM 478 Views
Reductio ad Racism maybe? *NM* - 24/07/2013 08:16:28 PM 222 Views
We? I don't feel I'm in dangerous territory at all - 24/07/2013 08:10:24 PM 420 Views
lets look at your numbers becuase they are interesting - 20/07/2013 03:25:31 PM 470 Views
The short answer is you cannot; Martin stood his ground in an unprovoked attack and died for it. - 11/08/2013 09:01:36 PM 493 Views
so you are choosing to ignore the actual evidience and eye witnesses testimony? - 13/08/2013 09:04:09 PM 481 Views
What evidence and eyewitness testimony do you have in mind? - 13/08/2013 11:19:30 PM 477 Views
You really need to look up the fact since you appear to not know what it means - 14/08/2013 11:53:05 AM 448 Views
I am familiar with the definition. - 14/08/2013 01:29:28 PM 444 Views

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