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Re: I don't think they do matter at all anymore Cannoli Send a noteboard - 29/11/2018 10:49:51 PM

There is also a TV series called A Game of Thrones. Because it is not the hostage of the writing caprice of a single elderly man, but rather, subject to market forces and given a dedicated team to keep the momentum up, the TV series has not lost its way. There have been some issues here and there, but the ratings have been consistently high and next April we will see the last episodes come to what is hopefully a very satisfying conclusion.

That's impossible. The show has long jumped the shark. As it has "passed" the books, it can now be safely criticized without the ad hominem response that critics are merely adaptation snobs. Nothing about the show makes sense on its own internal logic, they are constantly throwing in genuflections to modern day political correctness while transgressing against most if not all of the legitimate principles at the heart of political correctness. We can have little girls asserting their right to go to war, and never mind that she is previously established to have an insignificant number of troops, and certainly lacks any sort of physical ability to fight, but it's all okay because feminism! Except this comes on the heels of, and in the same setting as, an extended and gratuitous rape storyline, where they reversed course on making a main character from a smart, self-determined political actor to a helpless victim in a marriage that makes absolutely no sense. They wanted Sansa to star in torture porn so they made her marry Ramsey, only to realize while writing the script that they couldn't even come up with a good rationale when she asked the very reasonable question "Why?" The last season featured that whole zombie-fetching plotline that made no sense, was transparently spectacle driven and stretched plausibility out of reason to make whatever they wanted to happen, happen. And it all came down to bringing a zombie to a summit meeting, that only happened as it did because every single good guy had his IQ halved to make it work. We got an offscreen negotiation where the participants came out and said "We have a deal" only for one of them to turn around and say "Of course I'm not following through with the deal" the minute the others all left. That's okay, it's just the latest abject failure of Tyrion Lannister ever since he pulled the trigger on his dad. And it would be interesting to see one of the smart characters dealing with failure, except everyone on the show keeps praising his genius and saying "Only you can save Dany from becoming her father."

One minute this is a repressive patriarchal culture where women have to deal with marital rape and the next Sam's mother and sister are henpecking his psychopathic father and he just takes it. No wonder Sam has no compunction about casually waltzing off with his magic sword, and no consequences to that thing, ever. One minute the religion on that show has so many fervent and devout followers that the crown is helpless before the piety of the mob, and the next, a queen mother blows up a religious center, murders most of the clergy and a few dozen people who were beloved of the commoners and everyone has fallen into line and we have a secular utopia (and don't get me started on the plot contrivances of THAT plot - if Cersei resisted a summons and had Frankenmount kill one of the holy troops who came to arrest her, why did they only send Lancel by himself to make her come to court? Why did Qyurn waylay Pycelle, apologize for killing him because it's necessary, forgetting that he was on his way to the church for the bombing? How did Cersei extract that nun she hated, to tie up for Frankenstein rape, when she had been following Margaery around? Why was Margaery kept in the custody of the church with a nun shadowing her for a perjury charge, while Cersei was under house arrest for treason & regicide? At that time, Margaery was the queen of the ruling king, while Cersei was just a king's widow, so she definitely had higher rank. Why did the church convince Tommen to outlaw trial by combat, when previously it was to let the gods decide instead of hostile judges? ). One minute, Daenerys is stuck on an island because one of her navies was destroyed in a night attack and the other was sunk after they unloaded her troops at Casterly Hilltop, but when she takes her dragon to attack a wagon train protected by Lannister & NY Mets troops, that allows her Dothraki cavalry to teleport along with her?

It also can't remember its own backstories. Remember when Jaime leeringly described the murder and torture of Ned's family members by the Mad King? I guess that didn't happen because as soon as Bran discovers that Lyanna willingly married Rhaegar he says "Robert's Rebellion was based on a lie." They rebelled against a tyrant king, not an amorous prince, for fucks's sake! Cersei spent a lot of time in Season One talking about the son she bore Robert who died in infancy, and then at her father's funeral, she flashes back on the sexy witch who prophesied that she would only have three children. Joffrey, Tommen, Myrcella all of whom are Jaime's and Robert's SIDS baby makes four. Why even HAVE that flashback at Tywin's funeral? The relevance in the books was that Tyrion killed Tywin and Cersei believes from the prophecy that he's going to kill her someday. Except they left the part about Tyrion out on the show. She didn't think of the prophecy when two of her prophesied children died, and she only does when her irrelevant father died (rather conveniently, as it was before he could do anything about her confession that Jaime fathered those kids).

Or ANYTHING to do with Dorne. Retarded fight scenes, pointlessly vicious women we are supposed to forget when they join forces with the Queen of Thorns and Khaleesi and Yara Greyjoy, Cersei either intuiting the contents of their jack-in-the-box message before she shows Jaime, or else resetting the whole thing so she can show it to him for dramatic effect, the Sand Snakes waving goodbye to the ship as it leaves Dorne and then appearing on board as it docks in the capital to kill their cousin.

The show is just incredibly stupid with no attention span at all, with writing that serves only to set up big action scenes to generate buzz.

Given all of this, the books have become irrelevant. High literature they are not, and the story is told better by HBO.

If they are two different things, there is no "the" story to tell. High TV Game of Thrones certainly is not. For all the technical skill, the story is crap next to some of the celebrated shows HBO has produced and the acting of the two leads is distinctly unimpressive as well.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Is George RR Martin a homophobe? - 27/11/2018 12:01:36 AM 564 Views
Didn't Loras Tyrell get blown up with half of King's Landing? *NM* - 28/11/2018 09:55:08 PM 175 Views
Books vs Show - 28/11/2018 10:24:18 PM 308 Views
Do the books even matter anymore? - 29/11/2018 12:50:06 AM 327 Views
Sadly, probably not - 29/11/2018 05:10:11 PM 321 Views
Yes, they do. - 29/11/2018 05:59:38 PM 287 Views
I don't think they do matter at all anymore - 29/11/2018 07:38:58 PM 257 Views
To you, yes. - 29/11/2018 07:49:26 PM 457 Views
It was a feculent book - 30/11/2018 08:39:21 PM 292 Views
Would you have enjoyed ADwD more - 30/11/2018 10:04:47 PM 257 Views
Probably not - 02/12/2018 07:28:48 PM 309 Views
Re: I don't think they do matter at all anymore - 29/11/2018 10:49:51 PM 309 Views
You demand way too much from movies and television - 30/11/2018 08:37:32 PM 262 Views
Quite possibly - 30/11/2018 11:49:01 PM 299 Views
Fair enough - 02/12/2018 07:30:03 PM 333 Views
Re: Fair enough - 05/12/2018 11:42:20 PM 345 Views
Nope, not to me. - 29/11/2018 08:14:52 PM 282 Views
Does the original use of a word in a language matter anymore? - 29/11/2018 08:59:12 PM 304 Views

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