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Fivethirtyeight rates the polling of it a B. So it's credible. The Shrike Send a noteboard - 24/01/2020 02:07:19 PM

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Bottom line: it's somewhere quite close to dead even and you can't tell for sure if a majority is for or against. Which anyway depends on how you phrase the question. So I find it somewhat ironic that you complain about the news not fairly reporting on this poll, when you've presented (quite possibly by accident) the most outlying poll out there and drawn a rather doubtful conclusion based on it about the majority of Americans.

I compared Obama's approval rating in the same week of his presidency to Trump's approval rating in the same week of his presidency. My "complaint", actually my statement was that the media should be discussing approval ratings in a presidency as compared to other presidencies so that context is given. It's a pity your views on Trump are blinding you to my point about context.

As for his approval rating, there as well, if you look at the wider picture, it's not that clear if it has really increased. It's certainly still around the same level it's been all along. And if it has increased, who's to say it's on account of the impeachment and not, say, the deal with China?

Stayed the same of increased are both positives then. It clear that you're stating it has not gone down since the impeachment.

What's scary, regardless of what party you favour, is the way polarization has reached the point where there's barely any distinction anymore between whether an American disapproves of a president and whether he wants him removed from office through impeachment. And barely any distinction anymore between whether he voted for a president and whether he disapproves of him. It has become all or nothing, all-out partisan war to the death. The Democrats were never going to convince any significant percentage of Trump supporters, regardless of how well they made their case or regardless of how flagrantly Trump violated his oath of office and the Constitution. His own example of murdering someone in broad daylight on a New York street might seriously be the minimum level required before a critical mass of his supporters starts to think twice about standing by him - and plenty would still do so even then.

I can disapprove of some of the things the President is doing and still be against his impeachment. And yes, I am against impeachment in this case. I don't think he violated the Constitution. And yes, partisanship is extremely high. In another presidency and another Congress what happened with Ukraine would likely have led to a formal censure of the President by Congress. As partisan as the Clinton impeachment was, so the Trump impeachment is.

I think one of the things you're not seeing is the view from within. I've lost friends because I supported due process for Kavanaugh in 2018. But they said I was supposed to reject him on the basis of a he said/she said argument because he was a Republican appointee. Many people who align with Democrats have taken to viewing people with views that deviate from the stances taken by Warren/Sanders as tantamount to being racists, Nazis, Republicans, etc. I especially love when I am called a Russian troll because I deviate from the orthodox views. Especially when it comes to immigration. It gets tiring. For instance in my exchange with Elizabeth on FB she immediately thought that people who voted for Johnson in the UK did so out of hate. Not because the thought of Corbyn and what he stood for was horrifying. And she ascribed those people who vote a certain way/support certain views of immigration and ICE as doing so for reasons of hate/xenophobia and that those views only occur in one party. And when I showed her quotes by Obama, Bill Clinton, Feinstein, and Schumer she had no response. Maybe because she didn't know. Or the media she consumes is not putting things into context. The point of this paragraph is that on so many issues when you're not ideologically pure, the side you would normally be on pushes you to the other side. And the media is not giving context. I will say this, if either Sanders or Warren get the nomination, the chances of me voting for a non-Democrat go up to 100%.

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As Senate Trial Begins, 44% Approve of Trump (Gallup Poll) - 22/01/2020 12:47:44 PM 528 Views
It was my understanding that there would be no math - 22/01/2020 03:53:05 PM 190 Views
You do realize that is the single most anti-impeachment recent poll out there? - 22/01/2020 06:19:18 PM 212 Views
Practical question - 23/01/2020 03:05:59 PM 166 Views
Not really, no. - 23/01/2020 07:23:58 PM 188 Views
Fivethirtyeight rates the polling of it a B. So it's credible. - 24/01/2020 02:07:19 PM 192 Views
So true - 24/01/2020 03:41:43 PM 168 Views
Sure it is, I didn't say it's an unreliable poll. Just that it's an outlier. - 24/01/2020 06:41:47 PM 180 Views
I agree with everything you replied with. - 24/01/2020 07:22:45 PM 184 Views
Not sure I agree with your last point. - 24/01/2020 08:06:49 PM 170 Views
I wonder what Pelosi has in mind for her endgame. - 22/01/2020 06:38:41 PM 184 Views
The Democrats already know they're going to lose 1 here in Alabama - 22/01/2020 06:58:00 PM 194 Views
I assume that's why he said 4. Otherwise 3 would do it, with a Dem VP. - 22/01/2020 07:26:04 PM 182 Views
I don't think that's what he meant. - 22/01/2020 07:32:20 PM 176 Views
Oh. Right. Assuming a Trump re-election, then - certainly plausible at this point. *NM* - 22/01/2020 07:38:37 PM 85 Views
Yes aerocontrols is right.. - 22/01/2020 08:39:49 PM 181 Views
That bump is, at least so far, purely hypothetical. - 22/01/2020 09:25:55 PM 191 Views
It's also 10 months away. Polls can change a lot in 10 months. *NM* - 22/01/2020 09:49:41 PM 83 Views
Your premise is full of shit - 23/01/2020 05:44:01 PM 201 Views
Er, yes, since you ask, I do include you among said 'rabid Trump fanboys'. - 23/01/2020 06:58:41 PM 189 Views
And I consider you a moron. Your point? *NM* - 23/01/2020 07:59:11 PM 102 Views
Clearly I don't have any point you're interested in hearing. - 23/01/2020 08:38:27 PM 180 Views
I mean, Roy Moore is running in this election again, as far as I'm aware. - 23/01/2020 03:41:57 AM 182 Views
Yeah, but it seems super unlikely, right? - 23/01/2020 03:11:06 PM 169 Views
Man I sincerely hope not, but Moore's sorta like a cold sore. - 23/01/2020 05:13:27 PM 169 Views
Surely this time, if Trump is also all-in against him, there's no way he wins the primary? *NM* - 23/01/2020 07:02:33 PM 91 Views
Surely, a pedophile won't win the nomination. - me a few years back *NM* - 24/01/2020 04:11:58 AM 91 Views
?! - 24/01/2020 12:35:28 PM 179 Views
Re: ?! *NM* - 24/01/2020 12:35:54 PM 87 Views
The login problem seems to be blocking attempts to edit posts - 24/01/2020 12:38:34 PM 170 Views
Apparently afterwards it was claimed that this was widely known in his hometown since the 80s... - 24/01/2020 06:07:15 PM 178 Views
That was the line Moore's voters used. - 24/01/2020 07:23:06 PM 176 Views
The parts he openly admitted to were questionable enough. - 24/01/2020 08:07:08 PM 179 Views

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