Active Users:240 Time:06/05/2024 06:44:40 PM
I don't really remember what we learned in school about American history. Legolas Send a noteboard - 14/10/2020 08:14:03 PM

But I very much doubt that there was much more to it than Revolutionary War, slavery situation leading up to Civil War, then US participation in the world wars with the Great Depression inbetween, and then some more detail about the civil rights movement and the social changes of the 1960s. But about what life was like in the US pre-20th century outside the wars and slavery... yeah, little or nothing. I'm fairly confident in saying that Belgian history classes are probably less inwardly-focused than those in most other countries - but in the end it was still mostly European history and then some outside it, but the importance of the US in world history is mostly a post-1900 or post-WW1 thing.

Of course, I learned far more about American history from other sources than from school - including plenty from movies, books, pop culture in general.

View original postat least here in the US (I don't know how much you would normally learn in Belgium), you learn about immigration as waves of immigrants coming to the US and about there being some resistance to those immigrants. But not necessarily all the details about the Irish, Italians, Jews, Slavs, etc were treated in the 1840s-1920s period. Things may be different for damookster in terms of Italian-American knowledge based on his history. Just as it is for me for Jewish history based on growing up in NYC.

Yeah, safe to say almost none of that in school, nor much from other sources unless you'd really seek them out...
View original postI am not Italian-American nor Italian. I personally have no problem with Columbus Day because I recognize what Europeans were like in the 15th century. And I don't look at the Natives with some rosy glasses either. The Aztecs in particular were one of the more horrifically violent civilizations. Everyone was a product of their time. So when people try to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Day, I would ask those people to tell me what they know of those civilizations. I think if they knew about the violence then may change their tune. Charles C. Mann's 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus is a great book to discuss many things that don't get learned about on either side of the Atlantic.

Of course, viewing the Natives as more noble or innocent than Europeans is misguided and arguably racist in a different way. Although I should mention, in this context, that as a child my view of Native Americans in the US (and that of many European children in the 20th century, although probably not so much anymore now) was greatly influenced by the books of Karl May - I'm sure I've mentioned him before, though I can't remember now if you knew him or not. Anyway, he was definitely a great believer in the 'noble savage' view, with most of the Native American peoples described either very positively, or more negatively but then often under influence of evil whites. That was one way to learn about 19th century American history, though I dare say it was a very different view from what you'd get in the US... to this day, I can't read about the Apache, Comanche, Shoshone, Oglala Lakota, etc. peoples without thinking of their respective depictions in May's books.

I did also read 1491 some years ago - during a holiday in Guatemala and Mexico, my only visit to Latin America so far. 1493 not yet, should get to that too.

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Happy Indigenous Peoples Day! - 12/10/2020 09:42:14 PM 401 Views
Sigh when the Italians share their Grievances - 12/10/2020 10:06:16 PM 254 Views
This is my grievances that I share on this Sacer day - 12/10/2020 10:08:59 PM 247 Views
Your post is Dadaesque. I am not quite sure if you're a bot performing or not. - 12/10/2020 10:50:57 PM 156 Views
According to Mookie my brand is Dadaesque - 12/10/2020 10:54:35 PM 161 Views
I personally prefer Mommaesque, but that’s me. *NM* - 12/10/2020 11:07:00 PM 86 Views
Mmmm...... Sfogliattele - 12/10/2020 11:05:32 PM 154 Views
I never had one (grew up in the south and plains states), can they be wheat free? *NM* - 12/10/2020 11:09:50 PM 76 Views
do you have celiac disease? - 12/10/2020 11:28:59 PM 171 Views
Lets just say yes. - 12/10/2020 11:47:52 PM 159 Views
Not trying to violate your privacy. - 12/10/2020 11:55:31 PM 132 Views
Grumbles about a several thousand dollar medical bill due to multiple investigations - 13/10/2020 12:36:16 AM 153 Views
If it helps you any, I'm not a total normal. - 13/10/2020 01:29:20 AM 151 Views
I am sorry Greg *NM* - 13/10/2020 04:13:36 AM 66 Views
Autoimmune issues suck. - 13/10/2020 04:21:30 AM 175 Views
I am sorry for your kids - 13/10/2020 05:15:24 AM 137 Views
Can you do almond milk? - 13/10/2020 11:23:46 PM 157 Views
Yes, I can do almond, soy, oat. - 14/10/2020 12:18:38 PM 140 Views
I once saw on TV... - 14/10/2020 08:48:44 PM 161 Views
Yes, I have seen similar things. - 15/10/2020 11:45:32 AM 212 Views
On the topic of foods - 15/10/2020 05:02:03 PM 145 Views
You - 13/10/2020 01:20:03 AM 145 Views
I wanted to come up to Boston this summer. Damned COVID lockdown. *NM* - 13/10/2020 01:29:53 AM 85 Views
Keep Columbus Day as Columbus Day. Make the next Monday into Indigenous Day. Problem Solved. - 12/10/2020 10:45:51 PM 152 Views
Can we have Columbus Day renamed into Plus Ultra day? - 12/10/2020 10:58:16 PM 261 Views
Fuck Indigenous Day - 13/10/2020 01:22:03 PM 181 Views
Hmmm. - 13/10/2020 02:48:00 PM 146 Views
One doesn't compromise with ignorance and lies - 14/10/2020 03:01:42 PM 164 Views
Re: casinos - 14/10/2020 04:08:37 PM 184 Views
Kill the Savage and Save the Man? - 14/10/2020 09:17:19 PM 168 Views
I haven't seen you here in a little while. - 13/10/2020 11:26:47 PM 156 Views
Wow. I did not know any of that... that's pretty shocking. *NM* - 12/10/2020 11:41:16 PM 85 Views
It's pretty interesting. Link inside to the Wiki page. - 12/10/2020 11:54:00 PM 236 Views
They hate the fabulous Catholic Culture - 13/10/2020 12:39:49 AM 175 Views
Probably because when you learn about American history, - 14/10/2020 12:27:15 PM 181 Views
1493 is great too - 14/10/2020 02:57:18 PM 158 Views
I don't really remember what we learned in school about American history. - 14/10/2020 08:14:03 PM 162 Views
I am sure Greg is familiar with Karl May - 16/10/2020 04:56:15 AM 152 Views

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