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Of the progressives who post on this board, few ever call out the Democrats. Roland00 Send a noteboard - 10/06/2021 08:52:36 PM

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I don't know what you voting for Trump, or not, has to do with it.

I was pointing out that you ignored quite a lot of outright lies from the Trump administration. And I don't just mean his tweets. The only "data" I have I'd what rose to be of sufficient concern to you to make a post about. And far larger lies from various officials in the Trump administration did not merit any posts from you, but that seems less to be the case with the Biden administration.

Who you voted for has nothing to do with any of that.

I don't fully agree but will concede you make a valid point. I was pointing out that yes I am a conservative but have never been a Trump supporter. As a conservative, I am far more likely to point out hypocrisy and disingenuousness from the opposition than from my own side of the fence. Blame my fallen human nature. Of the progressives who post on this board, few ever call out the Democrats.

It isn't okay.

I'm perfectly fine with going to Guatemala and trying to stabilize the situation there to make leaving not the only option for people there. But telling them to stick it out because they'll be turned back if they seek asylum is wrong, and remains so no matter which party the person saying so belongs to. The right to asylum isn't something that should be curtailed based on political calculations, period.

One would hope this initiative to Guatemala has more substance than simply a call for them to get their house in order. A cynic might suggest that handing something off for the VP to manage is a sure sign it doesn't have a high priority. Good thing none of us are cynics, right?

Of the progressives who post on this board, few ever call out the Democrats.

Doing so will cause white hot anger once I start letting it all out. Madeline Kahn with the flames on the side of my face type anger. Fury is the word! Fury! And I will be exhausted, not energized by the experience.

I am am a believer that personality influences your politics just like culture influences your politics and your material conditions influence your politics. I would not be surprised if anger being liberatory or exhausting is one of those factors with how people experience politics from a first person experience, what does politics feel like in one gut.

Now when I say politics I am not saying partisan politics for I see each part as a coalition of groups and not all Republicans are not the same just like not all Democrats.

Trust me I have hate and contempt for much of the Democrats.

I also do not like the term Progressive and I see it as more Conservatism but that is language games. An example of how it is language games Buckley identify as an individualist until he read The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Santayana (1953) by Russell Kirk. Now there were people who identify as conservative prior to Kirk with different meanings, but labels are an exercise of branding and they are amorphous and change. Aka Language Games.


Put another way. starts a beat

Young man
There’s no need to feel down

I said, young man
You should go see this clown

I said, young man
He’s the best show in town

And his name is Pagliacci

This message last edited by Roland00 on 10/06/2021 at 08:54:46 PM
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I'm confused - 08/06/2021 11:57:06 PM 337 Views
Yeah, that interview was awkward... - 09/06/2021 12:11:02 PM 141 Views
So? - 10/06/2021 12:32:27 AM 125 Views
Got it - 10/06/2021 02:56:14 AM 127 Views
I have a different question - 10/06/2021 03:01:17 AM 123 Views
Seriously? - 10/06/2021 04:05:25 AM 121 Views
Is asking if its okay is the right question? - 10/06/2021 07:15:12 AM 136 Views
Yes, seriously - 10/06/2021 03:42:10 PM 123 Views
point taken - 10/06/2021 05:14:34 PM 125 Views
Of the progressives who post on this board, few ever call out the Democrats. - 10/06/2021 08:52:36 PM 143 Views
Re: point taken - 11/06/2021 02:49:14 AM 127 Views

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