Active Users:320 Time:01/05/2024 11:09:13 PM
I have no issue with judicial activism, dolt. fionwe1987 Send a noteboard - 12/02/2022 07:06:49 PM

I come from a country where the judiciary has been very activist (till recently), and gladly stepped in to check government overreach into the freedoms of individuals deemed to be outside the "norm" in various ways.

I want the US Supreme Court to be way more activist than it currently has the balls to be. I just don't want it's power to be in any way capturable by either political party. Keep that in check, and corruption, build mechanisms to allow for more oversight from the people, and I'm all for a judiciary that gets wildly activist and experimental, trying different prescriptions in different situations.

The idea that a 200+ year old document contains all possible wisdom to deal with the daily lives of modern humans is incredibly quaint. It is honestly pathetic and a sign of a non-serious mind. It's like someone insisting on using Windows 95 to run the James Webb telescope, and insisting that any updates to the OS must take a byzantine process involving faxing over wet plate photographs of hand written documents.

My issue is with intellectually dishonest arsewipes like you who will cry about judicial activism when it is on behalf of some perceived "other" but gladly accept it if it benefits whoever you deep to be part of your in-group. If that doesn't describe you, go read the opinion (the pdf is only 21 pages long) and tell me why this isn't judicial activism.

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Judicial activism - 09/02/2022 09:33:40 PM 531 Views
Can you reference - 09/02/2022 09:38:55 PM 233 Views
Agrees with Jeo *NM* - 09/02/2022 09:44:46 PM 101 Views
Here - 09/02/2022 11:27:15 PM 207 Views
So I can't read it - 09/02/2022 11:52:04 PM 197 Views
Here's the opinion itself - 10/02/2022 08:51:27 AM 231 Views
I don't understand that.. - 12/02/2022 06:53:06 PM 167 Views
we actually agree on this - 12/02/2022 07:04:56 PM 178 Views
Not just in 2022, though - 12/02/2022 07:10:48 PM 179 Views
Having grown up watching Cronkite, Huntley-Brinkley I concur with your point. - 12/02/2022 07:46:26 PM 169 Views
Yep *NM* - 12/02/2022 08:03:19 PM 94 Views
well I feel stupid - 10/02/2022 04:08:10 AM 186 Views
You're referring to an entirely different case... see my reply to Jeo for the details on this one. - 10/02/2022 09:03:40 AM 161 Views
Oops - 10/02/2022 03:32:33 PM 180 Views
Purpose achieved! I win again! *NM* - 12/02/2022 06:54:36 PM 96 Views
So what's your point about activism? - 11/02/2022 10:54:21 AM 197 Views
Hilarious that *you* would be whining about judicial activism. Shameless. *NM* - 12/02/2022 06:06:12 PM 97 Views
I have no issue with judicial activism, dolt. - 12/02/2022 07:06:49 PM 183 Views
Not your best analogy. - 12/02/2022 08:47:04 PM 163 Views
Actually, I consider it one of my best analogies. - 12/02/2022 09:19:40 PM 163 Views
you've made better - 12/02/2022 10:23:39 PM 159 Views
I dunno - 12/02/2022 10:34:57 PM 171 Views
why do you think this is an example of judicial activism? - 14/02/2022 09:01:40 PM 225 Views
I like how you don't even attempt to have a reasonable discussion - 16/02/2022 03:01:57 PM 184 Views
This amused me. *NM* - 16/02/2022 03:36:31 PM 100 Views
As it should - 16/02/2022 05:43:28 PM 158 Views
I'm sure you do - 16/02/2022 04:21:09 PM 160 Views
Your point is to troll - 16/02/2022 05:41:26 PM 174 Views
I'm truly devastated... - 17/02/2022 06:00:01 AM 170 Views
Will this continue? - 17/02/2022 04:07:11 PM 174 Views
No - 17/02/2022 07:11:12 PM 167 Views
Popcorn is always required! - 18/02/2022 03:14:01 PM 178 Views
Nobody ever offers to do a grilling, it is always popcorn. - 18/02/2022 06:51:17 PM 154 Views
One does not have a rational discussion if something is fundamentally "perverse" - 17/02/2022 12:21:32 AM 169 Views
I'm glad you can't resist me - 17/02/2022 07:09:43 PM 156 Views
Are you doing “well” in this dread of Winter? - 17/02/2022 08:05:04 PM 174 Views
Re: Judicial activism - 19/05/2022 11:16:24 PM 177 Views
He just doesn't understand what judicial activism means. - 20/05/2022 03:55:24 PM 132 Views

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