Active Users:647 Time:27/07/2024 12:00:19 AM
Yeah that's probably the biggest objection here from those who oppose vouchers. damookster Send a noteboard - 02/09/2022 04:17:45 PM

Particularly the teacher's unions.

I'm ambivalent on this. On the one hand, I think our public schools could benefit from a little competition. But not if all it results in is the public schools being left with those students most difficult to educate.



"Bustin' makes me feel good!"

Ghostbusters, by Ray Parker Jr.
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100% YES to this - 01/09/2022 04:34:03 PM 387 Views
Bryan Caplan, Now, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time... A long time. - 01/09/2022 09:11:50 PM 184 Views
Blind squirrel, broken clock. - 02/09/2022 04:11:25 PM 170 Views
He is interesting to read. - 02/09/2022 07:39:40 PM 176 Views
The website and phone person lied to me, *sigh* *NM* - 03/09/2022 12:23:56 AM 86 Views
What a typical display of American stupidity... - 02/09/2022 12:26:08 PM 201 Views
I don't read this as a call for the end of K-12 schooling. - 02/09/2022 03:57:24 PM 185 Views
No, Caplan is for dismantling high school - 03/09/2022 01:38:52 AM 165 Views
We've had school vouchers for almost 30 years now, in Sweden - 02/09/2022 03:57:56 PM 196 Views
Yeah that's probably the biggest objection here from those who oppose vouchers. - 02/09/2022 04:17:45 PM 182 Views
Problem is... - 12/09/2022 05:34:34 PM 205 Views
Do you mind explaining the history of how that happened in Sweden? - 02/09/2022 07:42:44 PM 174 Views
How our current school system came about? - 04/09/2022 03:38:42 AM 155 Views
As Mr H. L. Mencken said... - 02/09/2022 04:17:28 PM 185 Views
Or as Mr. Samuel Clemens said, - 02/09/2022 04:29:50 PM 177 Views
You both sound like aliens - 03/09/2022 04:04:01 PM 193 Views
Re: You both sound like aliens - 03/09/2022 04:43:56 PM 152 Views
Alienation? - 03/09/2022 05:52:25 PM 165 Views

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