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I enjoyed it. j-whitt987 Send a noteboard - 10/01/2011 12:25:55 AM
I finally got around to watching the final episodes. I thought it was a nice wrap up, and was sad to see it go. my thoughts:

I was able to watch all of the Final Five (coincidence that's how many were left when they announced the cancellation?) episodes when they aired because I have no life.

The "Will Adama's death" twist was interesting - I was wondering why the kid had brown eyes and would be much older than Adm. Adama in BSG - now it makes sense.

I never really noticed what color Adama's eyes were. It's amazing how much people pay attention to these details.

I enjoyed Daniel & Amanda's reconciliation - I was glad they got back together, especially since virtual Amanda was getting creepier all the time.

I found virtual Amanda more annoying than anything.

What happened to Tamara? they didn't address her fate at all, and she played no role in the finale. Did everyone just forget about her?

I guess I must have forgotten about her. I didn't even notice.

I was really starting to enjoy Lacy as a character, and I really wish we could've seen her rise to power.

I didn't really buy that she rose to be leader of the STO just because the Cylons obeyed her commands. You'd think she'd just be assassinated and her someone else take her place.

Daniel's use of the Cylons to prevent the bombing was a fun sequence. I was really getting tired of those damn STO members. As much as they focused on the religious themes of this show, no one really explained what the difference between these faiths are - i get the one god v. many concept - but what are the different values, if any, associated with them? It seemed like pretty much everyone was willing to kill, steal, lie, screw, and manipulate anyone in order to get what they want with no religious consequences whatsoever.

The Cylon in the stadium sequence was pretty exciting, but I've ALWAYS had a problem with how on TV people are always about to control things like a half dozen or so Cylons with an 80's computer or a simple laptop program. I also was annoyed that the STO bombers didn't blow the hell out of themselves when the first two or three were blasted.

What did you think?

Overall I give the Final Five episodes a 4 out 5. I will definitely be re-watching this series later.
Kirk: Spock, you want to know something? Everybody’s human.
Spock: I find that remark…insulting.
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The end of Caprica... spoilers - 09/01/2011 07:06:37 PM 447 Views
I enjoyed it. - 10/01/2011 12:25:55 AM 300 Views
Re: controlling Cylons - 10/01/2011 09:06:34 PM 368 Views
Re: controlling Cylons - 10/01/2011 09:38:05 PM 265 Views
Even powerful supercomputers can be controlled by keyboards. - 11/01/2011 06:05:56 AM 293 Views
Re: Lacy's rise - 11/01/2011 05:59:55 PM 236 Views
Re: The end of Caprica... spoilers - 12/01/2011 08:36:41 AM 298 Views
Re: The end of Caprica... spoilers - 15/01/2011 08:31:42 PM 258 Views
finally, someone else who has seen it - 21/01/2011 02:11:51 AM 321 Views

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