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I am Terez Send a noteboard - 30/04/2010 06:54:04 PM
You can be stubborn about it if you like (I know that's your specialty), but the description RJ gives includes the means of executing the nobility down to the velvet sack. In the The Great Hunt ch. 34, that same exact description is given for the Tower of Ravens.

Towers of Midnight=fortress in Imfaral

Tower of Ravens=political prison in Seandar
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First paragraph of ToM *slight spoilers* - 24/04/2010 10:23:06 AM 31848 Views
I think its clear now... - 24/04/2010 04:38:42 PM 4037 Views
I don't know - 24/04/2010 05:00:49 PM 3808 Views
About the Jordan comments - a defense of his old comments on the Cleansing - 26/04/2010 01:38:29 AM 4270 Views
RJ said... - 26/04/2010 07:51:10 AM 3730 Views
My point was, he might have been thinking of the PoVs. None of her or people who knew her - 26/04/2010 12:40:39 PM 3673 Views
No - 26/04/2010 12:59:34 PM 3480 Views
RJ confused the Towers of Midnight and the Tower of the Ravens - 30/04/2010 10:23:33 AM 3460 Views
I'm not that sure - 30/04/2010 11:07:40 AM 3373 Views
I am - 30/04/2010 06:54:04 PM 3467 Views
Well.... - 01/05/2010 09:52:14 AM 3412 Views
Re: Well.... - 01/05/2010 10:00:16 AM 3382 Views
Yeah, cool! *NM* - 01/05/2010 10:12:02 AM 1954 Views
Usually people are consistent with their mistakes during a given period of time - 03/05/2010 05:11:04 AM 3419 Views
Agreed. *NM* - 03/05/2010 05:50:59 PM 1968 Views

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