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Re: It doesn't appear that anything else in her room was searched. DomA Send a noteboard - 29/06/2010 06:12:14 PM
That she had it was probably fairly well known; WHERE she had it (that it was even in her room rather than some other hiding place) almost certainly wasn't.

That's still the first place someone would look for it, and it happened to be there.

There's no indication anyone DID search her jewelry box--or anything else. When Rand confronts her with the box that had held the adam, it's that object and nothing else.

This is probably not such a big mystery. In EOTW, Moiraine carefully dispelled the residues of her wards because she said Myrddraal could sense them otherwise. Among other things, Shaidar Haran is a Myddraal... their ability to sense saidar/saidin is mysterious, and there's no telling they can't sense inverted wards too. It's even possible he felt Elza's compulsion.

I wouldn't call that either "obvious" OR "fact. "

It's a fairly obvious fact Cadsuane has not wondered how the Shadow found the DM "on screen", as it's not in the book.

No character did., not even the uber-paranoid Rand. As for off-screen, Cadsuane kept sharing very important plans with Sorilea and Bair afteward, so it's pretty obvious she didn't see any reason to suspect them...

Everything got blamed on Elza.

I'm always leery of the logic that says,

I was merely pointing out the fact this issue wasn't raised at all.

It's quite possible there's a DF among the WO (or well-placed within one or more of the societies - the Maidens for instance: either about the only way DF circles can be kept alive beyond the barriers of the Clans), heck... one of those may even be Bair or Sorilea, but I still think they had nothing at all to do with the way the Shadow found the DM in Cadsuane's room. It doesn't seem to make much sense that SH got the location of the DM from a WO and then went and used not her but a BA compelled by some unknown person for the rest of the deed. The fact SH knew Elza was compelled also makes me lean toward her using the TP, because the interaction of TP/OP are unpredictable and dangerous and if I were SH I would not have trusted Elza to channel saidar near me... the TP however, is the DO. I'm not even convinced the TP does what you want it to do unless Shai'tan let it happens.

Sorilea makes a very unlikely DF, however, for how pushy she's been with Aviendha, and the importance that she marries Rand. In a similar way, Bair has been very pushy to send Aviendha to Rhuidean soon, and unless she's prepared a trap for her there, it's very strange that a DF WO would do that.

To find a DF WO, I'd rather look at those who are trying to avoid the changes to the Aiel brought by Rand. Amys and Sorilea are pushing the other way, to make those changes accepted.

I don't really think there's a DF among the core of the WO we know, though Melaine seems more likely than Bair/Sorilea if there's one. I'd be a lot more suspicious of the WO from the Clans that dithered coming to Rand, and who interpreted his kidnapping as him abandonning them to go to the WT - this spread like wildfire, and the WO who went to Dumai's Wells had a hard time getting things back under control. If the Shadow has tried to turn the Aiel against Rand, it's likely when it happened, and I'd look for WO characters who stayed in Cairhien, not among those who went to DW.

Sorilea had her back turned while Cadsuane dispelled the ward of her box (Cadsuane turned to look before she did it). It was also inverted, so she would have seen nothing anyway, maybe not even sense that there was any ward. So SH/Elza had a way to find the ward, and finding the inverted ward was finding the hiding place...

I don't know why you assume Cadsuane has placed tons of other wards in her room...

I don't believe we "know" any such thing. It's a possibility, but I don't think the rationale you outline there a very STRONG possibility

It's Brandon who told us SH has needed Elza as a minion because of his limitations to affect the physical world. I don't see why it's such a huge leap to conclude he has needed Elza to steal the DM and bring it to Semirhage.... It makes a lot more sense that Brandon was referring to that rather than to the killing of the sisters holding Semirhage's shield. He had Elza do that too, it seems, but we know SH can kill (and interact physically with people including non DF as he killed two of Graendal's favourite pets. With objects.. that's what's in doubt).

I don't think Elza was allowed use of the TP (she's certainly never proven herself to the degree I'd expect that to require

I just don't buy this argument that because the DO uses permission to use the TP as a reward, the possibility he also might force a DF to use it to accomplish specific goals is excluded.

I think you guys are way too trusting of the egomanical Forsaken's opinion about the True Power and to whom and why permission to use it is granted. You see it too much as a reward/mark of status, because it's how the father of lies wants his Chosen to see it.

Elza doesn't even have to be dedicated. The idea wouldn't be to elevate her status, it's simply to get the job done. Elza wouldn't be able to use the TP ever again unless Shai'tan let her tap it, even if she knew how now. We know this is possible for a fact, because the Forsaken beside Moridin have been cut off the TP.... it's in part why the Forsaken are so afraid of becoming addicted to it: it's available at the DO's whim.

Beside, the DO let his archenemy Rand tap the TP when it suited his goals. Why should he have frowned on forcing Elza to use it if SH needed that to get the job done? That mission was important enough to have SH take it personally, after Moridin forbid the Chosen to attempt anything...

Apparently, Semi couldn't detect Rand using it even when they both wore the adam: She figured it out by process of elimination when she realized he couldn't have used the One Power.

I've already addressed that. I don't think because human channellers can't see the OP unless they weave it we have to conclude SH and Shai'tan have no way to teach someone to use the TP, and it may not involve "show and tell" but passing the instinctual knowledge to do it. Rand knew instinctively how to weave balefire with the TP - was it because Shai'tan gave him the knowledg or his link to Moridin did? Either way, he got the knowledge...

Shai'tan is the True Power, and SH... we just don't know the extent of his powers. Given what SH is, it still sounds far more likely to me that he could give Elza knowledge to use the TP than having him teach her weaves of saidar.

Normally I would have believed SH did all the channelling and Elza picked the DM and carried it, but it's Brandon who said she has been taught "rare weaves" to do what Shaidar Haran wanted her to do. From there I merely find it most unlikely the Hand of the godly being who is the True Power itself passed her knowledge of saidar rather than use his own Power....
This message last edited by DomA on 29/06/2010 at 06:18:28 PM
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So, Is Bair a Darkfriend, or Sorilea? - 27/06/2010 09:19:22 AM 3649 Views
Maybe they found it with need? - 27/06/2010 11:28:44 AM 984 Views
But Semirhage didn't find it. Elsa did, or SH. - 27/06/2010 01:18:52 PM 1275 Views
I brought up the potential for Sorilea in the past - 27/06/2010 03:02:51 PM 1100 Views
Another good point. - 29/06/2010 11:43:11 AM 1054 Views
A good point. - 29/06/2010 11:38:51 AM 831 Views
Re: But Semirhage didn't find it. Elsa did, or SH. - 29/06/2010 09:36:03 PM 1027 Views
yeah, Verin Compelled all the captive AS in the Aiel camp - 29/06/2010 09:41:33 PM 1114 Views
Would that work, I wonder? - 29/06/2010 11:24:42 AM 892 Views
Re: Maybe they found it with need? - 08/07/2010 07:18:04 AM 692 Views
What if it was Shadar Haran that found it? - 27/06/2010 05:01:52 PM 934 Views
It's possible, but not likely, IMHO. - 29/06/2010 11:46:08 AM 862 Views
Ĵust to point out the obvious... - 27/06/2010 05:58:55 PM 1028 Views
You really think Elza used the TP? - 28/06/2010 05:35:20 AM 802 Views
I think the chance of that is zero - 28/06/2010 07:56:10 AM 938 Views
Re: I think the chance of that is zero - 28/06/2010 01:48:10 PM 968 Views
Re: I think the chance of that is zero - 28/06/2010 06:50:57 PM 897 Views
I agree - 28/06/2010 10:10:04 PM 907 Views
Re: I think the chance of that is zero - 28/06/2010 11:17:19 PM 891 Views
I agree as well - 29/06/2010 09:20:10 AM 838 Views
Sensing the TP - 01/07/2010 07:12:26 AM 710 Views
Re: Sensing the TP - 01/07/2010 08:56:42 AM 685 Views
Physical limitations make sense, BUT...: - 29/06/2010 12:30:33 PM 864 Views
It seems... - 29/06/2010 01:30:17 PM 819 Views
Re: It seems... - 29/06/2010 06:45:19 PM 851 Views
Hmmm.... - 29/06/2010 07:08:30 PM 651 Views
Good points - 29/06/2010 08:16:43 PM 971 Views
That's a good observation - 29/06/2010 08:36:24 PM 843 Views
Yeah, that would make some sense! *NM* - 30/06/2010 09:59:07 AM 751 Views
Some thoughts - 30/06/2010 12:15:25 PM 733 Views
Elza didn't use the true power - 28/06/2010 05:42:29 AM 813 Views
Re: Elza didn't use the true power - 28/06/2010 01:53:32 PM 959 Views
It doesn't appear that anything else in her room was searched. - 29/06/2010 12:23:42 PM 790 Views
Re: It doesn't appear that anything else in her room was searched. - 29/06/2010 06:12:14 PM 888 Views
About use of the TP - 29/06/2010 08:59:47 PM 926 Views
UR WRONG - 27/06/2010 11:09:35 PM 830 Views
AM NOT111 - 29/06/2010 12:32:09 PM 657 Views
I tend to doubt that one of them is a DF - 29/06/2010 09:45:58 AM 722 Views
"Helping" can be a very subjective term. - 29/06/2010 12:37:09 PM 822 Views
Re: "Helping" can be a very subjective term. - 29/06/2010 06:31:11 PM 628 Views
I think it is Sorilea - 29/06/2010 06:40:49 PM 756 Views
Re: I think it is Sorilea - 29/06/2010 07:57:38 PM 827 Views
I like the Melaine theory, but a pregnant WO DF? RJ likes to punish his bad guys too much - 29/06/2010 08:31:01 PM 744 Views
I agree that seems a bit too nasty for RJ - 30/06/2010 08:43:00 AM 752 Views
Re: I like the Melaine theory, but a pregnant WO DF? RJ likes to punish his bad guys too much - 08/07/2010 02:20:32 PM 883 Views
you are likley correct - 08/07/2010 03:09:33 PM 750 Views
Yes, Ingtar - wrong guy lol (posting from work) - 30/06/2010 12:30:54 PM 840 Views

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