1. A pair of superbowl tickets?
2. A pair of World Cup tickets?
World Cup in what?
3. A date with (pick one) Jennifer Lopez/ Ben Affleck?
Oh. Just a date? I'd give an evening of my life!
4. A plasma screen television?
pay money
5. A bit role in The Lord of the Rings movies?
hmmm. not all that much.
6. A central role in The Lord of the Rings movies?
Now we're talking interesting things... What I'd do for it, I dunno.
7. A chance to play baseball for the Yankees?
nothing whatsoever. I mean, jsut think about the beer costs. (One can only play baseball while drunk or a kid, not fun otherwise)
8. To be on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
well. I haven't yet called in and tried to qualify...
9. To be The Bachelor/ette?
Never. Nothing.
10. Another year of school?
Hmmm... Well. I could borrow another 50,000, but I don't feel like it.
11. A higher-paying job?
Not all that much if it's not interesting.
12. A personal phone call from wotmania Mike?
He's not all that cute, but I'd give him my phonenumber... I am not a phone person.
13. A dinner with Robert Jordan?
poisoned oysters.
14. A dinner with the author of your choice?
A good meal?
15. A dinner with the wotmaniac of your choice?
Ow. Now we are talking... What I'd do for that? Well. I'd make the food. I'd probably travel quite far for it... (Come to think of it, I have traveled to england to meet wotmaniacs of my choise... that's pretty far!)
16. The secret that is behind Door # 1, but you couldn't know till after you made the deal?
Hmmm. A random secret? I'd not do anything for it, really...
I mean you harm.
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Who cares what a cow thinks? Seriously. - Elaine