1. A pair of superbowl tickets?
nothing, yuck is that baseball?
2. A pair of World Cup tickets?
nothing, is that baseball too?
3. A date with (pick one) Jennifer Lopez/ Ben Affleck?
not much, I don't think fame is everything.
4. A plasma screen television?
eat lots of chocolate
5. A bit role in The Lord of the Rings movies?
oh, yuck no, they'd have to pay me a lot for that.
6. A central role in The Lord of the Rings movies?
even worse, they'd have to pay me even more for that.
7. A chance to play baseball for the Yankees?
I don't think they would be very happy with me..... It would be fun though.
8. To be on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGG *doesn't think she has to answer this question further*
9. To be The Bachelor/ette?
find someone to marry?
10. Another year of school?
I don't think I'll survive this year...
11. A higher-paying job?
I don't have a job, but maybe I could try to apply for one?
12. A personal phone call from wotmania Mike?
I could call him myself... It would be a personal phone call with him...
13. A dinner with Robert Jordan?
nothing, why would I want that for?
14. A dinner with the author of your choice?
uhm... do a crazy dance (just to be creative for a change)
15. A dinner with the wotmaniac of your choice?
I have dinner with 2 wotmaniacs everyday (and breakfast too) am I a lucky person or what? but with someone else, I'd like that, don't know what I'd do for that... maybe ask it?
16. The secret that is behind Door # 1, but you couldn't know till after you made the deal?
make the deal, but only if I think it's a good secret and worth knowing.
Member of the Professional Lurkers Society
Bonded to Eyeless Myrddraal
proud member of WASPT
Queen of B&P
Remembering Kory
Thinking of Aimee