1. Tell tell, what is your favorite type of weather, your idealistical day ?
warm and dry
2. What is your least favorite type of weather, a lamentable day for you ?
3. Do you look forward to any particular season of weather, do you look forward to the end of any particular season?
I look orwad to the end of winter. spring, summer and autumn/fall are quite OK.
4. Are you afraid of thunderstorms? Do you love thunderstorms? Do you think they are beautiful or terrible, or just generally wish they were elsewhere?
I'm not afraid. Neither beautifl nor terrible, sometimes disturbing, but OTOH after a scorcher of a day a thunderstorm can be refreshing
5. Isn't snow the most beautiful of all nature's creations ?
no. any water that freezes should be accused of founding a terroristic organisation and sentenced to melt immediately.
6. Either or . . . hot or cold? rain or snow? windy or calm? humid or dry? thunderstorms or blizzards?
hot, rain, windy, dry, thunderstorms
I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it.
(Terry Pratchett)