Tapes are okay. I stated out with a tape quite a while ago, with what I think was the basic moves of Egyptian dance. Sort of. It was a workout video so it didn't put anything together or whatever, and I eventually gave it up. Now I'm taking classes, and I. LOVE. IT. I love bellydancing. I'm currently learning American Tribal Style (aka ATS), but there are SO many kinds out there, it's not even funny. Egyptian, cabaret, ATS, Indian, African, Bollywood, gypsy, sword, basket, fire etc. etc. etc. You could take a lifetime to learn it all.
So yeah, let's dish it, girl. And check out my profile pic.
Catriona, Countess of Options
Still searching for that one great love...
Eternal Wotmaniad Fangirl
But now you're cooler than Mr. T. - OA
For Kory and Joe: