Active Users:206 Time:02/06/2024 06:03:18 AM
Re: Still, seeing as many as six consonants together can be intimidating for some of us Ellestra Send a noteboard - 30/11/2010 02:27:03 AM
Oh, you mean how a mere five letters covers something like a dozen or so vowel possibilities, not even taking into account diphthongs? Yeah, that can be a problem (I blame it on the French, actually :P) even for native speakers. Might also explain why I prefer Spanish, since the sounds rarely vary (the "r"/"rr" bit being the only deviation that comes to mind).

Back when I was just learning English I remember often thinking 'how you ever come up with writing it this way?' I blame the French too. Germans have much more sensible orthography :P

I did like what I read last year, but I think a re-read will solidify a few impressions I had at the time. Hopefully in 2-3 weeks. Oh, I learned today from Sapkowski's Spanish publisher that they do hope to publish the second volume sometime in 2011, depending on translator availability. Spanish-Polish translators seem to be in very short supply there and all.

I suppose they don't usually have much work so they probably do it in the spare time between other jobs. That's the sad role of translator, especially of less common languages :(

Soon. I had hoped to be finished with it already, but I have been laid up these past few days with an increasingly bad sinus infection, so it might not be until toward the weekend that I can finish reading the series.

I hope you get better soon. I hate sinus infections, they usually make my whole head hurt. I'm surprised you can read at all.

He certainly doesn't "sparkle" here, but is very cool despite (or because of that lack?) that :P

He takes horseshoes from the fire with his bare hands and wears black. How can he not be cool? :P

Not to mention his "drinking" problem? ;)

I think my favourite part is the event that made him quit :P

You might find watching paint dry to be a more exciting affair ;)

Come on, it's not that bad, is it?

Interesting information about Sienkiewicz. I've only read Quo Vadis in full (I glanced through the Trilogy when I was in college back in the mid-1990s, but haven't read it in full), but I do recall the translator (from the beginning of the 20th century) utilizing some stylized turns of phrase in that book. Been too long since I last read it. Maybe I'll place an order for the Trilogy in the near future, even though I'm trying to buy very few books over the next three months or so, in order to clear out space in my house.

I think you should be able to get it from library. After all he got Nobel this should made him kind of obligatory library material.
Evolution, just like gravity, works even if you don't believe in it.

Stupidity doesn't hurt but it kills.
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Andrzej Sapkowski, Times of Disdain/Tiempo del odio - 27/11/2010 03:24:22 AM 1218 Views
Re: Andrzej Sapkowski, Times of Disdain/Tiempo del odio - 27/11/2010 09:37:07 PM 771 Views
The main reason why I lean toward "hatred" is later on - 27/11/2010 09:43:43 PM 749 Views
Yeah, there may be a slight difference between Czech and English meaning of the word - 28/11/2010 10:49:23 AM 708 Views
Makes sense to me - 28/11/2010 07:13:08 PM 777 Views
Now for that passage near the end of the book I said I'd post - 28/11/2010 02:35:38 AM 706 Views
Hm. I'd actually say it makes me more inclined to think "contempt" is right after all. - 28/11/2010 10:50:09 AM 783 Views
I didn't quote what happened immediately afterward, as that is a major spoiler - 28/11/2010 07:16:39 PM 669 Views
Fair points. *NM* - 29/11/2010 12:26:28 AM 370 Views
Re: Now for that passage near the end of the book I said I'd post - 28/11/2010 11:03:18 AM 698 Views
Re: Now for that passage near the end of the book I said I'd post - 29/11/2010 01:12:58 AM 575 Views
- 29/11/2010 04:53:12 AM 721 Views
You made me want to go and reread this again - 29/11/2010 12:07:46 AM 759 Views
I'm in the midst of re-reading The Tower of the Swallow - 29/11/2010 12:32:23 AM 843 Views
Re: I'm in the midst of re-reading The Tower of the Swallow - 29/11/2010 01:05:30 AM 788 Views
Re: I'm in the midst of re-reading The Tower of the Swallow - 29/11/2010 05:02:48 AM 781 Views
Re: I'm in the midst of re-reading The Tower of the Swallow - 29/11/2010 04:39:02 PM 814 Views
Still, seeing as many as six consonants together can be intimidating for some of us - 29/11/2010 11:37:22 PM 829 Views
Re: Still, seeing as many as six consonants together can be intimidating for some of us - 30/11/2010 02:27:03 AM 781 Views
I refuse to give the Germans credit when it comes to language and grammar issues! - 30/11/2010 03:04:30 AM 950 Views
I don't see why; except maybe page long nouns - 30/11/2010 04:22:37 PM 995 Views
I dunno, some people dig saying "Machtübernahme" and "Größerdeutschland" - 30/11/2010 05:53:43 PM 816 Views
Hey those are short - 01/12/2010 03:44:42 AM 834 Views
I REALLY can't wait for this to come out in English - 30/11/2010 04:50:56 AM 765 Views
Re: I REALLY can't wait for this to come out in English - 30/11/2010 03:45:33 PM 779 Views

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