Active Users:187 Time:17/06/2024 08:02:26 AM
Yes, Jerodam. Christians are good. All the rest are bad. I see it now. Camilla Send a noteboard - 18/08/2010 04:10:47 PM

I think the reason the Crusades are brought up is because they are perceived as never having ended. What we define as the crusades did, but the tendency of Christian Europe expanding and spreading throughout the world only ended in the middle of the last century, when America took over. Imperialism is seen as a continuation of the same trend, and "crusades" are used as shorthand.

Imperialism is equated to the Crusades? That is a viewpoint that I had never heard of before. Lets be honest when it comes to the spread of Christianity. It has done *far* more good then bad. Christianity was the subject & inspiration for any number of artistic endevours. It paved the way for modernization of the west. And for crying out loud, the first book off of the printing press was the Bible.

The spread of Christianity is a good thing. You don't see Christian parents "circumcising" their daughters. You don't see them forcing their women to wear head to toe robes with only their finger tips & eyes visiable. And you do not see Christian armed forces stoning people or tossing acid on girls on their way to school. Of course, there are Christians out there who are wierd and do strange and anti-social things, but they are the exception and not the rule. The vast majority of us have found the balance between their faith and modern life. That is a balance that Islam has not found for the vast majority of muslims.

structured procrastinator
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Wait, wait WAIT! The location for the so-called "mosque at ground zero" is actually 2 blocks away?! - 17/08/2010 03:19:02 PM 2343 Views
it's still too close!! IT'S TOO CLOSE I SAY - 17/08/2010 03:23:12 PM 1334 Views
*NM* - 18/08/2010 11:40:26 AM 560 Views
Yes, it is. - 17/08/2010 03:23:33 PM 1325 Views
Another stupid it even actually a mosque? - 17/08/2010 03:28:37 PM 1179 Views
I've heard the same. - 17/08/2010 03:30:36 PM 1111 Views
So - 17/08/2010 03:35:43 PM 1200 Views
blog link - 17/08/2010 03:41:43 PM 1205 Views
that's correct *NM* - 17/08/2010 03:51:38 PM 568 Views
it's both from what I've heard. - 17/08/2010 04:00:54 PM 1114 Views
sort of like most churches, mosques and temples? *NM* - 17/08/2010 04:04:12 PM 560 Views
mmm, i think more like... - 17/08/2010 04:08:55 PM 1071 Views
it is a community center with a mosque - 17/08/2010 04:28:08 PM 966 Views
A memorial! - 17/08/2010 04:58:52 PM 1184 Views
it is a community center with a mosque - 17/08/2010 04:28:09 PM 1148 Views
my wife's church has a play ground and community center - 17/08/2010 04:47:52 PM 1092 Views
okay, cool then - 17/08/2010 05:17:04 PM 983 Views
I was just being nit picky - 17/08/2010 05:44:36 PM 957 Views
Been hearing a lot on NPR - 17/08/2010 03:32:42 PM 1184 Views
I could see it being insensitive if it were actually where the towers used to be. - 17/08/2010 03:43:18 PM 1242 Views
Yeah. - 17/08/2010 03:51:13 PM 1143 Views
precisely. - 17/08/2010 04:02:44 PM 1055 Views
you should probably keep in mind.... - 17/08/2010 04:02:25 PM 1200 Views
So - 17/08/2010 04:06:18 PM 1256 Views
don't use that term at all. Say WTC. *NM* - 18/08/2010 12:27:32 AM 574 Views
I know. - 17/08/2010 04:26:19 PM 1124 Views
it certainly has turned into a political land mine for Obama... - 17/08/2010 03:54:03 PM 1123 Views
True - 17/08/2010 04:02:04 PM 950 Views
unfortunately... - 17/08/2010 04:05:08 PM 1068 Views
That's because they are pussies. - 17/08/2010 04:10:59 PM 1212 Views
This is beginning to sound familiar. - 17/08/2010 05:18:37 PM 1286 Views
with the senate majority leader weighing it I don't believe it is all how it is mostly on the right - 17/08/2010 05:58:10 PM 1184 Views
Seems we disagree on that, then. - 17/08/2010 06:05:33 PM 1162 Views
hardly the first time - 17/08/2010 06:56:33 PM 1138 Views
Well, since day 1 of this whole debate alot of the opposition has come from the right. - 17/08/2010 10:50:49 PM 1129 Views
you assume it is pandering maybe they just agree with the majority - 18/08/2010 02:30:53 AM 1115 Views
I'm not saying it's a partisan issue, but it has turned political for all the wrong reasons. - 18/08/2010 04:18:49 AM 1225 Views
is the idea that it is not to close to ground zero the misinformation you are refering to? - 18/08/2010 03:09:17 PM 1072 Views
Well, it's not like they're literally on ground zero. - 18/08/2010 08:54:08 PM 1209 Views
ground zero is defined as where the old WTC complex was - 19/08/2010 12:23:32 PM 1094 Views
And anything within a 3 block radius apparently? - 20/08/2010 04:44:25 AM 1123 Views
Guess which of them will be out of a job in January? - 18/08/2010 01:22:49 PM 1103 Views
the only reason Obama won't be out of job is he isn't running - 18/08/2010 03:10:58 PM 1076 Views
Oh, I dunno if you could translate the current numbers into Obamas defeat. - 18/08/2010 03:52:18 PM 1163 Views
Bush's numbers were much better in 04 then Obama's are now - 18/08/2010 04:11:31 PM 1174 Views
Perhaps so then. - 19/08/2010 04:51:36 PM 1092 Views
it was a large event so two half blocks really is pretty damn close - 17/08/2010 04:03:17 PM 1207 Views
Here's a map of the site for perspective - 17/08/2010 04:08:41 PM 1221 Views
so 2 blocks from the superblock then? - 17/08/2010 04:13:03 PM 1228 Views
I guess, superblock is an obscure term to this country lad - 17/08/2010 04:41:11 PM 1106 Views
It may not necessarily matter to people who are aware of that fact. - 17/08/2010 05:13:12 PM 1075 Views
mk, well, to my mind (being from phoeni, 1 full city block is about 1 mile. - 17/08/2010 05:15:49 PM 1143 Views
A mile is a serious exaggeration, surely. - 17/08/2010 05:24:48 PM 1242 Views
Remember, I did say in Phoenix - 17/08/2010 05:27:43 PM 1137 Views
I really need to see Phoenix some day. - 17/08/2010 05:32:40 PM 1176 Views
i still think houston is more spread out than phoenix - 18/08/2010 08:21:10 AM 1172 Views
unless you go far enough west of course - 18/08/2010 03:30:45 PM 1033 Views
most of california is pretty spread out, city-wise. - 19/08/2010 02:16:44 AM 1000 Views
true, I was think along the lines of San Fransico - 19/08/2010 03:47:12 AM 1084 Views
Absolutely. - 17/08/2010 05:28:38 PM 1132 Views
In NYC, generally 1 mile = 20 blocks *NM* - 17/08/2010 05:25:21 PM 619 Views
Okay. I guess i just forget how much larger Phoenix is *NM* - 17/08/2010 05:28:13 PM 501 Views
Google Earth says 500 feet between mosque and GZ *NM* - 17/08/2010 05:30:59 PM 520 Views
Clarify: 500 ft between the mosque and the border of the area on the map? *NM* - 17/08/2010 07:03:51 PM 537 Views
Probably, given my corner-to-corner result. *NM* - 17/08/2010 07:26:19 PM 542 Views
Yes, down West Broadway (contains old ground view from site) - 17/08/2010 07:31:58 PM 1253 Views
Personally, I think this supports Ave's point. - 17/08/2010 04:16:15 PM 1184 Views
yes... - 17/08/2010 04:29:51 PM 1193 Views
Right. - 17/08/2010 04:31:29 PM 1145 Views
Believe me, honey. - 17/08/2010 04:32:47 PM 993 Views
- 17/08/2010 04:37:19 PM 1066 Views
You know what else is on Park Place? A strip club. - 17/08/2010 11:58:56 PM 1048 Views
Really? I had no idea - 18/08/2010 12:06:27 AM 1127 Views
Re: Really? I had no idea - 18/08/2010 12:24:54 AM 1184 Views
Hmm... - 18/08/2010 01:23:14 AM 1132 Views
I didn't even know I was responding to you. - 18/08/2010 04:08:36 AM 1103 Views
Thanks - 18/08/2010 04:23:47 AM 1086 Views
It happens...? - 18/08/2010 01:29:44 PM 910 Views
knowing there's a strip club and "walking those streets"; seems like you've "gotten around" - 18/08/2010 02:03:14 AM 1107 Views
*NM* - 18/08/2010 04:10:10 AM 535 Views
They're building on the hallowed ground of a Burlington Coat Factory! - 17/08/2010 04:13:06 PM 1190 Views
how so? - 17/08/2010 04:14:17 PM 1010 Views
Maybe it's got something to do with Cordoba, Spain? - 17/08/2010 04:16:38 PM 1021 Views
From when the Moors conquered Spain - 17/08/2010 04:18:18 PM 1236 Views
ah mk. fair enough then. *NM* - 17/08/2010 04:35:39 PM 656 Views
to clarify though - 17/08/2010 04:50:19 PM 1037 Views
in that respect, I rather like the name *NM* - 17/08/2010 05:23:18 PM 580 Views
Yes, but you have to remember the mindset of those protesting. - 17/08/2010 09:49:26 PM 1136 Views
Oh indeed - 18/08/2010 10:20:45 AM 1151 Views
Oh, yeah. I foolishly assumed people would know that part. *NM* - 18/08/2010 05:34:39 PM 543 Views
Sorry, but the card says it was "the Moops" so you must be wrong. - 18/08/2010 03:56:11 PM 1104 Views
Aaaaaaaaagh - 18/08/2010 04:13:17 PM 1060 Views
*NM* - 18/08/2010 05:31:20 PM 526 Views
Or a Christian conquest of Islam, surely. - 17/08/2010 05:07:53 PM 1198 Views
Right on the button. *NM* - 17/08/2010 04:19:39 PM 550 Views
Ezra Klein made a good point in the Washington Post... - 17/08/2010 04:33:31 PM 1002 Views
Re: Ezra Klein made a good point in the Washington Post... - 17/08/2010 04:34:47 PM 1057 Views
it was a rhetorical question in his column - 17/08/2010 04:43:25 PM 1160 Views
that is hardly the same thing - 17/08/2010 04:56:43 PM 1107 Views
so suppose... - 17/08/2010 06:06:03 PM 1053 Views
I am sure it will I just don't see the relevance - 17/08/2010 06:57:41 PM 1160 Views
My question is, why would you want to put a mosque/community center/thing that close? - 17/08/2010 04:39:05 PM 1092 Views
angry New Yorkers? - 17/08/2010 04:45:01 PM 1191 Views
I was going to guess 4 protests to your earlier post. - 17/08/2010 04:50:08 PM 1144 Views
Re: angry New Yorkers? - 17/08/2010 04:53:58 PM 1081 Views
I was wondering about that. - 17/08/2010 04:56:28 PM 1174 Views
Re: I was wondering about that. - 17/08/2010 05:05:50 PM 1134 Views
interesting map, thanks for posting it. *NM* - 17/08/2010 05:55:06 PM 576 Views
That's a good point too and I didn't think about that. - 17/08/2010 05:39:53 PM 1269 Views
I think what this position misses - 17/08/2010 05:01:52 PM 1293 Views
Ok, sure. - 17/08/2010 06:09:33 PM 1193 Views
Hoboken? - 17/08/2010 09:06:07 PM 1001 Views
Indeed. Not a serious suggestion about putting it there. - 17/08/2010 09:13:35 PM 1005 Views
angry New Yorkers? Geez, we are more civilized than that, thank you. *NM* - 18/08/2010 12:01:12 AM 514 Views
not really *NM* - 18/08/2010 02:31:46 AM 438 Views
your opinion is noted. now go eff yourself. *NM* - 18/08/2010 04:11:25 AM 478 Views
that's pretty good - 18/08/2010 04:44:14 AM 1070 Views
and a heart fuck off to you but thanks for the ironic reply *NM* - 18/08/2010 03:18:25 PM 504 Views
How is it ironic? *NM* - 18/08/2010 03:43:50 PM 540 Views
How was his uncivilized response ironic? *NM* - 18/08/2010 04:18:17 PM 491 Views
Yes. Where is the irony? - 18/08/2010 04:20:57 PM 1030 Views
Re: How was his uncivilized response ironic? - 18/08/2010 04:23:25 PM 1035 Views
Aaah - 18/08/2010 04:31:02 PM 1083 Views
Re: Aaah - 18/08/2010 05:30:07 PM 1042 Views
Re: Aaah - 18/08/2010 05:38:47 PM 1137 Views
To both of you: her. And she. *NM* - 18/08/2010 05:44:03 PM 523 Views
I knew that. *NM* - 18/08/2010 05:45:21 PM 505 Views
I'm not a New Yorker. Not impuning your civility either. - 19/08/2010 02:45:55 AM 1268 Views
Something I'm confused on - 17/08/2010 04:59:41 PM 1348 Views
another thing to consider. - 17/08/2010 05:02:38 PM 1032 Views
You'll have to explain to me what that has to do with what I said - 17/08/2010 05:10:21 PM 1063 Views
I don't think anyone is saying it's not "near" ground zero. - 17/08/2010 05:12:52 PM 1171 Views
Of course you're confused. It was a tangental thought. - 17/08/2010 06:06:29 PM 1108 Views
On that tangent though, an interesting article - 17/08/2010 07:50:44 PM 1137 Views
I understand there's also a strip club and a xxx movie rental shop within that same 2 blocks radius. - 17/08/2010 05:09:26 PM 1113 Views
Looks like 2 or 3 blocks, I love Google Earth - 17/08/2010 05:17:01 PM 1170 Views
True but the buildings were not nocked down by radical strippers *NM* - 17/08/2010 05:52:04 PM 528 Views
Joss Whedon purchased the rights to this movie already. *NM* - 17/08/2010 06:29:34 PM 579 Views
*NM* - 17/08/2010 06:38:27 PM 514 Views
Yep. Is true. *NM* - 17/08/2010 11:59:31 PM 534 Views
What do strip clubs and dirty movies and gay bars have to do with 9/11? *NM* - 18/08/2010 12:33:59 AM 546 Views
Nothing, which is precisely the point. *NM* - 18/08/2010 12:37:52 AM 549 Views
Can you explain your point to me then? Because I'm not following it. - 18/08/2010 01:21:13 AM 1075 Views
Pretty much what Greg said. - 18/08/2010 09:39:33 AM 1130 Views
then you are missing the point - 18/08/2010 04:02:49 PM 1203 Views
In all fairness... - 18/08/2010 09:46:26 PM 1122 Views
these guys are not babes in the woods - 19/08/2010 12:28:24 PM 1000 Views
I never said they were. - 20/08/2010 04:56:53 AM 1139 Views
Respond/Double post. *NM* - 20/08/2010 04:57:25 AM 475 Views
This whole debate disgusts me. - 17/08/2010 05:24:56 PM 1291 Views
I'm not going to ask why. *NM* - 17/08/2010 06:21:13 PM 509 Views
Agreed - 17/08/2010 08:10:34 PM 1236 Views
Yep, I see a lot of ugliness in this discussion - 18/08/2010 11:42:34 AM 1078 Views
Jon Stewart made good point last night - 17/08/2010 05:34:19 PM 1171 Views
but it's the CONCEPT!!! practical effect is not the POINT of political debate!! *NM* - 17/08/2010 05:53:30 PM 529 Views
which is why Obama was crazy to get anywhere this issue - 17/08/2010 06:01:44 PM 1019 Views
He's damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't - 17/08/2010 06:18:16 PM 1052 Views
that really isn't true - 17/08/2010 07:09:29 PM 1135 Views
yah he really should have just stayed mum about it - 17/08/2010 07:37:03 PM 1109 Views
Ye gods, I agree with you AND CELIA! - 18/08/2010 01:36:21 PM 1258 Views
double post - 17/08/2010 06:01:44 PM 1086 Views
Hatemongers gotta hate. - 17/08/2010 07:43:17 PM 1114 Views
More than anything, I see this being a sensitivity issue.... - 17/08/2010 07:43:45 PM 1078 Views
- 17/08/2010 07:52:07 PM 1100 Views
Right on. - 17/08/2010 08:09:44 PM 1040 Views
yah, it sounds like the builders aren't being very thoughtful in their PR. - 17/08/2010 08:12:20 PM 836 Views
yah, it sounds like the builders aren't being very thoughtful in their PR. - 17/08/2010 08:12:21 PM 1114 Views
are you serious? - 17/08/2010 08:01:01 PM 1183 Views
I think you got the point right there. - 17/08/2010 08:08:21 PM 1083 Views
Yes, I am... - 17/08/2010 08:14:27 PM 1084 Views
The point is your analogy does not hold - 17/08/2010 08:19:29 PM 1077 Views
Plus - 17/08/2010 08:26:36 PM 1138 Views
Yes. That. *NM* - 17/08/2010 08:28:14 PM 1009 Views
we should all learn pool saftey from pigeons and sparrows. - 17/08/2010 08:37:37 PM 1021 Views
Sicko! - 17/08/2010 08:48:05 PM 1071 Views
Re: Yes, I am... - 17/08/2010 08:42:27 PM 1138 Views
Just to be a pain in the... - 17/08/2010 09:10:11 PM 1112 Views
Aren't they? - 17/08/2010 09:19:58 PM 1165 Views
You may be interested in... - 17/08/2010 09:23:48 PM 1245 Views
*nods* So I was right.... - 17/08/2010 09:26:59 PM 974 Views
actually, it depends on the extent of the burning. - 17/08/2010 11:01:11 PM 1043 Views
That is probably not fair - 17/08/2010 11:12:22 PM 1100 Views
I know! - 18/08/2010 03:06:25 AM 1102 Views
it's all relative. - 18/08/2010 03:33:35 AM 1182 Views
Using a touch of hyperbole, perhaps? - 18/08/2010 10:18:36 AM 1086 Views
I'm so proud of you for noticing! - 18/08/2010 10:48:14 AM 1159 Views
Just making sure you knew I wasn't mistaking your reply for a constructive one - 18/08/2010 12:08:41 PM 1054 Views
I give constuctive replies where they are due - 18/08/2010 12:30:42 PM 1137 Views
- 18/08/2010 12:33:57 PM 1087 Views
- 18/08/2010 12:41:27 PM 1150 Views
Hey Snoop... - 18/08/2010 12:47:13 PM 1152 Views
What the hell were these people smoking? - 18/08/2010 02:14:44 PM 1268 Views
COMPLETELY unrelated point that I don't blame you for ignoring... - 19/08/2010 04:25:31 AM 1037 Views
And yet that's very close to what MADD and SADD do. - 18/08/2010 01:56:51 PM 1235 Views
you are right of course - 17/08/2010 08:22:23 PM 1055 Views
Re: you are right of course - 17/08/2010 08:34:31 PM 1208 Views
I agree. - 17/08/2010 08:46:07 PM 1014 Views
you could be correct but it still shows a lack of sensitivity - 17/08/2010 09:34:46 PM 1229 Views
I don't disagree that it's a sensitivity thing - 17/08/2010 08:10:01 PM 1184 Views
Re: I don't disagree that it's a sensitivity thing *NM* - 17/08/2010 08:29:59 PM 482 Views
This. - 17/08/2010 08:31:17 PM 1117 Views
So, you're saying muslims should leave nyc to show their sensitivity, right? - 17/08/2010 10:31:55 PM 1031 Views
so your saying you always speak in over the top rhetoric? - 18/08/2010 03:22:20 PM 938 Views
Well explain what the difference is, then - 18/08/2010 07:14:46 PM 1057 Views
not really sure how to start - 18/08/2010 08:23:34 PM 1106 Views
THANK YOU - 18/08/2010 01:13:16 AM 1167 Views
Take deep breaths.. - 18/08/2010 05:25:16 AM 1041 Views
Typing a post didn't really require all that much effort - 18/08/2010 06:13:15 AM 1165 Views
There are more important things in the world to worry about - 18/08/2010 08:51:35 AM 1142 Views
I do get angry over other things, you know - 18/08/2010 10:02:02 AM 1130 Views
Pretty much, yeah. - 18/08/2010 09:00:09 PM 1087 Views
: - 18/08/2010 02:52:51 PM 1216 Views
So what, the Americans supporting this mosque are "arrogant European pricks"? - 18/08/2010 10:12:51 AM 959 Views
Kind of a stretch for you to make that assumption - 18/08/2010 11:31:16 AM 1122 Views
I hadn't read that other exchange yet, it made more sense after that. - 18/08/2010 12:35:18 PM 1154 Views
A mosque was built in the Pentagon months after 9/11 - 18/08/2010 01:23:11 AM 1164 Views
Here comes the "xenophobia card." - 18/08/2010 01:27:50 AM 1156 Views
Which is why there was a bombing at another mosque earlier this year - 18/08/2010 01:31:51 AM 1087 Views
So? - 18/08/2010 01:39:49 AM 1199 Views
Re: A mosque was built in the Pentagon months after 9/11 - 18/08/2010 01:28:44 AM 1194 Views
Re: A mosque was built in the Pentagon months after 9/11 - 18/08/2010 01:34:22 AM 1198 Views
A guy on CNN made a really good point about this - 17/08/2010 08:46:54 PM 1198 Views
hmm yes but that black man hadn't killed his dog - 17/08/2010 09:22:15 PM 1108 Views
Re: hmm yes but that black man hadn't killed his dog - 17/08/2010 10:32:24 PM 1258 Views
precisely. - 17/08/2010 11:20:06 PM 1001 Views
Re: precisely. - 18/08/2010 01:32:09 AM 1094 Views
Re: precisely. - 18/08/2010 09:10:33 AM 1116 Views
not surprising that a guy on CNN made that point - 17/08/2010 09:38:16 PM 1203 Views
Yeah this whole debate is pretty pointless to be completely honest - 17/08/2010 10:28:13 PM 1144 Views
An interesting point - 18/08/2010 03:44:52 AM 1137 Views
In fairness, it's extremely hard to draw that line sometimes. - 18/08/2010 10:27:24 AM 1093 Views
well we have been shot at from enough mosque to make it hard to tell at times - 18/08/2010 08:25:58 PM 1120 Views
I think this whole debate has made American look bad. - 17/08/2010 10:58:23 PM 1075 Views
So what? - 18/08/2010 12:28:40 AM 1122 Views
Okay, so we're no longer the land of religous tolerance. - 18/08/2010 04:09:24 AM 1279 Views
Were we ever? - 18/08/2010 04:18:16 AM 1270 Views
I guess not. - 18/08/2010 04:25:03 AM 1223 Views
Re: I guess not. - 18/08/2010 05:56:49 AM 1116 Views
Re: I guess not. - 18/08/2010 10:43:05 AM 1101 Views
Re: I guess not. - 18/08/2010 12:13:37 PM 961 Views
Re: I guess not. - 18/08/2010 09:30:21 PM 1028 Views
Yes, we were. - 18/08/2010 02:34:39 PM 1087 Views
Olberman's Special Comment on this one hits the nail on the head - 18/08/2010 01:29:45 AM 1137 Views
love that the Olberman video, but Jon Stewart did an awesome job too. *NM* - 18/08/2010 01:32:59 AM 469 Views
Olbermann and Stewart are possibly the two best people alive *NM* - 18/08/2010 02:39:48 AM 570 Views
they make the top of my list for people I wnat to catch an STD *NM* - 18/08/2010 08:27:27 PM 506 Views
Let me just say... - 18/08/2010 09:20:38 PM 1107 Views
Re: Let me just say... - 18/08/2010 09:22:12 PM 1102 Views
I didn't watch that particular video, so maybe, yeah. *NM* - 18/08/2010 10:11:22 PM 539 Views
Re: I didn't watch that particular video, so maybe, yeah. - 18/08/2010 10:45:54 PM 1124 Views
O'Reilly isn't as bad as he's made out to be. (edit) - 18/08/2010 11:10:33 PM 1135 Views
I'm pretty sure I agree with you. - 18/08/2010 10:48:09 PM 1035 Views
Why is it weird? - 18/08/2010 11:00:20 PM 1114 Views
dayum! thats like the ultimate insult *NM* - 19/08/2010 03:37:53 AM 487 Views
Stewart is great, but Olberman? You can't be serious. *NM* - 18/08/2010 11:23:17 PM 576 Views
I love that poem - 18/08/2010 12:26:58 PM 1245 Views
I used to be so Idealistic to think this was AMERICA. - 18/08/2010 01:44:38 AM 1185 Views
It is America - 18/08/2010 01:49:35 AM 1186 Views
the key phrase is "congress shall make no law...." - 18/08/2010 02:23:53 AM 1209 Views
14th ammendment changed that *NM* - 18/08/2010 04:51:08 AM 506 Views
14th ammendment established a state religion? - 18/08/2010 08:14:11 AM 1033 Views
No, but the Equal Protection Clause extended much of the BoR to the states. - 18/08/2010 02:50:31 PM 1126 Views
did you go the the Huffington Post school of law? - 18/08/2010 03:29:14 PM 1057 Views
No, but I've spent more time around lawyers than I care to admit. - 18/08/2010 03:45:36 PM 1158 Views
the defendent doesn't always get a complete picture *NM* - 18/08/2010 04:25:36 PM 511 Views
The only time I was ever in a courtroom was as a spectator. - 19/08/2010 04:33:56 PM 1134 Views
It was meant to be a short comment - 19/08/2010 01:13:39 AM 1147 Views
we also have freedom of speech - 18/08/2010 03:25:52 PM 1027 Views
The connection is inevitable and, I think, deliberate. - 18/08/2010 01:15:41 PM 1185 Views
Hmm - 18/08/2010 02:26:17 PM 1041 Views
Bottom line is it may be in everyones interest to DISassociate Islam from 911. - 18/08/2010 02:58:17 PM 1097 Views
No, bottom line is people need to be able to keep to thoughts in their brains at any given time *NM* - 18/08/2010 03:31:03 PM 501 Views
You mean retain both "I want to promote Islam" AND "Dude, Ground Zero is right THERE! *points*" - 18/08/2010 03:36:34 PM 1053 Views
No - 18/08/2010 03:43:08 PM 1119 Views
They clearly are tied to it. - 18/08/2010 03:59:45 PM 1139 Views
How long ago were the Crusades? - 18/08/2010 03:48:53 PM 1041 Views
Re: How long ago were the Crusades? - 18/08/2010 03:52:23 PM 1074 Views
So wait... - 18/08/2010 04:09:10 PM 1010 Views
Yes, Jerodam. Christians are good. All the rest are bad. I see it now. - 18/08/2010 04:10:47 PM 1094 Views
Stop freaking out Camilla. You are such a drama queen some times. - 18/08/2010 04:15:06 PM 1047 Views
That is not drama. That is fed up. *NM* - 18/08/2010 04:16:32 PM 570 Views
You're not the only one who is fed up.... - 18/08/2010 04:24:27 PM 934 Views
*giggle* - 18/08/2010 04:29:03 PM 1099 Views
We don't know that.... - 18/08/2010 05:40:25 PM 1094 Views
We do - 18/08/2010 05:49:33 PM 1203 Views
Re: You're not the only one who is fed up.... - 18/08/2010 04:38:04 PM 1104 Views
This may be nitpicking, but I'll do it anyway because it's a widespread misconception... - 18/08/2010 04:30:20 PM 1064 Views
THANK YOU! - 18/08/2010 06:11:52 PM 1003 Views
Re: So wait... - 18/08/2010 04:45:53 PM 996 Views
maybe it is actions that led to the crusades that never ended - 19/08/2010 12:25:20 PM 942 Views
I have to agree with Jeo that that's unfair. - 19/08/2010 02:47:23 PM 1267 Views
The Crusades were by Christendom as a whole*, 9-11 isn't similar for Islam by some way - 18/08/2010 04:04:54 PM 1072 Views
Depends whom you ask, when and where. - 19/08/2010 03:06:18 PM 1023 Views
Right - 20/08/2010 10:31:21 AM 1108 Views
Some people will always wonder about such things; we're still accused of "Crusading" today. - 18/08/2010 04:07:02 PM 1069 Views
I don't disagree about the outreach, as such, but a remark... - 18/08/2010 04:37:52 PM 957 Views
It's as much a local issue as the theme park Disney wanted to build at Gettysburg. - 19/08/2010 03:15:03 PM 1007 Views
Have you ever BEEN to Gettysburg? - 19/08/2010 05:21:18 PM 946 Views
A bit more background information - 18/08/2010 05:30:04 PM 1227 Views
That's informative, thanks, but I'm not sure it really changes anything. - 19/08/2010 03:27:05 PM 1008 Views
Step One: Manufacture controversey by means of misinformation (i.e. Mosque at Ground Zero) - 19/08/2010 06:40:49 PM 1205 Views
To be fair - 20/08/2010 10:38:01 AM 1151 Views
The location of this mosque is a horrid idea. - 21/08/2010 05:34:58 PM 994 Views
"Think of it as a center for muslim hippies." - 18/08/2010 09:30:55 PM 1098 Views
Can I just say... - 19/08/2010 01:45:38 AM 1011 Views
i have a side bar *NM* - 19/08/2010 03:36:10 AM 429 Views
you must have a teeny screen or a bad resolution - 19/08/2010 05:03:57 AM 1059 Views
I know. - 19/08/2010 12:20:11 PM 1093 Views
Roughly 2 football fields, yes. And around a corner - 19/08/2010 03:17:24 PM 1081 Views
Two hundred yards is nothing. - 19/08/2010 04:44:34 PM 1049 Views
Sure it is - it's two large city blocks - 19/08/2010 05:15:46 PM 1099 Views
It's two fairly average city blocks, and not even that some places. - 21/08/2010 06:07:33 PM 1042 Views
Well you can not like it if you choose - 25/08/2010 03:39:49 PM 1475 Views
You keep stating that this isn't about Islam. - 20/08/2010 11:06:10 AM 1128 Views
That's because it's not. - 21/08/2010 06:17:29 PM 1171 Views

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