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For those who think O'Donnell is correct, even on a technicality: Dreaded Anomaly Send a noteboard - 20/10/2010 10:49:40 PM
It's true that the phrase "separation of church and state" does not appear in the Constitution.


Coons does not claim that it does, either. He states that "The First Amendment establishes... the fact that the federal government shall not establish any religion." O'Donnell interjects "The First Amendment does?" in a vacuous, valley-girl-esque tone. She showed that she has no idea what the First Amendment says, and that's the real story here.

(Don't believe me? Watch the video linked below. Coons makes the statement quoted above at around the 6 minute mark.)
Video of the debate
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"Where in the Constitution is separation of church and state?" - 20/10/2010 12:33:05 AM 803 Views
You don't want her? - 20/10/2010 01:21:20 AM 361 Views
I have decided for the first time in my life to not vote this year. - 20/10/2010 01:27:13 AM 245 Views
Now there's an answer - 20/10/2010 01:47:28 AM 343 Views
Voting isn't the only way to contribute *NM* - 20/10/2010 02:42:10 AM 104 Views
And most of those posts are a guess at best. - 20/10/2010 03:02:04 AM 221 Views
Maybe you shouldn't be guessing then? - 20/10/2010 06:00:02 AM 210 Views
Issac has a point. - 20/10/2010 02:14:28 AM 223 Views
Can you not spoil your ballot? - 20/10/2010 10:19:54 AM 203 Views
Depends where you live. - 20/10/2010 01:50:30 PM 251 Views
I don't think so but an intentional no vote is just as valid as voting IMHO. *NM* - 21/10/2010 02:45:35 AM 90 Views
The difference is when they look at statistics - 21/10/2010 10:49:48 AM 195 Views
Exactly. - 21/10/2010 02:02:46 PM 311 Views
When you don't vote the bad guys win. That simple. - 20/10/2010 01:53:23 PM 324 Views
An intentional NO vote is just as valid as voting. - 21/10/2010 02:46:58 AM 190 Views
Apart from the fact there's no record of it whatsoever, yes. - 21/10/2010 01:37:46 PM 207 Views
She is a buffoon of course. But what I am speechless about is... - 20/10/2010 01:25:43 AM 315 Views
Re: She is a buffoon of course. But what I am speechless about is... - 20/10/2010 01:35:48 AM 238 Views
Re: (meant to be under the main thread, but I can't move it) - 20/10/2010 02:42:23 AM 216 Views
It's a valid argument. - 21/10/2010 03:26:46 PM 193 Views
i feel kinda bad for her - 20/10/2010 03:31:03 AM 235 Views
What is odd about this is that everyone is used to the 'separation' idea that they don't bother to - 20/10/2010 06:44:48 AM 246 Views
Or, you know, the letters on the topic written by the people who drafted the Constitution *NM* - 20/10/2010 07:04:47 AM 133 Views
Those aren't the Constitution though. - 20/10/2010 12:39:41 PM 234 Views
which show they considered it but did not include it *NM* - 20/10/2010 06:14:37 PM 96 Views
Yep, this. *NM* - 20/10/2010 07:40:19 PM 118 Views
Personally, I think that's splitting hairs. *NM* - 20/10/2010 09:20:28 PM 96 Views
a direct reading is splitting hairs? - 20/10/2010 09:25:14 PM 195 Views
That's what lawyers like the Founding Fathers do. - 21/10/2010 02:56:36 PM 191 Views
I actually felt bad for her - 20/10/2010 10:46:57 AM 213 Views
She's right. - 20/10/2010 12:27:55 PM 341 Views
I'm less concerned about what she said than why she said it. *NM* - 20/10/2010 01:32:38 PM 188 Views
It is on youtube - 20/10/2010 02:40:12 PM 240 Views
Jesus Christ - 20/10/2010 03:03:30 PM 245 Views
Re: Jesus Christ - 20/10/2010 03:32:02 PM 218 Views
Re: Jesus Christ - 20/10/2010 03:36:48 PM 192 Views
Re: Jesus Christ - 20/10/2010 03:53:46 PM 196 Views
Re: Jesus Christ - 20/10/2010 04:01:49 PM 282 Views
Re: Jesus Christ - 20/10/2010 05:12:28 PM 193 Views
Because she knew her audience, she expected them to know better, not be deliberately obtuse. - 21/10/2010 02:31:19 PM 221 Views
See Dreaded Anomaly's reply below. - 21/10/2010 03:03:02 PM 253 Views
Done. - 21/10/2010 04:50:52 PM 193 Views
Yet another reason you aren't a lawyer. *NM* - 21/10/2010 05:09:16 PM 78 Views
Because I don't accept arguments I consider unproven? - 21/10/2010 05:23:52 PM 252 Views
I see we have replaced the PDS with ODS - 20/10/2010 03:05:58 PM 192 Views
It only depends on just how finely one wants to split hairs. - 20/10/2010 04:02:28 PM 194 Views
no it depends how far you want to stretch the Constitution to say things it doesn't say - 20/10/2010 04:19:04 PM 192 Views
No it does not show that. - 21/10/2010 02:58:32 AM 188 Views
It doesn't matter what some of them may have wanted - 21/10/2010 02:54:54 PM 170 Views
Treaty of Tripoli through the Establishment clause fairly explicitly affirms this. Sorry. *NM* - 21/10/2010 03:56:09 AM 82 Views
OK which clause allows for amending the Constitution by treaty? I can't seem to find it *NM* - 21/10/2010 02:59:01 PM 79 Views
Supremacy clause, not establishment clause. My mistake. - 21/10/2010 05:07:18 PM 185 Views
Sorry, but the Treaty of Tripolis relevant section still seems like commentary. - 21/10/2010 05:18:00 PM 172 Views
This is quickly becoming infuriating. - 22/10/2010 01:41:18 AM 175 Views
No, it's part of the treaty. - 22/10/2010 02:02:42 AM 197 Views
no your mistake was misreading the clause - 21/10/2010 05:48:52 PM 175 Views
Very difficult not to lose my temper here. - 22/10/2010 01:39:21 AM 189 Views
Then you should argue it violate a treaty with a country that no longer exist - 22/10/2010 02:03:32 PM 173 Views
Noticed that, too, did you? - 22/10/2010 08:40:09 PM 284 Views
She's so... bewildered! - 20/10/2010 06:40:04 PM 184 Views
that is what I think when I read a lot of the responses here - 20/10/2010 07:44:40 PM 187 Views
Because the logical conclusion is obvious. - 21/10/2010 03:08:39 AM 182 Views
I think it is logical that it means what is say not want some want it to say - 21/10/2010 03:02:08 PM 177 Views
Nonsense. The nature of the nation was already changing in the first generation. - 22/10/2010 12:35:26 AM 273 Views
but it is an impulse that should be limited - 22/10/2010 06:05:10 PM 175 Views
For those who think O'Donnell is correct, even on a technicality: - 20/10/2010 10:49:40 PM 224 Views
exactly - 21/10/2010 03:26:00 AM 214 Views
She started out alright - 21/10/2010 02:32:01 PM 177 Views
or she wasn't really paying attnetion to him and was still trying to argue her first point - 21/10/2010 03:24:06 PM 308 Views
Lol. Bush-League. - 21/10/2010 04:39:43 PM 166 Views
at leas thten the haters were hating someone who mattered *NM* - 21/10/2010 05:50:03 PM 84 Views

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