Active Users:217 Time:06/05/2024 05:31:58 PM
You're operating under the same fallacy he does - that people should pay income taxes. Cannoli Send a noteboard - 23/02/2012 12:05:52 PM
Wow, talk about Two that foots the bill, the other that feeds at the trough for free. Time for the freeloaders to start paying their fair share!

The solution is not to charge admission to the trough (that is pretty much what is done with the rich, who in various ways, get far more from the trough than the poor), it is to get rid of the trough altogether and stop demanding anyone pays for others to eat. The government has no right to anyone's income, and they sold us on the income tax amendment the same way they justify each income tax increase or revamp of the rules: that THIS time, they have found a sure-fire way to nail those ultra-rich SOBs! The income tax racket is like Wile E. Coyote and the rich are the roadrunner - the only difference is, their increasingly Rube Goldbergian schemes backfire on the public, whose tab with ACME for explosives and booby traps and bird seed and disguises keeps getting higher and higher, but the coyote never dies, so he's going to keep running up our bill, while promising us he'll pay it all back once he FINALLY catches that damn roadrunner. And the rich give a smug "meep meep" and zoom off to the Bahamas or the Seychelles with the middle class holding the bag. The solution is not a better trap, it is to give up the quagmire we call the War on Poverty, which we got into using bad intel, and without an exist strategy.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Why Joel is CRAZY - Nearly Half of All Americans Don't Pay Federal Income Taxes - 23/02/2012 04:43:15 AM 1421 Views
A not so hypothetical situation... - 23/02/2012 05:46:44 AM 846 Views
Your paying more money now than then. Lower rate but more money *NM* - 23/02/2012 07:52:51 AM 511 Views
Accurate statement, but not a justification *NM* - 23/02/2012 03:44:55 PM 402 Views
Re: A not so hypothetical situation... - 23/02/2012 02:39:43 PM 951 Views
I don't know much about that. - 23/02/2012 03:53:27 PM 787 Views
Why the heck do you think the current tax system is skewed to the rich? - 23/02/2012 03:18:43 PM 986 Views
That's a fair question - 23/02/2012 03:52:08 PM 873 Views
You're operating under the same fallacy he does - that people should pay income taxes. - 23/02/2012 12:05:52 PM 1040 Views
In much the same way - 23/02/2012 01:40:58 PM 994 Views
Same argument re: fallacies - 24/02/2012 02:52:17 PM 822 Views
Was meant as a joke reply - 02/03/2012 06:30:15 PM 1014 Views
Joel is crazy, but I highly doubt that this is "why" - 23/02/2012 01:36:37 PM 1033 Views
HA! HA! Very well played! *NM* - 23/02/2012 03:49:35 PM 357 Views
You mention this statistic all the time. - 23/02/2012 02:16:47 PM 718 Views
Obviously, we are talking about the bottom 50%..... - 23/02/2012 03:22:43 PM 755 Views
How do you account for retired folks? - 23/02/2012 04:18:59 PM 968 Views
social security isn't taxable either *NM* - 24/02/2012 04:21:21 AM 417 Views
Easy... he doesn't. - 25/02/2012 02:56:05 AM 703 Views
I wonder how much of that statistic is students - 23/02/2012 02:22:58 PM 983 Views
Federal taxes - 23/02/2012 04:18:22 PM 845 Views
Your figures are fairly unrealistic - 23/02/2012 04:54:44 PM 1041 Views
Not entirely. - 23/02/2012 06:30:18 PM 791 Views
On exempting SS income: - 25/02/2012 02:30:43 AM 791 Views
Is there any reason why one should exclude the other? - 23/02/2012 07:32:09 PM 842 Views

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