Active Users:592 Time:21/09/2024 01:30:29 AM
I don't think 'nemesis' is a term that should be used regarding sporting events Isaac Send a noteboard - 25/08/2012 07:51:35 PM
In particular that when finally faced with justice he acted like a classical bully and refused to face up to it.

We had hubris and now we have nemesis.

I can appreciate wanting anyone who has done something wrong punished, and I really don't know the details, but come on snoop, this is sports not war or international relations. Maybe that's just me, I don't take sports or athletes very seriously but still...
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein

King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
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Lance Armstrong - drugs cheat. - 24/08/2012 10:51:35 AM 1435 Views
You mean giving up in disgust after relentless hounding? - 24/08/2012 11:34:05 AM 746 Views
No, I meant what I said - 24/08/2012 12:08:05 PM 826 Views
Delighted - 24/08/2012 12:21:12 PM 700 Views
Re: Delighted - 24/08/2012 12:36:20 PM 962 Views
you think the case against Contador is fishy but you cheerlead the witch hunt of Armstong? - 25/08/2012 04:11:23 AM 726 Views
No. Can you please reread what I actually wrote. - 25/08/2012 09:46:47 AM 638 Views
Snoop = hypocrite - great job random! *NM* - 25/08/2012 04:27:38 PM 388 Views
Damage to cycling? LMAO good one! *NM* - 24/08/2012 03:23:48 PM 335 Views
Yea I choked up a bit when I read that - 25/08/2012 12:09:13 AM 741 Views
Sad thing is I wondered who would be awarded the victory now his have been stripped... - 24/08/2012 05:31:20 PM 710 Views
And this is why I have a hard time blaming Armstrong. - 24/08/2012 06:16:14 PM 755 Views
I don't. - 24/08/2012 11:51:14 PM 761 Views
Oh come on. - 25/08/2012 01:18:18 AM 929 Views
Yes? - 25/08/2012 10:07:34 AM 821 Views
No. - 25/08/2012 12:53:49 PM 829 Views
Oh. - 26/08/2012 05:28:50 PM 834 Views
Hopefully they will leave the 1st places empty - 24/08/2012 11:44:49 PM 658 Views
That is one of things I find suspicious about the denials. - 26/08/2012 03:01:30 AM 747 Views
Re: That is one of things I find suspicious about the denials. - 26/08/2012 05:32:38 PM 725 Views
It is not proof, only far from conclusive evidence. - 26/08/2012 11:02:38 PM 756 Views
I really don't know anymore what to think on Armstrong. - 24/08/2012 06:53:04 PM 742 Views
Re: I really don't know anymore what to think on Armstrong. - 24/08/2012 11:59:14 PM 824 Views
Haters gotta hate. Its not like he's gonna get a fair hearing. *NM* - 24/08/2012 10:25:18 PM 349 Views
Yeah, they were going to use evidence and everything against him and not cower before his bullying - 25/08/2012 12:01:44 AM 645 Views
Nevermind, saw your post up above *NM* - 25/08/2012 01:05:03 AM 361 Views
Your reaction seems kinda over the top and spiteful, what's up with that? - 25/08/2012 01:15:12 AM 860 Views
Pleasure at seeing someone who has bullied and blustered for so long faced with justice. - 25/08/2012 10:11:15 AM 733 Views
You are a very small-minded person. - 25/08/2012 04:26:46 PM 745 Views
And you are a very annoying person. - 25/08/2012 06:06:50 PM 753 Views
In the immortal words of Anonymous2000 ... "+1" - 25/08/2012 06:32:10 PM 829 Views
-1 - 25/08/2012 10:23:25 PM 667 Views
I don't think 'nemesis' is a term that should be used regarding sporting events - 25/08/2012 07:51:35 PM 811 Views
Heh. This exchange is reminding me of Yes, Minister. - 25/08/2012 10:04:59 PM 687 Views
I've actually seen that show - 26/08/2012 05:33:31 AM 779 Views
As Legolas said, I think it is apprioriate - 26/08/2012 05:36:08 PM 621 Views
I'm really not in a position to judge, though obviously I'm inclined to disagree - 26/08/2012 05:41:49 PM 689 Views
Fair enough *NM* - 26/08/2012 05:47:36 PM 377 Views
but he was the guy who had cancer - 26/08/2012 12:26:34 AM 675 Views
I refer you to the Goldman dilema - 26/08/2012 05:41:26 PM 571 Views
but that's just dumb *NM* - 26/08/2012 10:23:34 PM 446 Views
Well - 27/08/2012 09:32:30 AM 943 Views
On that first point - 27/08/2012 10:37:34 AM 774 Views

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