Active Users:211 Time:12/05/2024 05:45:23 PM
Re: Ok...let's talk TheCrownless Send a noteboard - 02/10/2017 11:02:44 PM

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View original post1) Felonies, mental health etc. And yes, all guns, all bullets. (Don't come up with the nerf gun argument)

I wasn't going to take it to the nerf place. This isn't internet troll land (at least not from me). Again, I'm asking for fully articulated examples. wire fraud? And mental someone gets a prescription for depression or OCD gun for you? How about Postpartum issues? And if they owned already, and then later in life had an onset of mental health issues? Their property is forfeit? They are compelled to give to the State without compensation? How do you go about enforcing it? It's not as though a doctor can make a diagnosis of "OCD like tendencies and a fear of Spiders" and then tell the state, which would then want to take my guns away....

Unless you were also advocating for a violation of Doctor/Patient confidentiality for any mental health issue?

View original post2) So people in prison should be allowed to have guns? Children? Lots of states already do this, the constitution doesn't protect your right to have a gun in all circumstances.

Don't change the subject. I proposed the scenario that once their time is served, they get their free speech, religion, press, etc. back....

Let's say you have a felon who served his time for aggravated assault. He served his time, and has decided a quite life in the mountains is now his thing. He better hope that he can fend off a bear with a baseball bat....

View original post3) This one is simple, and implemented in several states already. There's no debate about what constitutes a violent crime in the US (well, there is the argument that it doesn't go far enough like Canada's does). If someone has committed a violent crime they shouldn't be allowed to access a gun.

Define that one please. "Shouldn't be allowed to access a gun..." so if their family member has one, it is a choice between getting rid of their gun or never seeing their family member again?
View original post4) It allows the government to track guns that have been lost and stolen in the same way states track cars.

Except for the fact that I can't hide a car in my underwear drawer. Besides the fact that I don't have a right to a car, as someone who had a stolen car, it can sometimes take months (if ever) for the car to be recovered...and a car is big.
View original post5) This has been covered by the supreme court, it's constitutional to put constraints on gun ownership.

Ok, sure. When it comes to firearm licenses, I'm pretty ok with that. Much like I have to have license to drive a car. Granted, I don't have the right to a car, but in the interest of public safety, there should at least be nominal proof that I can operate the car safely. Please notice that it was that I can operate the care safely, and not that I was "allowed" to have a car.


1) Preventing violent felons from purchasing guns are the ones current research suggest would help reduce gun related deaths. It's already illegal for them to buy them in most of the US, but the lack of background checks makes it impossible to enforce.

2) Then make it a penalty for the crime. Commit a violent crime? Can't own a gun anymore. Abuse a child? Can't go near a school. But then again, if it was unconstitutional it wouldn't exist so widely already.

3) I'll tackle the mental health issues all in one. Let the CDC do research and allow them to identify potential markers for gun violence (from depression, bipolar etc.) and make it a law that no gun can be kept within that household while a vulnerable person is there. They can either surrender them for safe storage until their situation changes or they can store them safely off-site for use at ranges etc.

4) No, but guns that they do come across can be confiscated, which reduces the ease of flow.

Come to the dark side, We have candy!

I'm Israel, he's Palestine, its more fun when you pick sides.
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The US is now 273/275 for mass shootings this year! - 02/10/2017 06:07:38 PM 1674 Views
Perhaps we could also wait for the bodies to get cold before politicizing a tragedy? *NM* - 02/10/2017 07:11:18 PM 427 Views
Indeed. - 02/10/2017 07:32:41 PM 617 Views
yes. - 02/10/2017 07:41:15 PM 655 Views
Well, to be fair, dude ain't got no crown. - 02/10/2017 07:43:31 PM 623 Views
I suppose lack of a crown could be disconcerting - 02/10/2017 07:47:46 PM 639 Views
Does that mean uncircumcised? - 02/10/2017 09:16:23 PM 592 Views
Same here. - 02/10/2017 09:15:29 PM 686 Views
No. It's a willful failure of policy, just like the last thousands times. We fucking can't. - 02/10/2017 07:47:16 PM 638 Views
Yes.You.Could. - 02/10/2017 07:49:17 PM 653 Views
Because not politicizing the first thousand worked so well... - 02/10/2017 07:52:09 PM 650 Views
Really? - 02/10/2017 07:55:22 PM 637 Views
double post for emphasis. *NM* - 02/10/2017 07:49:17 PM 443 Views
Oh and "also"? That comment was preemptively aimed at the very sentiment you were expressing. *NM* - 02/10/2017 07:54:12 PM 428 Views
It failed. *NM* - 02/10/2017 07:56:19 PM 401 Views
Then you misunderstood it's purpose. *NM* - 02/10/2017 07:58:15 PM 421 Views
doubtful. - 02/10/2017 08:00:38 PM 554 Views
The dick move is the continual inaction and call for silence. - 02/10/2017 08:05:24 PM 607 Views
One or two days would defeat your purpose? - 02/10/2017 08:15:49 PM 687 Views
And what if someone goes out an shoots another 50+ people tomorrow? - 02/10/2017 08:18:31 PM 590 Views
Your post on a website with 100 active users would prevent that? *NM* - 02/10/2017 08:22:25 PM 394 Views
Just another argument aimed at silencing discussion *NM* - 02/10/2017 08:27:27 PM 403 Views
If you want discussion how about making specific points or suggestions? - 02/10/2017 08:31:09 PM 627 Views
Stop attempting to prevent discourse because it offends your sensibilities. - 02/10/2017 08:39:47 PM 658 Views
oh fuck off - 02/10/2017 08:45:05 PM 636 Views
Oh please, the problem isn't a lack of ideas. - 02/10/2017 09:04:18 PM 600 Views
You do realize that the guns used in Las Vegas may have already been illegal. - 02/10/2017 09:14:47 PM 622 Views
Or it may have been modified with a completely legal $95 stock - 02/10/2017 09:30:44 PM 587 Views
Multiple firearm experts here have stated that audio analysis makes it unlikely... - 02/10/2017 09:42:20 PM 619 Views
Re: Multiple firearm experts here have stated that audio analysis makes it unlikely... - 02/10/2017 09:53:23 PM 637 Views
People who go to the bother of obtaining illegal weapons in order to kill people... - 02/10/2017 09:59:52 PM 623 Views
That is why you limit access to them. *NM* - 02/10/2017 10:21:32 PM 388 Views
It should be noted.... - 02/10/2017 10:13:19 PM 605 Views
All the more reason for federal regulation on the matter *NM* - 02/10/2017 10:20:49 PM 411 Views
The federal law wouldn't do much more.... - 02/10/2017 10:33:46 PM 632 Views
And because a law only makes a problem slightly better - 02/10/2017 10:40:00 PM 613 Views
And that would be the difference between you and me.... - 02/10/2017 10:45:13 PM 601 Views
You sail in the ocean blind long enough and eventually you hit an iceberg. - 02/10/2017 10:51:24 PM 628 Views
Again.... - 02/10/2017 11:07:20 PM 633 Views
If there's an average of 1 per day, when are we not mourning? - 02/10/2017 08:03:46 PM 628 Views
How about when we have better and more complete information, for one? - 02/10/2017 08:11:18 PM 573 Views
A 64 year old man walked into a hotel with 10 guns - 02/10/2017 08:17:24 PM 691 Views
Which hypothesis? *NM* - 02/10/2017 08:20:51 PM 408 Views
The United States has an unaddressed problem with firearm violence. *NM* - 02/10/2017 08:23:28 PM 427 Views
I agree with that premise. *NM* - 02/10/2017 08:26:58 PM 386 Views
I will always agree with that, - 02/10/2017 08:19:58 PM 630 Views
That was my point. - 02/10/2017 08:24:56 PM 726 Views
Eh, well - 02/10/2017 08:31:43 PM 607 Views
jeez, twice in one thread. *NM* - 02/10/2017 08:33:13 PM 387 Views
Weirdly, I also agree with this - 02/10/2017 08:42:26 PM 546 Views
See Roland00's reply. - 02/10/2017 08:47:57 PM 552 Views
Again - 02/10/2017 08:59:44 PM 558 Views
Nobody said "your country is stupid" - 02/10/2017 09:06:54 PM 573 Views
Lets postpone the discussion to 10/10 - 02/10/2017 08:36:57 PM 632 Views
I have no problem with discussion. - 02/10/2017 08:40:43 PM 613 Views
But, but, you lose a news cycle that way! - 02/10/2017 09:14:19 PM 601 Views
"And we wonder why we have shootings like this at all..." - 02/10/2017 09:40:40 PM 573 Views
Wow step away from the spicy nachos Tom *NM* - 02/10/2017 09:51:00 PM 433 Views
Make that 274, 3 people dead and 2 wounded in Lawrence. - 02/10/2017 08:22:21 PM 603 Views
So what you would you say the solution would be? - 02/10/2017 08:50:54 PM 589 Views
Exactly. *NM* - 02/10/2017 08:52:53 PM 357 Views
Any number of the dozens of pieces of legislation that is proposed *every time* this happens - 02/10/2017 09:11:26 PM 682 Views
And yet, almost every time shootings happen, none of those measures would have done anything. - 02/10/2017 09:22:51 PM 620 Views
Speculation and ignored macro-effects - 02/10/2017 09:39:30 PM 618 Views
An honest Question - 02/10/2017 10:06:16 PM 568 Views
The second amendment is part of the problem. *NM* - 02/10/2017 10:30:21 PM 407 Views
And now you just lost... - 02/10/2017 10:39:21 PM 611 Views
Oh the fight is already won - 02/10/2017 10:50:00 PM 610 Views
I would disagree.... - 02/10/2017 11:09:36 PM 606 Views
I don't think you're very educated as to Second Amendment jurisprudence. - 03/10/2017 12:13:27 AM 700 Views
Why let silly things like facts get in the way of a good polemic? - 03/10/2017 01:24:24 AM 660 Views
And it's difficult to overstate how much they advanced its reach. - 03/10/2017 04:31:58 AM 620 Views
Yes I actually knew that - 03/10/2017 04:37:40 AM 674 Views
Re: Yes I actually knew that - 03/10/2017 09:18:08 AM 631 Views
Question for you Ghav but also for any other RAFOite - 03/10/2017 06:51:47 AM 652 Views
It's likely the Ferguson Effect. *NM* - 03/10/2017 09:47:42 PM 377 Views
with a corresponding rise in gang activity and violence *NM* - 03/10/2017 10:07:18 PM 379 Views
This too needs to be studied the Ferguson Effect - 03/10/2017 10:43:02 PM 751 Views
some of these would never fly here - 02/10/2017 10:14:57 PM 640 Views
And just to say it.... - 02/10/2017 10:18:06 PM 614 Views
Re: some of these would never fly here - 02/10/2017 10:37:24 PM 663 Views
some of these would never fly here - 02/10/2017 10:14:57 PM 544 Views
So let's work through these... - 02/10/2017 10:02:09 PM 639 Views
Post to my own *NM* - 02/10/2017 10:02:19 PM 370 Views
Re: So let's work through these... - 02/10/2017 10:20:08 PM 585 Views
Ok...let's talk - 02/10/2017 10:32:58 PM 579 Views
Re: Ok...let's talk - 02/10/2017 11:02:44 PM 710 Views
Dialogue....good. - 02/10/2017 11:17:46 PM 583 Views
Just what kind of reaction did you expect to get with a post like this? - 02/10/2017 10:10:34 PM 639 Views
For people to think about the problem rather than token sympathies. - 02/10/2017 10:28:59 PM 686 Views
And the proof for that is....? *NM* - 02/10/2017 10:41:29 PM 407 Views
Killing people is the whole point of guns. The real issue is who gets killed. - 02/10/2017 10:55:59 PM 694 Views
No use putting someone in prison if you don't lock the door after them *NM* - 02/10/2017 11:04:12 PM 382 Views
But after they get out.... - 02/10/2017 11:39:39 PM 614 Views
I don't think you're going about it in a very smart way, then. - 03/10/2017 12:23:33 AM 747 Views
It's never the right occasion to start talking about it. - 04/10/2017 05:39:15 AM 576 Views
But he was offering Candy, how can you say no to Candy? *NM* - 02/10/2017 10:31:24 PM 424 Views
Re: The US is now 273/275 for mass shootings this year! - 03/10/2017 12:58:31 AM 615 Views
Oh please - 04/10/2017 05:36:12 AM 597 Views

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