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speaking of abortion damookster Send a noteboard - 19/12/2019 02:05:18 PM

We haven't addressed the irony of a New York Democratic Socialist who supports the choice to abort a baby right up to the point it is literally crowning, now expecting the mother to get a year off with pay if she lets the kid live.



"Bustin' makes me feel good!"

Ghostbusters, by Ray Parker Jr.
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AOC on paid family leave makes what she thinks is a brilliant point. - 14/12/2019 05:29:47 PM 688 Views
Maybe you should go ahead and explain your objection... *NM* - 15/12/2019 01:00:40 AM 105 Views
For what it's worth, if AOC has kids they should be removed from her presence *NM* - 17/12/2019 05:58:40 AM 112 Views
Tom is calling for an abortion of AOCs kids - 17/12/2019 06:34:11 AM 245 Views
Hey now, I respect AOC. I think she should keep her mouth shut cause she's clueless... - 17/12/2019 06:18:58 PM 232 Views
I am sorry but a glib joke about taking someones kid away from them for you just do not like their - 17/12/2019 06:36:25 PM 230 Views
Get a grip Roland - 17/12/2019 06:58:01 PM 234 Views
It was a turn of phrase on the word presence - 17/12/2019 07:26:52 PM 231 Views
Oh for Chrissakes... - 17/12/2019 07:47:10 PM 232 Views
Oh I am for ridiculing AOC stupidity - 17/12/2019 08:10:14 PM 233 Views
I disagree. No one was advocating that. Period. Lighten up. *NM* - 17/12/2019 08:30:43 PM 114 Views
What's wrong with Abortion? How is it different from, say, vaccinations? - 19/12/2019 05:07:38 AM 225 Views
speaking of abortion - 19/12/2019 02:05:18 PM 237 Views
Hey, you sexist, white, cishetero, jerk: Her body, her choice! - 19/12/2019 02:39:11 PM 221 Views
Re: you sexist, white, cishetero, jerk - 19/12/2019 03:21:57 PM 239 Views
Oh for fucks sake. There is no abortion when a baby is crowning. - 20/12/2019 05:27:53 AM 236 Views
I think Tom might know NY law a little better than you. *NM* - 20/12/2019 01:22:39 PM 102 Views
The law is actually even worse than that - 20/12/2019 06:40:27 AM 237 Views
The thing with AOC is the usual problem the Republicans have had the past few years... - 18/12/2019 12:04:21 AM 239 Views
Wrong - 18/12/2019 04:50:56 PM 243 Views
Hyperbole can count as stupidity too - or you want me to believ he doesn't mean a word of it, ever? - 18/12/2019 09:35:36 PM 236 Views
I never got the "hyperbole" defense, honestly... - 19/12/2019 04:00:06 AM 231 Views
The humiliation is the point - 19/12/2019 04:16:50 AM 232 Views
WHO HERE IS A TRUMP SUPPORTER OR VOTER?!?! - 19/12/2019 05:30:11 AM 231 Views
Tom, for starters. I know you aren't. Not entirely clear on mook's exact position. - 19/12/2019 07:05:15 PM 231 Views
Re: Tom, for starters. I know you aren't. Not entirely clear on mook's exact position. - 19/12/2019 09:48:25 PM 249 Views
But impeachment/inquiries is not legislation - 20/12/2019 09:54:19 AM 242 Views
So what, you think what Trump did in that phone call and the months after was fine? - 20/12/2019 05:22:57 PM 214 Views
WHAT WAS WRONG WITH THE PHONE CALL? - 21/12/2019 04:21:59 PM 209 Views
Oh fuck off on the caps - 25/12/2019 02:54:42 PM 218 Views
My position? - 19/12/2019 10:07:22 PM 262 Views
The question was whether or not you're a Trump supporter. Cannoli asked. I am. - 20/12/2019 12:09:43 AM 240 Views
Am I? Only indirectly. - 20/12/2019 02:28:25 AM 238 Views
What a load of BS. - 20/12/2019 05:36:44 AM 234 Views
Please fuck off - 20/12/2019 01:28:10 PM 245 Views
- 21/12/2019 04:33:11 AM 187 Views
How on earth were Reagan and both Bushes not conservatives? - 23/12/2019 10:09:03 PM 228 Views
Cannoli has written about this many times and done a better job than I could. - 23/12/2019 11:39:20 PM 231 Views
I would expect statements like that from Cannoli, yes, but not from you. - 24/12/2019 10:05:49 AM 242 Views
We agree on one point - 24/12/2019 03:26:45 PM 235 Views
Where do you think the support for Trump comes from? - 30/12/2019 11:54:33 PM 203 Views
Did you mean Peter? - 19/12/2019 04:42:53 AM 232 Views

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