Active Users:333 Time:02/05/2024 11:27:33 PM
Oh, it can do plenty. But no new taxes, no Medicare for all, etc. Legolas Send a noteboard - 29/02/2020 07:59:38 PM

View original postConsider how much Bush, Obama, and Trump have done through executive orders. Since the Nixonian period we have been living in the Imperial Presidency era. Yes, there are swings back and forth between the Executive and the Legislative branches, but right now the swing is towards the Executive. Not to mention the Executive's power to nominate judges. That in itself is going to help remake the US for at least a generation given how many nominees have been approved on the Circuit and Appellate courts.

As I said to mook: then make your arguments based on things that actually can be done through executive order, or based on judicial nominations.
View original postI don't think you understand how much of a danger I consider Sanders to be. Yes, I would vote Trump over Sanders.

I don't think I understand, either. I mean, I'm acknowledging it, but I can't say I understand it.
View original postI might end up supporting Bloomberg or Biden over Trump. But I would never support Sanders over Trump. I can definitely see that there are parallels in the world/US right now to the Weimar period where the extremes on both left and right are gaining support due to a number of factors. And I consider myself a centrist. As such, who do I think is closer to the center in the US? That would be Trump over Sanders.

Trump's only ideology is Trump - his problem isn't about being too far right or not far enough, it's about viewing the presidency, the Republican party and the entire US government as just another tool to promote himself, his ego and his bank account. I suppose I even agree Trump is closer to the centre than Sanders - some of his support is certainly far-right and at times he caters to them, but I do think he'd happily toss them under the bus if that became more convenient, the same way he's tossed so many others under the bus already. Sanders isn't so flexible - but I do think he's still flexible enough that, if elected, he could set the grandiose plans aside and work with the Dems in Congress to pass more realistic measures to deal with the problems he's identified.

Also: you might end up supporting Bloomberg or Biden over Trump? You're not even sure?

View original postJust think about me this way. My natural political home doesn't exist in the US anymore. It used to be Rockefeller Republicans - fiscally conservative/socially liberal. In Germany it exists though. The FDP.

I understand of course that in the US you have to make binary choices which will often be more difficult for people with such preferences. But considering that Trump is leading Republicans down a populist path where fiscal conservatism is a dirty word and nobody gives a damn if the budgets are balanced as long as you have some libtards or foreigners you can blame, and considering the points I've made about how much of Sanders' rhetoric can't actually happen, I genuinely think you'd be better off holding your nose and voting for Sanders, so at least the Republican party can clean house. No doubt it would have been much better if Trump had gotten primaried and some serious Republican was running whom you could support wholeheartedly against Sanders - but the way he's bullied the party into slavish obedience is precisely why it's urgent to get rid of him.

Maybe not at the cost of an actual socialist revolution, no; but certainly at the cost of a guy who likes to talk about the socialist revolution, but in reality would be only a bit more left-wing than Obama was. Except possibly on foreign policy, to be fair, but that doesn't seem to be what most concerns you anyway.

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No, Not Sanders, Not Ever - 28/02/2020 02:14:42 PM 538 Views
I get it....but I don't. - 28/02/2020 06:02:28 PM 186 Views
I thought I would never vote for Trump... - 28/02/2020 07:49:32 PM 215 Views
I don't feel the need to vote for either Bernie or Trump - 28/02/2020 08:56:46 PM 174 Views
Have you considered you and David Brooks may be the ones who don't fully understand? - 28/02/2020 09:43:54 PM 180 Views
Paul, your insistence that President Sanders couldn’t implement any of his agenda is getting tedious - 29/02/2020 12:21:16 AM 174 Views
Oh? Which of the things listed in your post could he do by executive action? *NM* - 29/02/2020 12:39:16 AM 74 Views
Any one he wants. - 29/02/2020 03:10:04 AM 181 Views
Agreed. Immigration is one I especially worry about. - 29/02/2020 01:16:46 PM 187 Views
That's nonsense and you know it. - 29/02/2020 07:18:10 PM 170 Views
tedious! tedious! neener, neener, neener *NM* - 01/03/2020 03:04:54 PM 69 Views
Well, as long as we're having fun, I suppose. *NM* - 01/03/2020 06:36:55 PM 80 Views
I don't think you understand just how much the executive can do through executive orders - 29/02/2020 01:12:29 PM 173 Views
Oh, it can do plenty. But no new taxes, no Medicare for all, etc. - 29/02/2020 07:59:38 PM 174 Views
...did you just compare yourself to the parties that let Hitler come to power? - 29/02/2020 09:23:08 PM 205 Views
We both know I consider your extremist left views as dangerous as extremist right views. - 01/03/2020 01:20:13 PM 259 Views
Now I'm insulted. - 02/03/2020 09:42:50 PM 183 Views
she's right Greg... - 02/03/2020 11:22:34 PM 187 Views
Thank you. *NM* - 03/03/2020 04:28:18 AM 91 Views
True - 03/03/2020 12:15:15 PM 163 Views
Did you mean this one? or this? - 03/03/2020 01:15:53 PM 159 Views
Oooh thigh highs. - 03/03/2020 02:41:27 PM 161 Views
Sanders is the worst political candidate that has had a chance at a major party nomination. - 01/03/2020 02:04:57 PM 205 Views
The lack of historical knowledge is appalling. - 03/03/2020 01:18:43 PM 174 Views
Even worse, the Left is always worse than the Right - 03/03/2020 02:54:21 PM 177 Views

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