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AMEN imlad Send a noteboard - 09/08/2010 11:12:29 PM
For ROTJ I still like the old version better, mostly because of the music in Jabba's palace and the Ewok celebration song. I also like the old ghost better, although it does make sense that young Anakin shows, because that's when he ceased to exist, if you will.

He becomes Anakin again when he kills the Emperor. So technically, he dies as Anakin, and the force ghost should reflect that.

That one line of voice acting for Boba doesn't bother me the slightest, but then again neither does Greedo shooting first.

The voice line bothers me because with no face for Boba Fett, the voice is one of the few personal characteristics we get. And I know it. And I have heard it since I was a kid, and now suddenly they have changed it. It bugs me. Bugs me.

I see. Probably wasn't such a big deal for me because I saw the German version 20 times before I saw them in original.

Greedo shooting first (or, as it now appears, them shooting AT THE SAME TIME) bothers me mainly because it is a sort of hyper-correction panicking about Han being a good guy.

I think what bothers me about the internet complaining about this so much is that if Lucas filmed it like that back in the 70s no one could have said "But waaait, Han is a scoundrel, he would have shot first!" It's just not that big a deal and doesn't make Han any more good or bad.
Death to the Regressives of the GOP and the TeaParty. No mercy for Conservatives. Burn them all at the stake for the hateful satanists they are.
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So, we had a Star Wars Marathon last night - 08/08/2010 10:22:52 AM 1195 Views
I love when I am vindicated. - 08/08/2010 11:33:34 AM 629 Views
Re: I love when I am vindicated. - 08/08/2010 11:34:36 AM 568 Views
Oh really? - 08/08/2010 11:42:56 AM 571 Views
No! - 08/08/2010 11:45:12 AM 569 Views
I see. - 08/08/2010 11:48:05 AM 591 Views
Re: No! - 08/08/2010 02:45:52 PM 503 Views
Re: No! - 08/08/2010 02:50:37 PM 621 Views
I take it you are among those wise people who deny the existence of the second trilogy? - 08/08/2010 11:40:16 AM 563 Views
what second trilogy? *NM* - 08/08/2010 11:44:26 AM 194 Views
The Hayden Christensen ghost kills me - 08/08/2010 12:06:16 PM 570 Views
LOL - 08/08/2010 01:00:19 PM 660 Views
Yeah I figured the reasoning - 08/08/2010 04:01:40 PM 711 Views
Not a big fan of Christensen either, don't get me wrong - 08/08/2010 08:28:58 PM 507 Views
Re: Not a big fan of Christensen either, don't get me wrong - 08/08/2010 11:16:41 PM 579 Views
Agreed about HC.....I believe Ryan Phillipe was the runner-up for the part. - 08/08/2010 08:39:53 PM 546 Views
Re: Agreement - 08/08/2010 09:14:02 PM 539 Views
True - 08/08/2010 10:21:48 PM 618 Views
Yes, I heard this explanation as well.....and it makes sense to me. - 08/08/2010 08:35:42 PM 543 Views
You are so vain *NM* - 09/08/2010 02:01:23 AM 304 Views
lol - 09/08/2010 02:04:18 PM 453 Views
Re: The Hayden Christensen ghost kills me - 09/08/2010 11:10:18 PM 575 Views
I went nuts the first time I saw that. - 16/08/2010 11:46:20 PM 587 Views
Probably because it's the voice of his father/clone. Makes sense *shrugs* - 08/08/2010 12:56:00 PM 591 Views
Poppycock - 08/08/2010 12:59:52 PM 673 Views
Re: Poppycock - 08/08/2010 01:04:38 PM 642 Views
Re: Poppycock - 08/08/2010 01:07:11 PM 666 Views
AMEN - 09/08/2010 11:12:29 PM 744 Views
The voice can be explained logically, but it still sucks balls. (and not in the good way) - 08/08/2010 02:50:34 PM 634 Views
What's wrong with Greedo shooting first? - 08/08/2010 04:00:24 PM 536 Views
Re: What's wrong with Greedo shooting first? - 08/08/2010 09:29:55 PM 604 Views
Ah okay - 08/08/2010 11:17:00 PM 672 Views
What's wrong is Han shooting first said a lot about his character. - 16/08/2010 11:54:19 PM 655 Views
*NM* - 08/08/2010 08:30:24 PM 239 Views
Wait..they changed the movies? - 08/08/2010 03:54:48 PM 521 Views
Yes - 08/08/2010 03:55:24 PM 564 Views
You know ... I don't get why everyone loves Boba Fett so much. *NM* - 09/08/2010 03:09:34 AM 315 Views
We can't be friends no more *NM* - 09/08/2010 08:03:20 AM 266 Views
Huh. *NM* - 09/08/2010 09:12:32 AM 305 Views
I agree - 09/08/2010 12:04:41 PM 518 Views
He got rescued in the Expanded Universe, so there *NM* - 09/08/2010 12:32:20 PM 305 Views
Indeed - 09/08/2010 12:41:39 PM 520 Views
I <3 Boba, and I'm not even sure why. - 09/08/2010 02:06:27 PM 630 Views
Damn you are old. *NM* - 09/08/2010 02:56:13 PM 307 Views
Yes, I am. - 09/08/2010 06:04:52 PM 448 Views
Re: Yes, I am. - 09/08/2010 06:05:48 PM 546 Views
<3 *NM* - 09/08/2010 07:49:36 PM 270 Views
heck, I actually remember Boba Fett from watching - 09/08/2010 11:16:43 PM 504 Views
Don't do it! - 09/08/2010 11:40:06 PM 650 Views
.... wait? this does not compute. - 10/08/2010 10:27:30 PM 585 Views
Same here - 11/08/2010 07:06:48 AM 504 Views
I answer that question with a statement... (NSFW!!!) - 12/08/2010 10:32:48 PM 597 Views
Right - 09/08/2010 02:23:35 PM 603 Views
Troopers - 09/08/2010 02:35:13 PM 603 Views
You know what I don't understand? - 09/08/2010 04:15:49 PM 574 Views
2nded. - 09/08/2010 05:07:25 PM 549 Views
And how exactly is Jens "wrong" about the films? - 09/08/2010 11:20:02 PM 575 Views
greebo? Boba Fett's voice - 09/08/2010 11:36:04 PM 484 Views
Plus the three films we don't talk about and shouldn't exist. *NM* - 10/08/2010 12:33:40 PM 229 Views
Episode III was as good as any of the originals. - 10/08/2010 06:37:28 PM 494 Views
It most certainly was not! - 10/08/2010 06:39:30 PM 401 Views
Yep, close to it, at least. - 10/08/2010 09:46:22 PM 511 Views
Agreed *NM* - 11/08/2010 05:27:49 AM 278 Views
I don't know about that. Fisher, Ford and Hamill could act. - 11/08/2010 03:00:26 PM 547 Views
To be fair - 11/08/2010 03:24:36 PM 672 Views
I think that is one of the biggest differences - 11/08/2010 04:28:56 PM 469 Views
Re: I think that is one of the biggest differences - 11/08/2010 04:32:21 PM 542 Views
Yes - 12/08/2010 05:02:17 PM 428 Views
Good point, that's perhaps an even more important difference... - 11/08/2010 04:29:34 PM 540 Views
Yes. Lucas should never write anything - 11/08/2010 04:33:05 PM 444 Views
he shouldn't direct either!!! *NM* - 12/08/2010 12:39:56 AM 284 Views
Completely agree - 12/08/2010 12:38:16 AM 692 Views
there ain't nothing wrong with JarJar - 12/08/2010 12:35:17 AM 609 Views
That's not quite the issue. - 12/08/2010 01:37:58 AM 534 Views
Hayden Christensen is. - 12/08/2010 06:01:15 PM 619 Views
The story was as good. - 17/08/2010 12:00:58 AM 617 Views
See, that's where personal taste comes into play to the degree that discussion is pointless - 17/08/2010 12:51:41 PM 765 Views
True. - 17/08/2010 07:18:43 PM 616 Views
"I'm here for business. Let's do business." *NM* - 17/08/2010 08:24:15 PM 300 Views

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