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*sigh* DomA Send a noteboard - 30/05/2012 11:45:28 PM

It's strictly that I'm getting very impatient that fairly obvious things we keep repeating seem so hard to understand.

Galad as an adult or teenager would have been of use to House Mantear and Tigraine. I think there's no question that if Taringail was dead and Galad was older, House Mantear would have made him their heir, as later in life Galad became well-liked and extremely capable.

If Tigraine had no female heir and died unexpectedly but much later, he could have useful only if they managed to marry him before or as soon as Tigraine died to a woman from an allied House who had enough lines to Ishara that marrying Tigraine's son into Mantear would have made her suitable as the next Mantear Queen, and her daughter from Galad after her. But Mordrellen died when Galad was still but a toddler.

As a toddler, and with the power that the House holding to him would have given Taringail over House Mantear and its affairs and lands and revenues - and power over whom Galad eventually married and all that, House Mantear was much better letting this son of Tigraine go, because otherwise they all but handed a Great House of Andor to a Cairhienin schemer. He could have married Galad to a Saighan or Riatin or even a Damodred cousin and all the Mantear lands would in effect have been Cairhienin-held.

When Modrellen died, the only way Mantear could save the Crown using Galad was by marrying him immediately to some High Seat or her sister willing to forsake her House to enter Mantear and be Queen. That's been done in real history, but apparently it's not done in Andor... perhaps because for that woman to rule, with baby Galad and his schemer of father raising him, that Queen-to-be would never have managed to get the support of ten Great House. That also meant either choosing a very young woman - creating instability in Andor and risking no heir would show up for many years, or one woman young enough that in over 10 years she could still bear Galad a daughter, and in the meantime there would be not clear succession if she died...

Mantear chose a male High Seat from a more junior line, shortcircuiting Taringail's ambitions, and threw its support behind its ally House Trakand. They chose the good of Andor. That kept them in a very good position in Andor, and put the new Royal House in their debt... a debt they could very well repay by marrying one day a younger daughter of Morgase, or a granddaughter (bringing Morgase's lines to Ishara back into House Mantear), thus putting them right behind Trakand again if Trakand ran out of female heirs.

I'm expressing a POV on how I read a storyline not trying to prove a case before the Supreme Court of WoT. It's a forum, as in a place to discuss our perspectives with others.

That's not the problem at all, it's that your arguments in this debate contradict some known facts (eg: matrilinearity, that make Galad's Andoran ancestry pretty irrelevant) and that makes you argue completely in the left field despite our efforts to bring the debate back to the facts. You keep bringing up issues concerning Galad that would make sense in a different context, but don't make any sense given the facts we know.

Arguing about Galad's value later in life is pointless. We don't know what the fact he wore the name Damodred would have changed had Tigraine survived. Based on the fact he stands to be Elayne's FPOTS if Gawyn dies, it changed nothing to Galad's birthrights, and if he doesn't hold Mantear lands, it's probably because Mordrellen's holdings passed to the High Seat, not her closest relative.

As for Mantear letting him go, it wasn't much of a sacrifice. He was useless to Mantear nobles as a toddler, and he stood in their way to the HS and he had a very dangerous father. By letting Galad go, the Mantears helped secure an alliance that put the new Royal House of Andor in their debt (marrying Taringail solidified Morgase's claim), and that as a bonus rid them of a disliked Cairhienin schemer. By the time Galad grew up, he would have been a rival to the Mantears who rose in power.

Is that all unfair to Galad? Of course, he's been a political pawn in other people's hands all his childhood. At least he had Morgase's love.
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aMoL UK cover and Blurb (SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!) - 21/05/2012 06:44:26 PM 2634 Views
Thoughts... - 21/05/2012 06:46:41 PM 1138 Views
Re: Thoughts... - 21/05/2012 08:04:29 PM 1093 Views
Re: Thoughts... - 21/05/2012 08:45:41 PM 996 Views
Re: Thoughts... - 21/05/2012 09:04:09 PM 1195 Views
*nods in agreement* *NM* - 21/05/2012 10:46:48 PM 383 Views
Re: Thoughts... - 21/05/2012 11:08:50 PM 1021 Views
Re: Thoughts... - 22/05/2012 01:02:16 AM 1007 Views
Re: Thoughts... - 21/05/2012 09:35:29 PM 1091 Views
Mat and the madness... - 21/05/2012 10:30:09 PM 1008 Views
Nynaeve's revelation may make the AS even more worried of Rand being mad - 21/05/2012 10:58:37 PM 1053 Views
Not Egwene though... - 21/05/2012 11:02:41 PM 869 Views
Maybe, maybe not ... Nynaeve just gave everyone proof of the extent of his possible madness - 21/05/2012 11:26:41 PM 865 Views
Fair enough. - 21/05/2012 11:31:10 PM 879 Views
Agreed that it's an odd blurb - 21/05/2012 11:45:03 PM 911 Views
Re: Maybe, maybe not ... Nynaeve just gave everyone proof of the extent of his possible madness - 22/05/2012 01:14:05 AM 934 Views
I was thinking about that... - 22/05/2012 02:35:25 AM 835 Views
Re: I was thinking about that... - 22/05/2012 03:41:48 AM 914 Views
Re: Mat and the madness... - 22/05/2012 02:29:31 AM 988 Views
Rand's dreams... - 22/05/2012 02:42:36 AM 898 Views
She assumes he's mad just like most people assume a 19 year old boy is horney - 22/05/2012 03:47:49 AM 1046 Views
I'd like some evidence for this. - 22/05/2012 04:14:27 AM 861 Views
It's still ingrained in the society - 22/05/2012 01:28:05 PM 967 Views
Moridin and the link - 28/05/2012 01:45:43 AM 795 Views
Re: Thoughts... - 23/05/2012 01:06:10 PM 822 Views
What caught my eye there was "Trollocs seize Caemlyn." - 22/05/2012 02:12:25 PM 935 Views
As much as I would love Moiraine to go with him to Ebou Dar - 22/05/2012 07:20:40 PM 999 Views
At this stage, all roads lead to Rand. - 22/05/2012 09:08:42 PM 849 Views
Re: At this stage, all roads lead to Rand. - 23/05/2012 08:07:56 PM 879 Views
Well, like I say, there is no reason they could not ALL meet up with Tuon. - 23/05/2012 08:53:53 PM 859 Views
Re: Well, like I say, there is no reason they could not ALL meet up with Tuon. - 24/05/2012 02:41:55 PM 989 Views
Aviendha's visions from Rhuidean indicate he will kneel... - 24/05/2012 07:04:02 PM 1267 Views
Re: Aviendha's visions from Rhuidean indicate he will kneel... - 26/05/2012 09:42:20 PM 1360 Views
Agreed... - 26/05/2012 09:57:06 PM 965 Views
I think you are extrapolating some of his actions into more than he intends - 26/05/2012 10:37:44 PM 838 Views
Re: Agreed... - 27/05/2012 04:26:15 AM 911 Views
I think you're both wrong... - 27/05/2012 08:41:50 AM 899 Views
Re: I think you're both wrong... - 27/05/2012 07:10:08 PM 915 Views
I can't believe Galad will be accepted as a ruler since he is the Lord Captain Commander - 28/05/2012 02:48:26 AM 902 Views
Re: I can't believe Galad will be accepted as a ruler since he is the Lord Captain Commander - 28/05/2012 04:54:46 PM 841 Views
That makes no sense - 28/05/2012 05:50:16 PM 875 Views
Taringail was Laman's heir... - 28/05/2012 07:20:07 PM 806 Views
You are answering the wrong question - 29/05/2012 02:19:48 PM 812 Views
No. I've answered the exact question. You seem to have missed it. - 29/05/2012 04:40:17 PM 855 Views
Yet not one of these things actually happened - 29/05/2012 10:13:35 PM 846 Views
You're being absurd... - 30/05/2012 01:04:36 AM 810 Views
Explain why Taringail didn't become King after Laman's death then - 30/05/2012 05:48:48 AM 786 Views
- 30/05/2012 06:11:02 AM 785 Views
Why then would Taringail, an ambitious man, renounce a Throne? - 30/05/2012 06:22:08 AM 928 Views
We don't fully know... - 30/05/2012 06:43:30 AM 699 Views
You just flipped your last statement - 30/05/2012 06:55:36 AM 939 Views
You seem extremely confused... - 30/05/2012 09:56:30 AM 863 Views
Not confused, simply not satisfied with the information we have - 30/05/2012 12:15:59 PM 817 Views
Re: Not confused, simply not satisfied with the information we have - 30/05/2012 03:34:06 PM 972 Views
I am not contesting the information we have - 30/05/2012 04:48:08 PM 926 Views
You're impossible... - 30/05/2012 10:02:59 PM 856 Views
Wow ... Not sure what is bringing out the aggression - 30/05/2012 10:19:18 PM 764 Views
*sigh* - 30/05/2012 11:45:28 PM 830 Views
DomA swore *NM* - 31/05/2012 03:39:24 PM 927 Views
Re: That makes no sense - 29/05/2012 04:39:45 PM 996 Views
Only one other thing... - 29/05/2012 04:53:29 PM 721 Views
Re: Only one other thing... - 30/05/2012 12:32:58 PM 788 Views
Bryne was Captain General not First Prince and Taringail was Prince Consort not FP - 30/05/2012 06:07:48 AM 834 Views
Bryne was First Prince Regent. - 30/05/2012 06:19:33 AM 807 Views
Fair enough ... Thanks for providing a quote - 30/05/2012 06:22:52 AM 990 Views
Re: Fair enough ... Thanks for providing a quote - 30/05/2012 04:38:29 PM 863 Views
No he wasn't - 30/05/2012 04:16:02 PM 795 Views
No Forsaken will go near that Ter'angreal - 26/05/2012 10:33:20 PM 760 Views
Re: No Forsaken will go near that Ter'angreal - 27/05/2012 03:23:12 AM 829 Views
Aviendha reprogrammed the ter'angreal - 27/05/2012 01:50:19 PM 797 Views
Re: Aviendha reprogrammed the ter'angreal - 27/05/2012 06:44:41 PM 921 Views
I'd have to re-read to be 100% certain, but the way I read the passage - 28/05/2012 02:10:14 AM 900 Views
He might not literally kneel before the ter'angreal, but almost certainly must meet with Tuon soon. - 25/05/2012 03:40:54 AM 1138 Views
Soon might be relative... - 27/05/2012 02:08:53 AM 1321 Views
Sul'dam - 27/05/2012 09:03:57 AM 1177 Views
Re: Sul'dam - 27/05/2012 05:54:57 PM 907 Views
Right, then; here we go.... - 03/06/2012 08:45:20 AM 784 Views
Re: As much as I would love Moiraine to go with him to Ebou Dar - 23/05/2012 05:28:17 PM 856 Views
I think I read a fan fiction like that once *NM* - 23/05/2012 08:04:42 PM 446 Views

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