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A minority of a minority forcing its will on the majority in defiance of rule of law is a coup. Joel Send a noteboard - 28/09/2013 11:17:43 PM

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I know it is hard to grasp but we didn't elect a king and there are still three branches of government and Congress is doing nothing more than exercising the power given to them by the Constitution. Elections matter and the republicans won a lot more of them in the last one so even if they don't control the Oval Office they do control spending. Sorry that reality is so hard to grasp for the Obama followers.

Yeah, there are three branches of government:

The Legislative, which passed Robamacare in 2009, the Executive, which signed it in 2009 and the Judicial, which ruled it constitutional in 2012.

A small faction of a minority is trying to bankrupt the nation just to overrule ALL THREE democratically chosen branches of government; sure sounds like a coup.

Elections matter? This is the platform Republicans ran and LOST on in 2012: Dems got 5 million more presidential votes, several million more Senate votes and even half a million more House votes. Obama was re-elected, Dems netted +2 Senate seats and even netted +30 House seats; only gerrymandering in the GOPs 2010 wave prevented Dems having the same majority in the House they have in the Senate. "We are not a majority even in our own party, and voters repudiated our plan in the last election; do it anyway—or else." Yeah, TOTALLY not a non-violent coup attempt.

Yet this is not even a case of the GOP House majority attempting something over objections of the Senates Dem majority: Not only Senate but HOUSE Republicans oppose shutting down government to repeal federal law. The GOP House Speaker has been taking fire from the Tea Party in both chambers essentially for opposing economic Armageddon as the cost of defunding Robamacare. I STILL would not be surprised if he just said, "To Hell with you idiots; I will go find a few dozen Dems to vote for a RATIONAL continuing resolution." We may well be watching the Tea Party commit high profile suicide however this ends.

Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.

Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
This message last edited by Joel on 05/10/2013 at 11:45:10 PM
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President Obama should not negotiate with terrorists - 24/09/2013 06:09:59 PM 1231 Views
I assume the purpose of this post was ranting and provoking heated reactions for your amusement? - 24/09/2013 08:16:14 PM 696 Views
I assumed that was the point of the post. - 24/09/2013 08:25:16 PM 576 Views
As would I, that's for sure. - 24/09/2013 08:44:31 PM 697 Views
There is a viral FB post out there - 24/09/2013 09:16:22 PM 635 Views
Is there any chance of that happening? - 26/09/2013 07:21:51 PM 608 Views
consider this my swan song - 24/09/2013 09:39:02 PM 653 Views
To be fair, they only have a terrorist ATTITUDE; the GOP coup attempt has been non-violent. - 27/09/2013 03:28:48 PM 650 Views
only the far left would call this a coup - 28/09/2013 04:13:18 PM 699 Views
A minority of a minority forcing its will on the majority in defiance of rule of law is a coup. - 28/09/2013 11:17:43 PM 593 Views
gross accumulation of wealth of real problem I am just not sure how you find a solution - 28/09/2013 04:21:37 PM 532 Views
That doesn't happen that easily. - 28/09/2013 10:31:40 PM 620 Views
I agree in theory but in practice it is a lot harder - 30/09/2013 03:20:14 PM 599 Views
The Affordable Care Act has nothing to do with affordability. - 24/09/2013 08:46:15 PM 708 Views
I remember people complaining when their patriotism was questioned, thought they had a valid beef... - 25/09/2013 05:57:52 AM 606 Views
i'm sorry your party has gone off the deep end and can't tell reality from their ass - 27/09/2013 05:24:52 PM 597 Views
Yeah, they're out of touch with reality, Mr. Peaceful Protest = terrorism, sure, gotcha - 28/09/2013 01:41:55 AM 676 Views
fucking over millions of people's lives is NOT "peaceful protest" - 01/10/2013 09:04:30 PM 702 Views
I agree. The ACA is akin to domestic terrorism because it is fucking over millions of peoples' lives - 01/10/2013 10:00:59 PM 837 Views
just because you won't benefit doesn't mean it isn't helping - 01/10/2013 11:27:10 PM 566 Views
Oh, please. Cut the fucking hyperbole. - 02/10/2013 02:54:31 AM 583 Views
It isn't hypberbole tyo him it is his reality - 02/10/2013 03:47:30 AM 553 Views
I was with you until you engaged in your own hyperbole in that last line. *NM* - 02/10/2013 06:05:12 PM 333 Views
I thought it was more of simple observation - 04/10/2013 02:21:32 AM 499 Views
You have an amazingly cherry-picked view of the world don't you? Peaceful protests often hurt people - 01/10/2013 10:20:43 PM 551 Views
yeah, you keep believing that. i suppose black is now white as well? - 01/10/2013 11:28:58 PM 593 Views
If you insist on seeing everything as black and white it really doesn't matter which is which - 02/10/2013 12:07:51 AM 515 Views
I had hoped - 02/10/2013 08:43:58 AM 612 Views
Re: I had hoped - 02/10/2013 10:48:13 AM 556 Views
Re: I had hoped - 02/10/2013 11:35:04 AM 608 Views
Re: I had hoped - 02/10/2013 12:07:34 PM 592 Views
Congress is given teh power of the purse so it is the left who is threatening a shut down - 26/09/2013 12:59:20 PM 562 Views
Both right and wrong. - 26/09/2013 04:55:36 PM 543 Views
sorry but that doesn't change the power of the purse - 28/09/2013 04:06:53 PM 682 Views
Pretty much my take for the last two years; the GOP is pulling an Arafat: "95% is not good enough!" - 27/09/2013 01:12:53 AM 689 Views
funny how the media celibrated the silly twit from Fort Worth for doing basically the same thing *NM* - 28/09/2013 04:19:31 PM 349 Views

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