Active Users:268 Time:21/09/2024 12:23:20 AM
no it is only an honest open discussion if he recognizes that there are valid alterantive views random thoughts Send a noteboard - 03/06/2014 05:17:18 AM

But don't worry that really isn't a concept I expect you get that.

View original postyour family's experience was different for being white and given favorable loan conditions compared to a black family of equal poverty. you were able to succeed because society values your being as a white person more than it values your black counterparts. this is how US society is structured, how it has historically operated, and how it continues to operate today. look at the recent vote for school lunches which the US House restricted to only rural families. look at the demographics of rural versus urban families and tell me with a straight face that rural kids are more deserving of school lunch programs than all kids no matter their background or geographic location. the US government is not able to stop discriminating against non-whites, even in 2014. for you to not see this means that it will be a long while yet before America lives up to the ideals that we are all equal under the law.

First off you don't know jack shit about my family so please don't presume to believe you do simply because they are white. There is some truth to the truth the idea that my families experience is different than a black families would be but that really is an irrelevant statement. Virtually ever example he gave my family has parallel experiences from dishonest banks stealing land to people incarcerated for ellipse to local police harassing them and even to signs telling them they are not welcome. My grandmother grew up as poor and as uneducated as any black child and I resent the suggestion that her suffering and triumphs are any less simply because she was white. I don't argue that getting out of poverty is just as easy if you are black but it is just as possible and the steps are basically the same. If being white is such a ticket out of poverty why are have the poor in this country white?

I didn't get out of poverty because family get better interest rates I got out poverty because after my father left my mother married a man who didn't own much but who believed in hard work and responsibility and he worked hard to instill those in me. The black men and women I know who managed to escape poverty have stories that are not that dissimilar. I don't have my current job because I white but because even though I wasn't given a chance to go to college right out of school I joined the Marines learned a trade and put myself through college. Please don't argue that I got better jobs because I was because every company I have worked for actively recruited minorities and I almost didn't get a promotion because they wanted a woman our a minority but they could find one who was qualified.

I didn't take the time read your article because it reads like silly partisan dribble but if there are republicans who want to treat rural poor differently than urban poor then I oppose that effort and suspect it to be returned in racism, much like the idea that black poor are more deserving of assistance is wrong headed and rooted in racism.

The government has role to played a role in fighting poverty. My families' first real step out of truly desperate poverty was when my grandfather got a job at the WPA. In the end though black white or green the only way to escape poverty and pass that on to your children is to learn self reliance and to not only take responsibility for your own life but those who are dependent on you. Propagating a victim mentality and the idea that world owes you anything but air to breath is not helping the matter. He mentioned that blacks have less wealth for equal pay, he need stop focus not on who to blame but how to change the mindset of the black community that leads to that.

Maybe thinking a family should raise a child and a man should put his children before himself is just part of my white world view but if so it that explains a lot more of the current state of affairs than 1950s interest rates.

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/History: The Case for Reparations - 27/05/2014 07:08:52 PM 1115 Views
Only reparations for..... - 27/05/2014 07:34:29 PM 497 Views
you should try actually reading the article first - 27/05/2014 08:33:53 PM 591 Views
my only problem is his conclusion is weak compared with the rest of the article - 27/05/2014 08:31:54 PM 517 Views
Maybe because there is a lack of connection between the history involved and present day problems. - 29/05/2014 01:35:04 AM 472 Views
sure, and i have a bridge for sale..... - 30/05/2014 12:39:03 AM 459 Views
Re: sure, and i have a bridge for sale..... - 30/05/2014 05:06:11 PM 490 Views
faulty assumptions of your heritage aside, the point still stands. - 02/06/2014 08:54:02 PM 434 Views
Faulty assumptions is the entirety of your argument. - 11/06/2014 07:27:29 AM 487 Views
sorry but I see no evidence he wants to have an open an honest discussion - 02/06/2014 02:03:29 PM 489 Views
so it's only open and honest discussion if he shares your white world view? - 02/06/2014 09:07:26 PM 523 Views
no it is only an honest open discussion if he recognizes that there are valid alterantive views - 03/06/2014 05:17:18 AM 479 Views
here is where you lose credibility - 03/06/2014 08:59:30 PM 671 Views
Should Europe pay restitutions for the damage they did to Africa? - 03/06/2014 01:13:54 PM 481 Views
Sure. - 03/06/2014 06:10:49 PM 450 Views
Absolutely, but only the handful of countries that actually have a colonial past *NM* - 03/06/2014 09:28:58 PM 257 Views
that's not the way it works - 04/06/2014 01:04:46 PM 435 Views
Again, there is an assumption of profit that is not necessarily true - 11/06/2014 02:47:53 AM 600 Views
nope the EU needs to step up the line and starting paying - 11/06/2014 06:05:25 PM 537 Views
One could argue we already do. - 04/06/2014 10:55:44 PM 425 Views

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