Active Users:174 Time:19/05/2024 10:33:04 AM
That bias works out well for the purpose of finding pragmatic solutions for conflicts, though. Legolas Send a noteboard - 03/08/2014 05:51:39 PM

View original postI often agree with them because their general economic principles are the same as mine. However, they often paint too rosy a picture of nations and areas if they think that it would be good for business. They only recently started to turn on that nutcase in Turkey, Erdogan (I know you like him - I do not). They want a ceasefire because they prefer a stable Middle East and lower oil prices.

Certainly there's more to world politics than purely economic interests, but a predominantly economic PoV which focuses on finding workable solutions for any conflict - while taking into account possible long-term costs if one sets the wrong precedents - is generally better than ideologically motivated PoVs, for practical purposes.

They only recently started to turn on Erdogan because it only recently (relatively recently, anyway) started to become increasingly doubtful whether the good sides of Erdogan still outweigh the bad. He's much like Nicolas Sarkozy in some ways - both of them always did have ego issues and temper issues, but whether those flaws get in the way of good results depend on the circumstances. Erdogan's problem is that he has been too successful in defeating and defanging his opponents while completely failing - to some extent intentionally no doubt, but I would guess not completely so - to let other leaders rise up within his party who could ensure his succession. It's a sad thing that after more than ten years, the only name observers can come up with as a possibly viable successor is a man who's been in it as long as he himself. He has become, as Egyptians would call it, a pharaoh, and he's in dire need of a reality check and being humbled a little.

View original postEither way, it probably doesn't matter because no one cares enough to stop the fighting.

Sadly true.
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Those morons in Gaza (i.e., Hamas) are at it again - - 18/07/2014 04:02:57 PM 1097 Views
If by awesome you mean execrable, then yes, you're right. - 18/07/2014 11:45:53 PM 601 Views
Sounds like someone doesn't like jews! - 19/07/2014 04:24:41 AM 543 Views
It's funny you should say that. - 19/07/2014 09:36:57 AM 616 Views
your criticism would be better applied to Palestine supporters - 19/07/2014 11:50:37 AM 522 Views
My criticism IS also applied to Palestine supporters. It's not an either/or deal. - 19/07/2014 09:03:51 PM 546 Views
Agreed on that much, certainly. - 23/07/2014 03:05:22 AM 670 Views
Well, look who's back in the game! - 23/07/2014 07:44:45 PM 767 Views
Haltingly.... - 07/08/2014 03:41:06 AM 597 Views
The only good thing about ancient interminable wars is that--more-- - 13/06/2015 11:40:48 PM 451 Views
Oh lord. - 22/06/2015 10:08:22 PM 524 Views
"'Dialing for Dollars' is looking for me" - 24/06/2015 04:48:51 AM 592 Views
At the risk of prompting another long ramble, I've no idea what that reference is to. - 24/06/2015 10:39:42 PM 486 Views
"Oh, Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes-Benz?!" - 26/06/2015 12:41:48 PM 456 Views
I'm going to try to shorten and summarize this a bit... - 28/06/2015 11:21:28 PM 799 Views
I couldn't help but overhear... - 19/07/2014 01:13:01 PM 595 Views
Good, I was hoping you'd drop by! - 19/07/2014 08:33:44 PM 705 Views
I strongly beg to differ with your position re: Hamas - 26/07/2014 04:25:54 PM 470 Views
Sorry, I don't see that. - 26/07/2014 08:57:08 PM 553 Views
I guess if you believe the lies of Hamas your position makes sense. - 27/07/2014 03:20:03 PM 499 Views
+1 - 27/07/2014 04:00:05 PM 575 Views
I certainly don't believe everything they say, no. - 27/07/2014 06:43:51 PM 583 Views
As so often the Economist is the voice of common sense: - 29/07/2014 05:44:59 PM 601 Views
The Economist is the voice of London finance. - 03/08/2014 03:22:47 AM 420 Views
That bias works out well for the purpose of finding pragmatic solutions for conflicts, though. - 03/08/2014 05:51:39 PM 625 Views
the carrot and stick is somewhat apt, although israel should have given way more carrots to date - 22/07/2014 08:57:13 PM 601 Views
So Israel should back the least radical Palestinian faction & construct Palestinian infrastructure? - 23/07/2014 04:51:19 AM 564 Views
yes - 23/07/2014 05:04:58 PM 725 Views
I pretty much agree with everything you said. - 24/07/2014 09:46:22 AM 684 Views
Why do you hate America? - 23/07/2014 02:29:24 AM 571 Views
Bottom line - stop lobbing missles into Israel and the problem is solved. - 28/07/2014 03:35:46 AM 488 Views
It's a circle of violence. Both sides are the villian. - 31/07/2014 03:50:52 AM 599 Views

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