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Can liberals all stop their posturing about adhering to science? Cannoli Send a noteboard - 05/06/2015 12:04:13 AM

It's aggravating enough when they claim the scientific position is behind a theory of the origins of humanity that is just as non-disprovable (and thus as unscientific) as creationism. Or when they use the term "science" as a mike-dropping trump card, as if most of scientific history is scientists being proven wrong about what they had proclaimed as fact, rather than the apparent popular perception of a long series of blanks being filled in, or narratives wrenched from errant religious or superstitious beliefs.

But you CANNOT claim to be the scientific ideology, when you run around proclaiming a human being with a Y-chromosome is a woman! When you demand professional help, and psychological and pharmacological treatment for a teenage girl who makes small cuts on her limbs, but applaud and encourage a teenage boy who wants to chop off his balls. When you sneer at the patriarchy for imposing body image issues on a woman who has minor elective surgery to enhance her looks, but praise the appearance of a man who has silicone surgically implanted in his chest.

Being ugly is not the entry key to using the men's restroom, nor is the lack of a penis the determining factor that lets you in the door of the ladies. And if their self-selected mutilations make them unwelcome in their proper facilities? Tough shit (literally, even). You should have thought about that before wasting your money, and society's medical resources. Which is another point, since the government has taken over 1/6th of the's not just your own resources that are going to waste over this frivolous at best, and abominable at worst preoccupation. So-called 'gender reassignment' procedures are using anesthesia and antibiotics and blood and hospital space that could go to actual sick people. Especially when the prescription of which they are most in need, is so freely available. At least until Sibelius decides to regulate a good smack upside the head along with everything else.

I am willing to concede that there are actual issues and problems with these people that need to be dealt with. They need our pity, our patience, and our prayers. They do not need to, and should not, be indulged, or allowed to indulge in the "treatment" of their desire, any more than a cutter or flat-chested bimbo or self-amputee fetishist should. Anyone who allows a teenager to permanently mutilate his or her or its body, should be shot, or failing that, have their own reproductive organs hacked out to minimize their access to any other children they might get the urge to guide over a cliff.

Abraham Lincoln once posed the question "How many legs does a dog have, if you call his tail a leg?" When he received the answer "five", he corrected the other person, that the dog in question still had four legs. Calling a tail a leg does not make it so, any more than calling a man a slave makes him rightful property. And calling a man a woman, or a woman a man, does not change the facts of the matter, no matter how much someone might wish it so, or how extensively they mutilate and drug their bodies to make it so.

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Can liberals all stop their posturing about adhering to science? - 05/06/2015 12:04:13 AM 1173 Views
It's not really a difficult concept to understand, man - 05/06/2015 02:23:34 PM 602 Views
Re: It's not really a difficult concept to understand, man - 05/06/2015 09:05:03 PM 604 Views
It's so difficult to parse out your trolling sometimes - 07/06/2015 02:37:11 PM 571 Views
Some people feel like they are women, though born as men. So they take steps to live - 05/06/2015 04:47:14 PM 593 Views
I agree with you in theory - 05/06/2015 09:43:43 PM 477 Views
I think it's okay to be weirded out by it - 08/06/2015 10:28:02 PM 605 Views
gender issues aside the evidence of evolution is undeniable to the extreme - 05/06/2015 08:37:37 PM 472 Views
Well then why do scientists feel the need to make up their own fake evidence? - 05/06/2015 09:16:40 PM 520 Views
The specifics and our understanding always changes - 05/06/2015 09:50:39 PM 524 Views
"A better fit" doesn't sound much like testable hypotheses and observable data - 06/06/2015 12:38:49 AM 659 Views
Science and absolute, unquestioned fact... - 06/06/2015 11:16:10 AM 534 Views
The theory is refined that is all - 08/06/2015 07:11:40 PM 513 Views
We can find Naederthal DNA in modern humans - 08/06/2015 07:01:01 PM 466 Views
I am 3% Neanderthal! My 23andMe Test told me so!! *NM* - 08/06/2015 08:07:35 PM 300 Views
If thought about doing that - 09/06/2015 02:31:11 PM 471 Views
...I'm confused, are you claiming that no real fossils have been found? - 07/06/2015 02:41:12 PM 486 Views
And they prove what, exactly? - 07/06/2015 11:24:43 PM 595 Views
Er, well yeah, that's the point- Scientific knowledge keeps growing and challenging itself - 08/06/2015 02:58:26 PM 534 Views
It's not at all the same. - 09/06/2015 02:53:06 PM 499 Views
I would not have expected to see you adhere to a scientist position - 07/06/2015 03:06:11 AM 550 Views
I am not; I am criticizing the people who apply it inconsistently - 07/06/2015 11:14:05 PM 584 Views
Perhaps she does not believe in hell - 08/06/2015 12:55:50 PM 408 Views
can republicans stop their posturing about adhering to morality? - 08/06/2015 09:17:16 PM 510 Views
My own homosexual inclinations would not constitute hypocrisy in opposing deviant behavior - 09/06/2015 02:14:56 PM 538 Views
"… in the latter times some shall depart from the faith… speaking lies in hypocrisy…" - 15/06/2015 03:36:08 AM 556 Views
See - more liberal doublespeak - 15/06/2015 03:30:57 PM 518 Views
“Who are you calling, ‘you people’?! - 17/06/2015 10:08:32 AM 463 Views
Some other stuff - 15/06/2015 03:45:59 PM 548 Views
See what you (and the devil, of course) made me do? - 17/06/2015 10:16:35 AM 513 Views
I find this entire discussion absolutely hilarious. - 15/06/2015 04:19:31 PM 420 Views
well I am sucb a died in the wool liberal I just cant help myself - 15/06/2015 06:25:57 PM 396 Views
Yeah, you're to the Left of Trotsky. *NM* - 15/06/2015 07:31:28 PM 246 Views
...what? Attacking points is pretty much what debate IS. - 16/06/2015 04:29:05 AM 449 Views
No... - 17/06/2015 08:00:57 PM 436 Views
OK? - 18/06/2015 04:03:32 AM 466 Views
duplicate post, ignore *NM* - 18/06/2015 04:03:47 AM 327 Views
Oh, I'm sorry. - 18/06/2015 09:05:42 PM 528 Views
A thesis delayed till the SECOND paragraph is, at best, misplaced - 20/06/2015 09:37:36 AM 508 Views
Bah, damn you for good points! - 21/06/2015 09:33:49 PM 523 Views
Oh, man, been there, done that, got the T-shirt - 22/06/2015 01:26:13 AM 449 Views
Heheh, thank you for understanding. - 22/06/2015 09:23:11 PM 439 Views
Re: Oh, I'm sorry. - 20/06/2015 04:44:24 PM 571 Views
You're missing my whole issue with labeling. - 21/06/2015 09:32:36 PM 513 Views
This might be a complete non-sequitur, but... - 21/06/2015 10:38:19 PM 406 Views
I'm a hardcore lurker... - 22/06/2015 09:26:59 PM 359 Views
Cool. - 22/06/2015 10:14:45 PM 455 Views *NM* - 15/06/2015 05:01:30 PM 251 Views

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