Active Users:209 Time:20/09/2024 10:45:44 PM
Re: I still only see one way for this day to end ranagrande Send a noteboard - 19/11/2010 03:48:52 PM
We need to lynch Isaac. It's really the only logical choice. I know some of you want to respect his request for more time, but really, what can he possibly say?

A lot

Well say it already then.

A claimed Cop who is unchallenged in that claim also claims to have found him guilty. That's as solid a reason to lynch as we could possibly ask for. As an added bonus, thanks to our unchallenged claimed Tracker, we know that Isaac was indeed targeted by our unchallenged claimed Cop.

We don't "know" that. Kronin's claim is backed up by his HC, but were he scum that would mean no more than he saw the option for a RC of that type. Considering its basically established beyond reasonable doubt that at least one scummer voted for me, if you are accepting both Kronin and Ft as town, that leaves only 4 votes - yours, Amys, Bergioyn, and ? I'd have second thoughts about eliminating who the scummer vote(s) could be from.

Don't worry. I still suspect everyone to varying degrees. I am less suspicious of Kronin and F-T now than I am of most people, simply because Cop and Tracker are dangerous claims to make if untrue and no one has called them out on it.

I admit that the numbers are interesting, but I do see plenty of ways that it could have happened.

I find it extremely odd that Isaac was brought to the very brink -- one punctuation mark away from being lynched -- when all we had to go on was the perception of some of his behavior being anti-town, but after F-T dropped his bombshell the case seems to have actually lost momentum. It makes no sense.

Pretty simple reason, I have third-party verifiable proof of my claim of SPLOG-weirdness predating FT's claim and even his HC, doesn't prove the claim but it removes the option of it being a last desperate gamble. We also have 4 investigatory claims right now, so the SPLOG is reasonably viewed as about as likely to be accurate as random guessing would be. I also find it a bit weird that you now say all we had to go was a perception of anti-town behavior yet you voted for me, unvoted, then voted again, all before the cop revelation.

There's nothing weird about that at all. In fact, that's basically been my MO for lynching since the first game I played here. As I said the first time, I basically voted for you because your attempt to get a no-lynch struck me as being anti-town. If we have eleven players in the game, and exactly one of them is acting scummy, who does it make the most sense to lynch? I've voted off of far less before.

Also, you keep insisting that four investigative roles is too many and using that as proof that the SPLOG must be broken. In my game, the town had six investigators. Going back to your "proof" about the SPLOG though, why would you have any such information while your masons did not? Wouldn't the Thing be the least likely member of the Fantastic Four to know the details of Reed's experiments?

By all appearances, Isaac is probably scum. If he does still turn out to be innocent after all this, we'd probably have to kill F-T tomorrow, but I think that's very unlikely. Either way, I've seen enough to have some ideas of who could be Skrull allies anyway.

You propose killing FT in spite of the fact that no one has counter-claimed having the SPLOG, and Kronin says he tracked him to me? Its pretty clear FT has the thing, he can't be scum, why would we lynch him if I'm innocent?

Why is it so clear that he can't be scum if has the SPLOG? What was there to prevent a Skrull from grabbing it instead of She-Hulk? If the Cop role were to be compromised, I think that would be the way to do it; it would be a nice comic bookish twist that would give near def-town status to a scummer. I don't really believe that at all, but it's a possibility.

I suspect it's all a moot point now anyway, because I'm convinced now that you are indeed scum.

So, nothing personal, Isaac, but this is how it needs to begin. Your death message will dictate the course of this game.

Or yours

Vote: Ranagrande

Nice, an OMGUS vote. This, incidentally, is why I am now completely convinced of your guilt. Even discounting our differing opinions about no-lynches and the like, you are the one who came up positive and you are the one whose death will certify the sanity of our cop. My death would accomplish nothing.

And you're too good and too logical of a player not to realize that. I can understand the element of self-preservation and wanting to stay in the game, but if you were a townie you would have to at least recognize the value in lynching you today.

We know that even if I'm scum at least one scummer voted for me, even if they only have 3 and with 4 investigatory roles, fist's up-gunned role and virtually everyone else apparently roled 3 seems unlikely. BEst odds are at least two scummers voted for me and it's not logically consistent that FT or Kronin would be them.

That just leaves you, Amys, Bergioyn, and ?

But ? could have hit me right at the end, he'd have attracted no more suspicion by correcting his vote then by simply casting it. We can't say anything about Amys, she voted and has disappeared beyond lurking, not even opening coin bid NBs, then there's you and Bergioyn.

We've already covered how unlikely bussing should have been under the circumstances and how it's necessary under essentially any model for at least one scummer to have voted for me, that makes me very unlikely to be a scummer, but its also still unlikely that only one scummer voted for me, that 'only one' is based off multiple improbable assumptions needing to be true for each case. The data favors no less than 2 scummers voting for me, an even more absurd bussing case, and it means two of those 4 votes on me besides FT and Kronin are scum.

You're the most probable candidate to be one. You voted on very slim evidence like the others, but Amys and ? are pretty new, don't really have a handle on what is lynch-worthy evidence. Whereas Bergioyn hesitated to vote initially, saying he was suspicious of me and FT, that he wanted to hear more details, then finally voted and said he'd unvote when my mason buds confirmed, you voted after him, taking me to L-1 and didn't unvote even when DK warned you so, nor were you likely not to have realized a bandwagon vote was underway.

Evidence for lynches isn't about quality or quantity, it's about relativity. If I have slim evidence against you and no evidence against anyone else, you're most likely going to get my vote.

My vote took you to L-2, not L-1. Had I known ? was going to vote less than two minutes after me, I might have considered holding back. I did Unvote the next time I logged in, as per your request so you could offer your defense.

Throughout you've seemed primarily interested in just getting a lynch, yet while others who did vote have potential clear reasons, you really do not:

Right, so people without specific role-related information shouldn't be trying to catch scum?

FT - copped me, thought I was suspicious and clearly after getting the result took the more sinister interpretation of all my actions

Kronin - Tracked FT, knew he'd done something to me and knew he'd HC'd me guilty, must have seriously considered FT was the cop, his first reaction to the claim was genuine in my opinion, then he thought about how improbable three fully working investigators (now 4) was and wanted time, unvoted

? - I pushed on him pretty hard early today as a possible scummer, yet with every reasonable chance as townie or scummer busser to have finished off the lynch by simply resending with a colon, he never has, even though he posted before anyone else unvoted. Had he been scum and just wanted me dead, regardless of alignment, from bussing or a desire to kill a townie, he had it right there without any realistic chance of repercussion beyond what he'd already have gotten by voting in the first place. He's also fairly new, and not steeped in a lot of our tactics, as reveale dby his responses during my grilling of him, I don't think he'd bee too likely to 'bus' me. He might be scum and me townie, but he's an even worse case for bussing than others, and if scum, too easy to just repeat the vote.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if you and ? were Skrull together. You were each masons in different groups. He joined you in voting for a no-lynch. You might say you "pushed on him pretty hard" but your case was actually pretty weak and never could have gone anywhere. It easily could have been designed to create separation between the two of you.

Then there was his not-quite-vote... His post afterwards seemed to be one of indignation, but as you say, he never corrected it to make his vote count, although he could have easily done so. As ridiculous as it sounds, I could almost believe that you worked out the colon thing ahead of time.

Amys - Just gone right now, my nominal hammer vote, I'd like to hear from her but if she doesn't open up my Coin Game Bid pretty soon we'll have to assume she's gone, who vote off, etc. She's new too, not likely to rapid bus someone if she saw it, but that new status excuses jumping on a bandwagon without realizing the repercussions, though she's pretty high on my list too

Bergioyn - He unvoted, has voted since, was very dubious about the evidence and voted after FT pushed on him, offering himself as Day 3 lynch if I died town.

So, with at least one scummer in the vote mix for me even if I were scum, you had the least reason as town to vote, and you've now expressed an intent to kill FT if I come up town even though every shred of proof indicates he's town.

I really don't think that will be an issue anyway.

Your also trying to end the day early when we should be trying to make it so our investigators can narrow down who to target tonight from the list of 5 voters besides FT, makes no sense.

Reading their posts, our investigators already know who they're targeting. There may very well be scum that voted for you even if you are Skrull, but there are probably more who didn't.
Reply to message
RAFO Mafia 19: Superlative Crisis! ISSUE TWO: BLACK MAGIC- WHOA, MAN! - 03/11/2010 04:59:59 AM 2576 Views
Voting record- Isaac has been lynched - 03/11/2010 05:02:04 AM 862 Views
I see two avenues to discuss here - 03/11/2010 11:41:14 AM 793 Views
I was thinking about number 1. - 03/11/2010 10:00:57 PM 811 Views
Same, it's a promising possible lead but... - 04/11/2010 01:15:44 AM 830 Views
Re: Same, it's a promising possible lead but... - 05/11/2010 08:04:09 PM 846 Views
Regarding 2, and let me suggets a 3 - 04/11/2010 02:30:41 AM 865 Views
Maybe he did that thing where he pulled all actions to himself. - 04/11/2010 03:08:40 AM 881 Views
Hmmm - 04/11/2010 08:34:34 PM 1288 Views
Me. *NM* - 04/11/2010 08:35:09 PM 477 Views
Re: Hmmm - 05/11/2010 08:11:24 PM 927 Views
Re: Hmmm - 05/11/2010 08:33:02 PM 805 Views
I, personally, agree with Isaac so here goes. - 04/11/2010 11:33:07 PM 791 Views
O.......K.......... - 05/11/2010 11:43:14 PM 768 Views
Did Fist use his power last Night? - 06/11/2010 03:41:05 AM 803 Views
It's one of three plausible explanations for his death - 06/11/2010 04:53:19 AM 794 Views
Re: It's one of three plausible explanations for his death - 06/11/2010 05:30:00 PM 777 Views
Re: It's one of three plausible explanations for his death - 06/11/2010 07:15:11 PM 827 Views
Well. - 06/11/2010 07:40:33 PM 757 Views
LOL - 07/11/2010 03:10:03 AM 817 Views
Re: LOL - 07/11/2010 08:18:21 AM 791 Views
Nice - 07/11/2010 05:31:43 PM 798 Views
Re: It's one of three plausible explanations for his death - 07/11/2010 08:18:16 AM 878 Views
Re: It's one of three plausible explanations for his death - 07/11/2010 03:38:37 PM 831 Views
Re: It's one of three plausible explanations for his death - 07/11/2010 06:42:10 PM 865 Views
Huh, well Fox straight up told us his Mason group was a 3rd Fraction on Night 1 - 11/11/2010 12:55:50 AM 831 Views
Yeah that was humorous to watch - 11/11/2010 04:16:34 AM 856 Views
Re: It's one of three plausible explanations for his death - 07/11/2010 06:16:29 PM 882 Views
Re: It's one of three plausible explanations for his death - 07/11/2010 07:16:20 PM 822 Views
Re: It's one of three plausible explanations for his death - 07/11/2010 09:29:12 PM 900 Views
Right. One last thing then. - 08/11/2010 07:35:39 AM 871 Views
Re: Right. One last thing then. - 08/11/2010 10:24:06 AM 839 Views
I am about 95% sure that WF targeted me last Night. - 11/11/2010 01:04:34 AM 790 Views
Re: I am about 95% sure that WF targeted me last Night. - 11/11/2010 02:23:14 AM 941 Views
- 11/11/2010 02:25:58 AM 643 Views
Of course, I meant Fist. - 11/11/2010 02:30:10 AM 813 Views
Interesting. - 11/11/2010 02:25:07 AM 845 Views
It's certainly possible. - 11/11/2010 02:39:00 AM 834 Views
Now I'm curious - 11/11/2010 03:33:46 AM 874 Views
Presumably because I'm not trying to get her lynched. - 11/11/2010 03:53:54 AM 876 Views
Yeah, this basically. - 11/11/2010 04:02:47 AM 840 Views
A lot of recent games have been role-heavy. - 11/11/2010 09:12:42 PM 861 Views
I actually don't know. - 06/11/2010 11:43:33 AM 798 Views
Yeah, I'm going with that #3 there. - 04/11/2010 05:41:04 AM 868 Views
Re: Yeah, I'm going with that #3 there. - 04/11/2010 04:18:17 PM 886 Views
a scummer got caught on day one in the tower game - 04/11/2010 06:42:15 PM 855 Views
also there was that time someone said they saw a black light instead of white - 04/11/2010 07:52:41 PM 853 Views
That was Hobo in DK's crossover game. *NM* - 04/11/2010 08:16:07 PM 466 Views
You know we could just forget about that. I wouldn't complain. *NM* - 05/11/2010 08:35:03 PM 506 Views
Sorry, not likely. *NM* - 05/11/2010 09:58:36 PM 540 Views
Hypocop? *NM* - 03/11/2010 03:20:17 PM 515 Views
Sure. Isaac = Skrull. *NM* - 04/11/2010 05:42:45 AM 436 Views
? = hero *NM* - 04/11/2010 09:40:40 AM 466 Views
Bergioyn - Skrull *NM* - 04/11/2010 12:57:53 PM 453 Views
Isaac - skrull *NM* - 04/11/2010 01:05:38 PM 467 Views
Yunalesca = hero *NM* - 04/11/2010 03:26:53 PM 427 Views
Ranagrande = hero. *NM* - 04/11/2010 03:55:14 PM 588 Views
Hobo - Innocent + read this before you HC if you haven't already - 04/11/2010 08:25:26 PM 794 Views
On which to pick for oddballs - 04/11/2010 08:28:25 PM 752 Views
Darth Katie-Skrull *NM* - 04/11/2010 08:39:00 PM 503 Views
Fox - hero *NM* - 04/11/2010 08:46:07 PM 418 Views
I SPLOG'd Darth_Katie and found her not Skrull. *NM* - 05/11/2010 07:50:35 PM 487 Views
Hypocop (Table) - 04/11/2010 06:02:51 AM 775 Views
Before I forget RBIRL - 04/11/2010 04:19:20 PM 824 Views
still RBIRL - 05/11/2010 08:13:35 PM 797 Views
still here! - 06/11/2010 06:35:44 PM 731 Views
RBIRL - exams ... - 08/11/2010 12:24:06 AM 752 Views
After Tuesday I will be back in full force. *NM* - 11/11/2010 05:20:49 PM 472 Views
RBIRL *NM* - 09/11/2010 03:33:18 PM 432 Views
I'm here. - 09/11/2010 04:51:58 PM 843 Views
So help me I will spoil the entirety of ToM, people! (not just yet, though) - 10/11/2010 02:51:46 AM 746 Views
Ahhhhh!! No! - 10/11/2010 04:38:51 AM 757 Views
i'm awake *NM* - 10/11/2010 09:48:06 AM 478 Views
I'm pretty sure if you do, you'll be lynched. *NM* - 10/11/2010 09:19:43 PM 479 Views
Or worse. - 10/11/2010 10:51:52 PM 782 Views
I can't be lynched! Bwahahah *NM* - 10/11/2010 11:38:04 PM 515 Views
but lynching the mod is fun! - 11/11/2010 03:35:51 AM 789 Views
I'm still here, btw. - 11/11/2010 09:32:46 AM 785 Views
I'm not reading ToM - 12/11/2010 02:11:48 AM 788 Views
i'm not either - 12/11/2010 10:03:44 AM 760 Views
You know, you guys are free to discuss things on your own. - 12/11/2010 07:05:51 PM 723 Views
Vote: No Lynch - 13/11/2010 12:24:43 AM 847 Views
We can do that? - 13/11/2010 12:50:57 AM 762 Views
Vote: No lynch *NM* - 13/11/2010 12:51:20 AM 438 Views
Sure, I'll allow Vote: No Lynch *NM* - 13/11/2010 12:51:56 AM 417 Views
I am very much opposed to this idea - 13/11/2010 02:04:27 PM 765 Views
I do agree with you... - 13/11/2010 05:36:38 PM 739 Views
Then offer an alternative - 13/11/2010 11:10:42 PM 819 Views
Why is an inactive likely to be a townie? - 14/11/2010 04:03:35 AM 746 Views
Re: Why is an inactive likely to be a townie? - 14/11/2010 04:21:12 AM 838 Views
I had no RBIRL because my computer died. - 14/11/2010 06:52:56 AM 732 Views
Ah, I see you did unvote. Very well. I still got my eye on you. *NM* - 14/11/2010 06:55:30 AM 422 Views
LOL - I guess this is also my informal defense - 14/11/2010 08:52:56 AM 818 Views
Watch the difference between what he says and what he is accused of. - 14/11/2010 07:08:08 PM 708 Views
These are very good points. *NM* - 14/11/2010 08:35:56 PM 433 Views
Yes. Vote: Isaac *NM* - 14/11/2010 08:38:38 PM 492 Views
Yup. Unvote: No lynch. Vote Isaac *NM* - 14/11/2010 10:06:19 PM 521 Views
After this whole argument I've had with FT... - 13/11/2010 11:42:32 PM 775 Views
Re: After this whole argument I've had with FT... - 13/11/2010 11:53:56 PM 811 Views
People who vote for totally random lynches don't deserve to win - 14/11/2010 03:43:14 AM 751 Views
Re: People who vote for totally random lynches don't deserve to win - 14/11/2010 02:23:04 PM 923 Views
I'm completely on F-T's side of this debate. - 14/11/2010 03:56:32 AM 788 Views
Vote: Isaac - 13/11/2010 11:58:56 PM 865 Views
Re: Vote: Isaac - 14/11/2010 03:02:15 AM 764 Views
Re: Vote: Isaac - 14/11/2010 04:02:30 AM 847 Views
What was scummy? - 14/11/2010 04:10:12 AM 880 Views
Re: What was scummy? - 14/11/2010 05:41:44 AM 801 Views
Extrmely thin - 14/11/2010 06:05:32 AM 956 Views
You're kidding, right? - 14/11/2010 06:44:50 AM 761 Views
Actually... - 14/11/2010 06:55:02 AM 859 Views
Re: Actually... - 14/11/2010 07:44:33 AM 811 Views
I'm saying that no, it isn't quite anti-town... - 14/11/2010 04:34:59 PM 618 Views
A SK hurts both the Mafia and the Town - 14/11/2010 05:38:29 PM 783 Views
Re: Actually... - 14/11/2010 07:00:35 PM 805 Views
I must say, I'm a little suspicious of Isaac now. - 14/11/2010 07:03:46 PM 821 Views
Fine. - 14/11/2010 07:10:19 PM 814 Views
Re: Fine. - 14/11/2010 08:07:02 PM 728 Views
Forget my earlier message. Vote: Isaac - 14/11/2010 08:35:49 PM 857 Views
Vote: Isaac - 14/11/2010 10:04:53 PM 708 Views
I think he is at L-1 now. - 14/11/2010 11:02:33 PM 800 Views
Hmmm - 14/11/2010 11:05:08 PM 841 Views
Did you guys just blitz me? - 14/11/2010 11:35:58 PM 842 Views
Your not hammered yet are you? - 14/11/2010 11:46:29 PM 778 Views
I'm potentially alive on a technicality - 15/11/2010 12:02:36 AM 695 Views
Why don't you go ahead and claim then? - 15/11/2010 12:11:03 AM 787 Views
Sure - 15/11/2010 12:34:34 AM 753 Views
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm... - 15/11/2010 02:13:23 AM 862 Views
Well, let me shed a bit more light - 15/11/2010 04:22:36 AM 821 Views
Unvote: Isaac *NM* - 16/11/2010 09:26:09 PM 505 Views
Oh come one really? *NM* - 15/11/2010 02:06:56 AM 478 Views
Come on. That said come on not one....sigh... *NM* - 15/11/2010 02:07:46 AM 435 Views
Hey, I'm hanging on by my fingertips here - 15/11/2010 02:33:03 AM 719 Views
I think so. - 15/11/2010 01:25:46 AM 761 Views
Also, I must confess... - 15/11/2010 01:32:44 AM 777 Views
Re: Also, I must confess... - 15/11/2010 01:58:26 AM 906 Views
Yes, I would expect so. - 15/11/2010 02:22:06 AM 716 Views
Re: Yes, I would expect so. - 15/11/2010 02:35:49 AM 822 Views
Oh man, was that game embarrassing. - 15/11/2010 03:24:16 AM 877 Views
Yeah, not my best performance either *NM* - 15/11/2010 03:56:09 AM 414 Views
Re: I think so. - 15/11/2010 01:46:38 AM 714 Views
Eh, I guess I could. - 15/11/2010 02:24:23 AM 788 Views
I'll try to help Isaac out a bit here. - 15/11/2010 01:11:11 PM 670 Views
Thanks, and a question too - 15/11/2010 01:30:17 PM 713 Views
Answer's no. *NM* - 15/11/2010 01:42:56 PM 444 Views
All right, thanks - 15/11/2010 02:17:27 PM 860 Views
Well, I'll unvote if the third mason comes forward too. *NM* - 15/11/2010 03:30:36 PM 462 Views
I'm the third member. *NM* - 15/11/2010 07:04:24 PM 408 Views
Okay. Unvote: Isaac *NM* - 15/11/2010 09:36:19 PM 436 Views
Tangential side post - 15/11/2010 02:00:54 PM 842 Views
Jeez, when it rains, it pours - 15/11/2010 10:34:54 PM 684 Views
OK, the ruling: - 15/11/2010 11:26:42 PM 761 Views
I also unvoted a while back. - 16/11/2010 12:57:07 AM 793 Views
OK Isaac - 15/11/2010 11:14:45 PM 736 Views
Okay, first lets do something else - 16/11/2010 01:24:25 AM 818 Views
I see two thematic options - 16/11/2010 02:22:00 AM 839 Views
My Defense Posts - 16/11/2010 04:16:41 AM 754 Views
Defense A: The Fantastic Four - 16/11/2010 04:31:11 AM 777 Views
Some supporting evidence - 16/11/2010 05:29:14 AM 770 Views
Re: Some supporting evidence - 16/11/2010 11:35:31 PM 788 Views
Defense B: The Numbers Game - 16/11/2010 04:36:59 AM 777 Views
"What motive would a scummer have"? - 16/11/2010 05:56:04 PM 750 Views
Without any further questions though? - 16/11/2010 11:51:42 PM 807 Views
If you see an avalanche coming, you hop on board (NOT a metaphor). - 17/11/2010 12:12:31 AM 742 Views
Good point. - 17/11/2010 01:29:11 AM 825 Views
Re: "What motive would a scummer have"? - 17/11/2010 02:48:35 AM 806 Views
I think boredom might be a large factor as well - 17/11/2010 12:58:45 AM 783 Views
Re: I think boredom might be a large factor as well - 17/11/2010 03:16:12 AM 744 Views
I said before I have no real reason to trust him - 17/11/2010 01:13:23 PM 772 Views
Defense C: The Intro Flavor - 16/11/2010 04:41:31 AM 887 Views
Eh ... - 16/11/2010 10:00:21 PM 730 Views
Re: Eh ... - 17/11/2010 02:33:27 AM 799 Views
Yes, well when the clues are so easily misinterpreted - 17/11/2010 03:54:37 AM 777 Views
Re: Yes, well when the clues are so easily misinterpreted - 17/11/2010 04:56:51 AM 739 Views
We'll take a look at that in turn, but first... - 16/11/2010 07:01:22 AM 836 Views
Re: We'll take a look at that in turn, but first... - 16/11/2010 01:40:21 PM 737 Views
Yes, that was it. - 16/11/2010 09:05:04 PM 765 Views
Re: Yes, that was it. - 17/11/2010 02:55:58 AM 779 Views
Not at all. - 17/11/2010 03:04:50 AM 797 Views
Well, that's a borderline lie - 17/11/2010 04:29:47 AM 836 Views
How do you figure? - 17/11/2010 05:46:37 AM 739 Views
I'd say its pretty pertinent to my defense - 17/11/2010 06:49:20 AM 728 Views
Okay ??? - 17/11/2010 06:56:06 AM 713 Views
All right, fair enough. - 17/11/2010 07:19:37 AM 853 Views
Thanks for whakcing me before going to bed - 17/11/2010 07:39:58 AM 760 Views
By the way, I'd appreciate if no one had hammer till FT has a chance to reply and vice-versa - 17/11/2010 07:46:18 AM 742 Views
Yeah, I'm pretty much ready to vote for you. - 17/11/2010 06:38:50 PM 768 Views
Try this option - 17/11/2010 08:03:25 AM 736 Views
There are a lot of bizarre roles in this game. - 17/11/2010 06:35:24 PM 806 Views
Also can't help but point out - 17/11/2010 08:15:51 AM 880 Views
Yeah, this is completely expected. - 17/11/2010 06:49:03 PM 786 Views
I have evidence in favor of and yet against F-T's claim. Take it as you will. - 17/11/2010 07:18:35 PM 832 Views
Slight EBWOP - 17/11/2010 07:20:58 PM 835 Views
Re: Slight EBWOP - 17/11/2010 07:24:34 PM 727 Views
Eh? - 17/11/2010 07:30:42 PM 794 Views
Oh, I get ya - 17/11/2010 07:36:44 PM 733 Views
I did not know I had been tracked. - 17/11/2010 07:44:00 PM 760 Views
Uh, that doesn't make a lot of sense - 17/11/2010 07:22:59 PM 779 Views
That's fair. Sanity can actually be called into question now. - 17/11/2010 07:26:34 PM 748 Views
This discussion should probably extend a bit - Unvote *NM* - 17/11/2010 07:27:16 PM 531 Views
Re: That's fair. Sanity can actually be called into question now. - 17/11/2010 08:01:20 PM 826 Views
Actually that sounds a good plan - 17/11/2010 08:06:50 PM 731 Views
Glad to hear you agree with yourself - 17/11/2010 08:14:42 PM 842 Views
You've already claimed. - 17/11/2010 08:43:43 PM 855 Views
Don't want a claim, not to claim. - 17/11/2010 08:50:29 PM 752 Views
More talking about encryption than reveal - 17/11/2010 09:08:58 PM 807 Views
I don't think so. - 17/11/2010 08:09:22 PM 769 Views
Agreed. *NM* - 17/11/2010 08:52:49 PM 422 Views
All right then. - 17/11/2010 12:27:49 AM 848 Views
Vote: Isaac - 17/11/2010 12:45:26 AM 746 Views
Re: Vote: Isaac - 17/11/2010 02:05:03 AM 781 Views
Re: Vote: Isaac - 17/11/2010 03:12:21 AM 852 Views
Oh and also, just to let you all know - 17/11/2010 01:03:30 AM 760 Views
:/ Wanna mention this before I forget. Little niggling that's been bugging me. - 17/11/2010 03:03:27 AM 759 Views
Hah. I'd forgotten about that. - 17/11/2010 03:35:21 AM 801 Views
Aaand... my suspicions of you are cleared. *NM* - 17/11/2010 03:42:06 AM 512 Views
Ah yes, I noticed that as well - 17/11/2010 04:08:15 AM 748 Views
I just caught that - 17/11/2010 04:53:16 AM 871 Views
No, I don't mean Cop. - 17/11/2010 05:29:36 AM 780 Views
Re: No, I don't mean Cop. - 17/11/2010 05:34:46 AM 787 Views
Yeah, this I'm keeping for tomorrow. - 17/11/2010 05:39:56 AM 760 Views
Re: Yeah, this I'm keeping for tomorrow. - 17/11/2010 06:52:39 AM 632 Views
I trust him because of the way he's been acting. - 17/11/2010 06:30:26 PM 840 Views
Re: I trust him because of the way he's been acting. - 17/11/2010 07:09:14 PM 849 Views
Complete sidetrack. - 17/11/2010 07:28:31 PM 852 Views
Re: Complete sidetrack. - 17/11/2010 07:33:51 PM 732 Views
Ask Katie. - 17/11/2010 08:00:16 PM 831 Views
My tenuous grasp of the English language. - 17/11/2010 08:47:23 PM 741 Views
Well this has all been very interesting. - 17/11/2010 04:48:20 PM 729 Views
In the interests of honesty, now would probably be a good time to mention ... - 17/11/2010 09:22:14 PM 773 Views
What the balls? - 17/11/2010 09:52:04 PM 779 Views
My role is a hybrid ... - 17/11/2010 10:07:39 PM 699 Views
Aye. What else can Hawkeye do? - 17/11/2010 10:10:46 PM 794 Views
Re: What the balls? - 17/11/2010 10:17:00 PM 796 Views
RBIRL - 17/11/2010 10:36:13 PM 834 Views
Quick note- make sure your vote is counted - 18/11/2010 01:09:22 AM 776 Views
I unvoted. - 18/11/2010 01:39:20 AM 807 Views
I still only see one way for this day to end - 18/11/2010 02:02:03 PM 741 Views
You're right, and I'm tired of waiting. - 18/11/2010 03:11:30 PM 934 Views
Re: I still only see one way for this day to end - 18/11/2010 03:18:50 PM 712 Views
Re: I still only see one way for this day to end - 19/11/2010 03:48:52 PM 758 Views
Your accusation on ? seems a little unrealistic - 19/11/2010 06:34:54 PM 754 Views
I'd also like to point out that we know nothing about you - 18/11/2010 03:37:08 PM 730 Views
i don't know much about comics but - 18/11/2010 05:45:10 PM 779 Views
Re: i don't know much about comics but - 18/11/2010 05:49:54 PM 726 Views
They're also Marvel characters - 18/11/2010 06:30:11 PM 782 Views
LOL, duly noted - 18/11/2010 06:48:08 PM 797 Views
So what? So was Iron Man, kinda. *NM* - 18/11/2010 06:54:37 PM 450 Views
Well, many have been - 18/11/2010 07:10:00 PM 804 Views
Beast is really surprisingly un-beastly. - 18/11/2010 06:28:15 PM 813 Views
Sure - 18/11/2010 06:42:01 PM 788 Views
I'm just saying, you're jumping to conclusions. - 18/11/2010 06:50:44 PM 727 Views
I'm hardly alone in that - 18/11/2010 07:05:56 PM 777 Views
No, I think I'll leave it at that for now. - 19/11/2010 02:04:09 PM 754 Views
Hello All - 20/11/2010 12:40:13 AM 819 Views
Wow, I'm sorry to hear that - 20/11/2010 12:13:12 PM 722 Views
Yikes! - 20/11/2010 05:45:36 PM 747 Views
Here's where I stand now - 20/11/2010 12:18:36 PM 793 Views
Yeah, I pretty much agree with Fox. - 20/11/2010 12:42:01 PM 874 Views
I'll be gone this weekend. *NM* - 20/11/2010 06:14:00 PM 490 Views
I don't know what to do. - 20/11/2010 09:30:04 PM 755 Views
Here! here! - 22/11/2010 12:07:31 AM 810 Views
Alright, to hell with this. Let's test F-T's sanity. Vote: Isaac *NM* - 21/11/2010 08:29:53 PM 492 Views
Ah, the frustration vote, normally my best friend - 21/11/2010 09:58:18 PM 769 Views
OK, here's a question for beet: - 21/11/2010 10:37:08 PM 760 Views
You're not suggesting we lynch F-T instead of Isaac, are you? - 21/11/2010 11:17:19 PM 764 Views
But we do get information - 22/11/2010 12:17:20 AM 782 Views
<-- Btw, first time I got the hammer vote. My life is now complete. *NM* - 22/11/2010 12:20:53 AM 470 Views
Well, congrats *NM* - 22/11/2010 12:32:34 AM 502 Views
Since this is a first for both of us... - 22/11/2010 12:35:29 AM 758 Views
You gave us a good run. - 22/11/2010 03:45:57 AM 753 Views
Yeah, it was a good siege - 22/11/2010 04:10:01 AM 761 Views
Can you explain this LyLo again? - 21/11/2010 11:32:10 PM 855 Views
It's a reasonable possibility - 22/11/2010 12:31:00 AM 747 Views
Re: Ah, the frustration vote, normally my best friend - 21/11/2010 11:45:07 PM 888 Views
Isaac wonders how he could be lynched without scum involvement... - 22/11/2010 12:00:31 AM 725 Views
Well, his "allies" openly iclude me and Hobo - 22/11/2010 12:19:20 AM 815 Views
Isaac has been lynched! - 22/11/2010 03:10:01 AM 676 Views
*NM* - 22/11/2010 03:39:53 AM 417 Views
I can't help but feel a silver bullet would have been appropriate - 22/11/2010 04:11:13 AM 655 Views
I might just mount your head on my wall . - 22/11/2010 05:09:45 AM 848 Views
I consider myself an integral part in this group. - 22/11/2010 05:27:12 AM 829 Views
Ooh, what do I get? *NM* - 22/11/2010 06:03:07 AM 421 Views
His silver tongue *NM* - 22/11/2010 06:09:22 AM 465 Views
*NM* - 22/11/2010 06:45:27 AM 403 Views
- 22/11/2010 04:24:44 AM 728 Views
So you killed him while I was a sleep? I wanted to hammer.... - 22/11/2010 07:55:41 AM 733 Views
I may have to ignore my gut from now on. *NM* - 22/11/2010 06:39:48 PM 483 Views
Woohoo! Classes are cancelled!! - 23/11/2010 06:44:12 PM 778 Views

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