Active Users:267 Time:21/09/2024 12:23:18 AM
I don't think that's his sole premise but it's also quite true Isaac Send a noteboard - 07/01/2013 07:05:20 PM
sorry, i don't think "let's just give up" is a viable strategy for preventing gun violence....

'Let's not give up' always sounds like a good cheer unless the cause sucks or is actually hopeless. I happen to think both are true, sucky and hopeless, but you're making an emotional appeal while using the term 'viable', like 'practical', when I can think of few things further from practical then seizing existing firearms. There are more guns then cars and they're very easily concealed on someone's property even if we were willing to turn out the police and/or military to search everyone's house one by one in detail. There is such a thing as realism, even if I thought we should confiscate all firearms I can barely imagine the sort of manpower we'd need to seize them all or how many billions of dollars would be needed to do a 'buy back' for those willing or how much more for those searches. Prohibitions have not worked very well in this country.
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein

King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
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Poll: 54 percent view NRA favorably - 28/12/2012 04:23:35 AM 959 Views
Hahahaha. That is full of shit. OMG. Thanks for the laughs. *NM* - 28/12/2012 06:30:08 AM 400 Views
I have this to say about that... - 28/12/2012 07:10:52 AM 755 Views
That was rather long but probably one of the best things I've read this year - 28/12/2012 02:31:24 PM 534 Views
Excellent article by a knowledgable individual armed with facts. *NM* - 28/12/2012 04:36:23 PM 264 Views
See my response to Novo. - 28/12/2012 06:28:00 PM 625 Views
please cite the errors, manipulations, or lies. - 28/12/2012 09:30:28 PM 572 Views
Great read, thanks for posting! *NM* - 28/12/2012 05:52:29 PM 266 Views
Thanks for posting that, I enjoyed it a lot - 29/12/2012 01:36:33 AM 539 Views
his premise is "there's already too many guns so why bother trying anything at all now" - 07/01/2013 06:27:20 PM 609 Views
I don't think that's his sole premise but it's also quite true - 07/01/2013 07:05:20 PM 638 Views
i think you're missing a piece of the puzzle - 07/01/2013 07:23:02 PM 558 Views
I'm not missing it, I just don't think it's wise or especially moral - 07/01/2013 09:36:05 PM 602 Views
moral has nothing to do with it, imho - 07/01/2013 11:26:00 PM 654 Views
Re: moral has nothing to do with it, imho - 08/01/2013 05:40:46 AM 517 Views
last thoughts..... - 08/01/2013 05:18:35 PM 544 Views
Well I was referring more to the timing of collecting data. - 29/12/2012 04:28:01 AM 736 Views
Is that the same Gallup that said 54% of America would vote Romney? - 28/12/2012 06:15:43 PM 657 Views
Once again data is data.....feel free to cite other polling data. *NM* - 28/12/2012 06:38:29 PM 283 Views

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