Active Users:131 Time:02/06/2024 06:15:00 PM
You know, what you are hoping for will not make any difference whatsoever..... Anonymous2000 Send a noteboard - 20/03/2013 01:07:58 AM

.....other than make you feel better. There are 300 million guns on the street already. Please look up the following:

"can open, worms everywhere"

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US Senate Democrats - already cave-in on the gun control bill - 19/03/2013 10:44:55 PM 1281 Views
right wingers are always point out there is no point legislating cosmetics - 19/03/2013 11:52:28 PM 698 Views
Late Term Abortion, Terry Schavio? *NM* - 19/03/2013 11:57:25 PM 348 Views
You know, what you are hoping for will not make any difference whatsoever..... - 20/03/2013 01:07:58 AM 548 Views
"if at first you don't succeed..... fuck it...." - 20/03/2013 04:10:47 AM 571 Views
I can agree with some of what you stated, though I prefer "logical" to "right winger" - 20/03/2013 01:56:34 AM 587 Views
you are correct. i forget sometimes that there **is** some common ground here.... - 20/03/2013 04:19:13 AM 532 Views
There'd be more common ground if anything were ever offered in exchange for concessions - 20/03/2013 02:20:26 PM 565 Views
Ben Franklin said it best... - 20/03/2013 04:14:45 PM 565 Views
interesting how that quote always applies to so many things, isn't it? - 20/03/2013 05:14:30 PM 523 Views
Absolutely - 21/03/2013 12:20:45 AM 599 Views
if there have to be concessions, what do you recommend? - 20/03/2013 05:10:53 PM 627 Views
That would depend, something of equal value - 20/03/2013 09:13:23 PM 523 Views
when very little is being given up, how do we determine equal value? - 20/03/2013 10:31:59 PM 800 Views
Outside of legislature people do it all the time, its called negotiation and bargaining - 21/03/2013 10:53:22 AM 553 Views
Re: Outside of legislature people do it all the time, its called negotiation and bargaining - 21/03/2013 07:16:57 PM 603 Views
Re: Outside of legislature people do it all the time, its called negotiation and bargaining - 21/03/2013 08:53:20 PM 694 Views
some answers - 21/03/2013 10:04:45 PM 925 Views
Re: some answers - 21/03/2013 11:33:21 PM 691 Views
Re: the NRA - 22/03/2013 07:44:06 PM 529 Views
This is a matter of POV bias - 22/03/2013 09:04:25 PM 484 Views
we will have to agree to disagree then - 22/03/2013 10:12:02 PM 534 Views
I already knew we disagreed, that's why I suggested bargaining - 22/03/2013 11:11:04 PM 490 Views
i am merely taking the NRA at their word(s) - 23/03/2013 12:13:18 AM 486 Views
Re: i am merely taking the NRA at their word(s) - 23/03/2013 02:04:39 AM 741 Views
i am not trying to sway, just come to an understanding - 23/03/2013 03:03:14 PM 707 Views
I think you've actually managed to widen our gap - 23/03/2013 03:53:55 PM 716 Views
I can see the argument for limiting magazine capapcity but it would be hard to enforce - 20/03/2013 05:11:51 PM 531 Views
It would be a stupid meaningless "feel good" law as changing magazines takes almost no time. *NM* - 21/03/2013 01:05:34 PM 288 Views
I can't argue that - 21/03/2013 06:14:09 PM 545 Views
canada's magazine restrictions are credited with reducing fatalities in a mass shooting - 21/03/2013 07:22:45 PM 615 Views
what is high capacity? - 21/03/2013 11:09:09 PM 504 Views
according to the law, whatever is larger than the legal limit - 21/03/2013 11:31:08 PM 533 Views
There is no gun control, only gun *centralization* - 20/03/2013 05:32:59 PM 578 Views
Regarding guns sold which are used in crimes - 20/03/2013 10:41:21 PM 522 Views
Your specified legal requirements already exist. *NM* - 21/03/2013 02:05:12 AM 263 Views
So what other stipulations would you put into effect? *NM* - 21/03/2013 02:42:53 AM 281 Views
none- I'd simply actually punish criminals instead of trying to "reform" them. *NM* - 21/03/2013 01:13:29 PM 300 Views
Criminals need to be punished AND reformed for their inevitable release back into society *NM* - 21/03/2013 11:58:20 PM 277 Views
I've always been rather partial to the criminal justice system in Heinlein's Starship Troopers novel - 22/03/2013 02:42:09 AM 629 Views
Yeah you're right. Let's just kill everybody who commits a crime - 22/03/2013 02:46:49 AM 532 Views
*NM* - 22/03/2013 10:55:36 AM 300 Views
That's not in Starship Troopers - 22/03/2013 12:51:44 PM 549 Views
Yeah, there was a small number of capital offenses (13 I think), most not specified. - 22/03/2013 05:27:11 PM 527 Views
14 then, he lists stupidity as one in another book - 22/03/2013 07:35:13 PM 568 Views
That's why we NEED to reform prisoners - 22/03/2013 10:33:08 PM 508 Views
It is probably an option we should work harder to develop - 23/03/2013 12:38:33 AM 565 Views
Out of curiosity. Is anyone against background checks at gun shows, and if so, why? *NM* - 21/03/2013 09:38:59 AM 285 Views
Not in principle but somewhat in practice - 21/03/2013 11:25:25 AM 670 Views
For what its worth.... - 21/03/2013 03:13:44 PM 508 Views
Personally, I am worried about criminals with guns. BUT... - 22/03/2013 03:44:47 PM 793 Views
What you are not factoring into your though process is that most criminals feels the same way. - 24/03/2013 12:56:04 PM 818 Views
I realize that can be the case. But... - 25/03/2013 03:32:59 PM 702 Views
Twice I was almost robbed, and my parents were robbed several times. - 26/03/2013 01:35:11 PM 422 Views

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