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Re: To Tip or not to Tip? MightyYT Send a noteboard - 26/02/2010 03:08:46 PM

When you go to a restaurant, do typically tip?
Yes, I usually tip. My tips are generally 20-25% of the meal depending on how much cash I have on hand.
Do you tip a set amount or do you vary based on service quality?
It does very on the quality of service. One time, I took someone out to a very romantic dinner. We both had steak, and hers was supposed to be well-done. It came out rare. We sent it back and it came again medium-rare. This happened 3 more times before it came back well done. I probably would have left a better tip had the waitress not turned into a little bitch after we sent it back the second time. I had gotten up to use the bathroom and over heard her telling someone "I have these customers who keep sending back their dinner. Why won't they just eat it?" Maybe it is because it is not the way we ordered it. Anyways, the meal was supposed to be $150, I paid 50 (her meal was comped, mine was discounted) and left a 1 penny tip with a note that she should pay attention when someone orders and maybe she will tell the cook how the customer wanted their food. That would have been a $40 tip easy...but no...bad service.

Why do you tip or choose not to?
I will always leave a tip, the size depends on service. I left a tip just a couple of weeks ago at a Mexican restaurant when the waitress mixed up mushroom and shrimp quesodillas. I realized she didn't speak much English but she got it taken care of right away. The rest of her service was great and when I switched to Spanish, she became very grateful.
Pizza delivery, tip the driver?
I leave a standard tip for drivers of $2.00 Not a lot, but the most any pizza delivery has to drive to my place is 2 miles. Oh, and if you forget part of my order, you don't get it.

Castle: This is so weird. I dressed up as him for Halloween.

Beckett: Me too.

~When Castle and Beckett met Gene Simmons.
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To Tip or not to Tip? - 26/02/2010 05:17:47 AM 1239 Views
Yeah, I tip *NM* - 26/02/2010 05:38:26 AM 396 Views
Thank you - 26/02/2010 05:40:39 AM 588 Views
Re: To Tip or not to Tip? - 26/02/2010 05:52:57 AM 629 Views
Re: To Tip or not to Tip? - 26/02/2010 06:39:12 AM 760 Views
He's not exaggerating. - 26/02/2010 03:55:40 PM 972 Views
definitely not exaggerating - 27/02/2010 03:43:12 AM 617 Views
Re: To Tip or not to Tip? - 26/02/2010 11:35:22 PM 553 Views
Re: To Tip or not to Tip? - 27/02/2010 12:05:35 AM 593 Views
a general rule of thumb for tipping delivery folks.... - 27/02/2010 03:36:46 AM 563 Views
Re: a general rule of thumb for tipping delivery folks.... - 27/02/2010 07:22:22 PM 540 Views
Re: I tip unless the service has been very bad. (I'm mostly unemployed.) - 26/02/2010 06:45:01 AM 679 Views
Re: I tip unless the service has been very bad. (I'm mostly unemployed.) - 26/02/2010 06:53:43 AM 752 Views
Re: My dad's a doctor. -- edited because I was overly rude. - 26/02/2010 02:30:40 PM 626 Views
Re: My dad's a doctor. -- edited because I was overly rude. - 26/02/2010 11:58:51 PM 561 Views
I don't tip. It's a cultural thing, it's not common to tip here. *NM* - 26/02/2010 07:05:47 AM 357 Views
It INFURIATES me that tips are reported and taxed - 26/02/2010 07:15:43 AM 661 Views
Oh, and re: Cultural Differences - 26/02/2010 07:18:36 AM 645 Views
No it is just another way of being compensated - 26/02/2010 02:20:37 PM 535 Views
Businesses compensate employees - 27/02/2010 07:08:12 AM 660 Views
except federal law mandates a lower wage for tipped employees - 27/02/2010 10:31:19 AM 598 Views
Yes, I know it's legal. That's why it's infuriating. - 28/02/2010 08:02:53 AM 534 Views
I do carry out just to save money from tipping a driver. - 26/02/2010 07:25:18 AM 583 Views
Thats all I ask - 26/02/2010 11:37:37 PM 530 Views
Re: To Tip or not to Tip? - 26/02/2010 07:46:25 AM 597 Views
do your credit card slips print out a place for tips? - 27/02/2010 04:01:47 AM 648 Views
I used to deliver pizzas.... - 26/02/2010 08:16:29 AM 639 Views
Re: I used to deliver pizzas.... - 26/02/2010 01:39:20 PM 645 Views
Re: I used to deliver pizzas.... - 26/02/2010 11:51:50 PM 603 Views
Re: I used to deliver pizzas.... - 26/02/2010 11:41:24 PM 594 Views
Yeah, that's exactly how it happened in my store - 26/02/2010 11:50:49 PM 602 Views
Sounds like an american problem to me. - 26/02/2010 08:42:09 AM 547 Views
I'm 23, married, and have a baby - 26/02/2010 11:43:26 PM 612 Views
I am sorry. I was not being specific enough. - 27/02/2010 12:12:32 AM 748 Views
i have a physics degree, and i delivered pizza to pay the bills when i was in school - 27/02/2010 03:41:40 AM 555 Views
At least you don't have an English Degree - 27/02/2010 03:43:27 AM 534 Views
my BS in physics is more worthless than your english degree - 27/02/2010 04:03:51 AM 633 Views
Haha, yeah it gives me a couple options - 27/02/2010 04:16:52 AM 687 Views
A master's doesn't really help, either. *NM* - 27/02/2010 10:24:36 AM 289 Views
meh, it's more opportunity than the bachelor's would be - 27/02/2010 10:27:40 AM 551 Views
Considerably - 27/02/2010 01:59:55 PM 555 Views
well... to be honest... - 27/02/2010 11:18:35 PM 563 Views
I'm really not sure what he focused on.... - 27/02/2010 11:32:15 PM 555 Views
There is a guy in my store with a masters in physics - 01/03/2010 03:30:42 PM 602 Views
Definitely tip. - 26/02/2010 08:51:22 AM 745 Views
Re: Definitely tip. - 26/02/2010 01:43:51 PM 530 Views
lol *NM* - 26/02/2010 02:23:07 PM 253 Views
We are required to drop... - 26/02/2010 11:46:15 PM 601 Views
Required to drop.....but realistically.... - 27/02/2010 12:16:18 AM 668 Views
Re: We are required to drop... - 27/02/2010 04:28:38 AM 540 Views
I tip as appropriate and within my means - 26/02/2010 01:49:24 PM 661 Views
I work to EARN my tips - 26/02/2010 11:48:20 PM 771 Views
then good for you - 27/02/2010 02:38:51 AM 524 Views
A tip? Never run with scissors. - 26/02/2010 02:18:47 PM 551 Views
Why the hell is it irritating to tip? - 26/02/2010 02:21:18 PM 607 Views
Why ? Because they are workers. - 27/02/2010 10:51:15 PM 533 Views
Re: Why the hell is it irritating to tip? - 27/02/2010 11:18:47 PM 516 Views
people who hate to tip should stay home and not order in.... - 26/02/2010 02:39:54 PM 522 Views
Re: To Tip or not to Tip? - 26/02/2010 03:08:46 PM 522 Views
The standards are slightly different here - 26/02/2010 03:13:25 PM 642 Views
I tip the barman too - 26/02/2010 03:23:44 PM 576 Views
In America, I tip. In Belgium, I don't. - 26/02/2010 03:29:41 PM 734 Views
Re: To Tip or not to Tip? - 26/02/2010 03:30:11 PM 527 Views
I used to deliver pizza. - 26/02/2010 04:15:22 PM 641 Views
Interestingly... - 26/02/2010 04:44:09 PM 785 Views
Re: Interestingly... - 26/02/2010 05:42:29 PM 576 Views
Re: Interestingly... - 26/02/2010 05:53:36 PM 442 Views
I do tip... - 26/02/2010 04:57:08 PM 516 Views
always tip. *NM* - 26/02/2010 05:20:08 PM 394 Views
Most often in the UK, almost never in NZ. - 26/02/2010 05:32:33 PM 669 Views
Oh yes - 27/02/2010 03:53:59 PM 582 Views
Have you considered a wider base? - 28/02/2010 02:07:23 AM 563 Views
Yes! - 26/02/2010 07:05:26 PM 536 Views
i've been in your place before - 27/02/2010 03:59:59 AM 637 Views
In Israel tipping is almost mandatory - 27/02/2010 03:49:32 PM 723 Views

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