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Where do you think the support for Trump comes from? Cannoli Send a noteboard - 30/12/2019 11:54:33 PM

Re: your first sentence, I'm reminded not for the first time of the scene in The Dark Knight where Alfred tells Batman, about Joker: 'Some men just want to watch the world burn'. That seems like the mentality of most Trump voters, or at least the ones who aren't wealthy enough that they really profit from his policies: it's not about making the US a better place or doing anything to improve their own lives, it's just about sticking it to those damn smug liberals, whatever the cost.

Because no one, anywhere, is doing anything to make the country a better place, just one more conforming to their special interests. The establishment and the system have made it clear that there is no place for people who respect the principles of the law (as opposed to legislation passed by whims of an oligarchic political class), have traditional values, or do not accept being judged by the color of our skin or biological plumbing arrangements, and who don't support tearing down society because certain types of people do not achieve a certain degree of material success.

In general, people like that have other priorities anyway. It's like being a member of a minority religion in a theocratically governed country - anyone who might fix something for the better has to be part of the problem first. If the 2016 election did not prove that the system is rigged against genuine outsiders (Bernie Sanders is as close as you get in the Senate, except for maybe Rand Paul), nothing can. Hillary got shafted by the Democrats' mechanism for ignoring the will of their voters last time (she actually got more primary votes that Obama), so now it was her turn. McCain got his turn in 2008, because he'd been carrying water for the party, regardless of the fact that no conservatives had any use for him whatsoever, and then Romney was all but crowned in 2012, because he was a good soldier and waited his turn, and never mind that with Obamacare being the inciting issue against the incumbent, he was the single worst candidate in the party to run against the eponymous President. Similar to Clinton in 2016, trying to make an issue of Trump's alleged behavioral shortcomings. There was no Democrat eligible to run who had less of a leg to stand on in that regard. But these guys are all colleagues and friends and they protect their own interests and keep the whole thing going. You wonder why we're willing to get popcorn when the fire alarm sounds, instead of shitting our pants? There's also the point that from our point of view, it's not "watching the world burn" because we don't see government as "the world", merely a disproportionately intrusive corner of it.

Basing your decisions on resentment and spite is one thing when it comes to deciding who you support in the Super Bowl,

Because it has about as much relevance to our lives. Win or lose, GOP or Democrat, we're still getting shit on.
but for elections you'd think people might consider a broader perspective than that.

Tell that to, oh, every hardline minority agitator, ever. Tell that to Malcom X, to the Black Panthers, to La Raza and to the people who have been refusing to accept the results of elections they dislike. Who on the one hand, rail against the electoral college every time they lose, but win by a metric that was never considered an acceptable means of choosing a chief executive, and on the other, try to exploit loopholes by trying to persuade electors to betray the trust of their evolved office. How many Republican legislators, EVER, made the scene that the Democrats did in the joint session of Congress to certify the electoral vote, repeatedly stalling the process on plainly spurious and partisan grounds, attempting to introduce oppositional legislation in spite of the increasingly frustrated explanations by the presiding officer, Biden, that a populist crank, elected by the racist population of a couple of city blocks Representative, is not eligible to introduce legislation in a joint session without adult supervision the co-sponsorship of a Senator? And you know Occasionally-Coherent, the Burka Bitches and Pressly are going to be pulling the exact same shit a year from now if the Democrats lose the Presidential election.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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AOC on paid family leave makes what she thinks is a brilliant point. - 14/12/2019 05:29:47 PM 664 Views
Maybe you should go ahead and explain your objection... *NM* - 15/12/2019 01:00:40 AM 97 Views
For what it's worth, if AOC has kids they should be removed from her presence *NM* - 17/12/2019 05:58:40 AM 104 Views
Tom is calling for an abortion of AOCs kids - 17/12/2019 06:34:11 AM 224 Views
Hey now, I respect AOC. I think she should keep her mouth shut cause she's clueless... - 17/12/2019 06:18:58 PM 210 Views
I am sorry but a glib joke about taking someones kid away from them for you just do not like their - 17/12/2019 06:36:25 PM 208 Views
Get a grip Roland - 17/12/2019 06:58:01 PM 212 Views
It was a turn of phrase on the word presence - 17/12/2019 07:26:52 PM 212 Views
Oh for Chrissakes... - 17/12/2019 07:47:10 PM 211 Views
Oh I am for ridiculing AOC stupidity - 17/12/2019 08:10:14 PM 214 Views
I disagree. No one was advocating that. Period. Lighten up. *NM* - 17/12/2019 08:30:43 PM 106 Views
What's wrong with Abortion? How is it different from, say, vaccinations? - 19/12/2019 05:07:38 AM 203 Views
speaking of abortion - 19/12/2019 02:05:18 PM 218 Views
Hey, you sexist, white, cishetero, jerk: Her body, her choice! - 19/12/2019 02:39:11 PM 200 Views
Re: you sexist, white, cishetero, jerk - 19/12/2019 03:21:57 PM 217 Views
Oh for fucks sake. There is no abortion when a baby is crowning. - 20/12/2019 05:27:53 AM 213 Views
I think Tom might know NY law a little better than you. *NM* - 20/12/2019 01:22:39 PM 95 Views
The law is actually even worse than that - 20/12/2019 06:40:27 AM 212 Views
The thing with AOC is the usual problem the Republicans have had the past few years... - 18/12/2019 12:04:21 AM 220 Views
Wrong - 18/12/2019 04:50:56 PM 222 Views
Hyperbole can count as stupidity too - or you want me to believ he doesn't mean a word of it, ever? - 18/12/2019 09:35:36 PM 213 Views
I never got the "hyperbole" defense, honestly... - 19/12/2019 04:00:06 AM 212 Views
The humiliation is the point - 19/12/2019 04:16:50 AM 213 Views
WHO HERE IS A TRUMP SUPPORTER OR VOTER?!?! - 19/12/2019 05:30:11 AM 214 Views
Tom, for starters. I know you aren't. Not entirely clear on mook's exact position. - 19/12/2019 07:05:15 PM 210 Views
Re: Tom, for starters. I know you aren't. Not entirely clear on mook's exact position. - 19/12/2019 09:48:25 PM 227 Views
But impeachment/inquiries is not legislation - 20/12/2019 09:54:19 AM 223 Views
So what, you think what Trump did in that phone call and the months after was fine? - 20/12/2019 05:22:57 PM 190 Views
WHAT WAS WRONG WITH THE PHONE CALL? - 21/12/2019 04:21:59 PM 190 Views
Oh fuck off on the caps - 25/12/2019 02:54:42 PM 200 Views
My position? - 19/12/2019 10:07:22 PM 239 Views
The question was whether or not you're a Trump supporter. Cannoli asked. I am. - 20/12/2019 12:09:43 AM 214 Views
Am I? Only indirectly. - 20/12/2019 02:28:25 AM 216 Views
What a load of BS. - 20/12/2019 05:36:44 AM 211 Views
Please fuck off - 20/12/2019 01:28:10 PM 223 Views
- 21/12/2019 04:33:11 AM 169 Views
How on earth were Reagan and both Bushes not conservatives? - 23/12/2019 10:09:03 PM 202 Views
Cannoli has written about this many times and done a better job than I could. - 23/12/2019 11:39:20 PM 208 Views
I would expect statements like that from Cannoli, yes, but not from you. - 24/12/2019 10:05:49 AM 219 Views
We agree on one point - 24/12/2019 03:26:45 PM 207 Views
Where do you think the support for Trump comes from? - 30/12/2019 11:54:33 PM 184 Views
Did you mean Peter? - 19/12/2019 04:42:53 AM 211 Views

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