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Just one issue... Cannoli Send a noteboard - 02/02/2020 10:57:47 PM

View original post He was easily acquitted by the Democratic controlled Senate, but would never have been convicted even if the 55/45 majority was reversed.

It was a Republican-controlled Senate. The Republicans, as always, demonstrated more bipartisanship than the Democrats, who unanimously voted not guilty, with 10 GOP Senators crossing the lines. In the same vein, it's always GOP appointed Supreme Court justices who vote the other way. All the moderates and swing votes for decades now have come from Republican Presidents. Every Democratic appointee is a reliable far left vote. Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor & Kagan. Where's the bipartisanship in their appointments? Where's the respect for the interests of the other side of the aisle? How much of a fight was put up over any of their nominations? Now tell me with a straight face that Earl Warren, William Brennan, Potter Stewart, Blackmun, Powell, Stevens, Kennedy, O'Connor, Souter, Roberts and Kavanaugh, at least one of whom was appointed by EVERY Republican president since WW2, have been as reliably conservative as the prior quartet have been leftwing.

Although, hilariously, one of the GOP traitors in the Clinton trial was Ted Stevens, who eventually lost his Senate seat by a tiny margin, thanks to bullshit charges filed against him by the FBI, charges which Attorney General ERIC HOLDER, demanded be thrown out, because of shenanigans by the prosecution. The FBI which sprung a weak case on the longest serving member of the US Senate on the eve of an election, giving him no time to defend himself in the court of public opinion, was led at that Robert Mueller. I guess Murkowski learned a lesson from that. BTW, Collins was one of those "not guilty" votes, so it's interesting to see what her standards are. When is the GOP going to get its act together and primary her ass out into the real world, where she's never worked a day in her life?

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Impeachment issue - 02/02/2020 04:06:25 AM 819 Views
The whole thing has been absolutely absurd from start to finish - 02/02/2020 05:46:01 AM 306 Views
Damn that was a good post, freaking well done! - 02/02/2020 09:51:38 PM 306 Views
It seemed a little scattershot to me - 04/02/2020 05:29:51 AM 266 Views
It was a joke and a colossal waste of time and money. - 02/02/2020 09:05:41 PM 269 Views
Just one issue... - 02/02/2020 10:57:47 PM 282 Views
In fairness, if 'the US' had wanted this investigation, Ukraine could've just gotten it over with. - 03/02/2020 07:56:37 PM 267 Views
Well if you want to completely reinvent the US government... - 04/02/2020 01:57:37 PM 293 Views
Yeah, clearly we have a problem of different media environments having different facts here. - 04/02/2020 07:22:43 PM 255 Views
The Constitution specifies impeachment requires, "high crimes and misdemeanors." *NM* - 04/02/2020 08:31:59 PM 135 Views
Those words are in the text, yes. - 04/02/2020 09:26:06 PM 291 Views
2 recent impeachments - 05/02/2020 03:46:36 PM 277 Views
Why do you have to go point by point? - 06/02/2020 09:29:12 PM 296 Views
Re: Russian interference - 07/02/2020 06:08:10 PM 427 Views

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